A pleasant puzzle, two of the definitions are rather vague or loose (3d, 5d) and an unspecified woman makes 20a a rather random exercise. Not much else to add.
UPDATE: it appears (see below comments) that the in-paper version has a different / easier clue for 2 dn – all very odd.
UPDATE: it appears (see below comments) that the in-paper version has a different / easier clue for 2 dn – all very odd.
Across | |
1 | SECURE – CUR = dog is kept inside SEE = understand, def. safe. |
4 | STEPPE – STEP = walk, PE = exercise, def. extensive area of grassland. |
8 | SCARLET RUNNER – Double def., a kind of climbing (runner) bean, and an overheated athlete. |
10 | ENTRY – Double def., not sure why there’s a ? |
11 | ATTACHE – Another double def. The Embassy employee, and the kind of case originally used by same. |
12 | BROADSHEETS – (THE BOSS READS)*, indicated by ‘various’, def. newspapers. |
16 | VILLAGE – V(ery) ILL = bad, AGE = time, def. small community. |
17 | UNITE – UNI (abbr. for university), TE(achers), def. marry. |
18 | NO GREAT SHAKES – Amusing cryptic definition. |
19 | ENTIRE – NT = set of biblical books, inside EIRE = Ireland, def. complete. |
20 | CRANNY – ANN gets stuck in CRY = shout, def. crevice. No obvious reason to think of Ann as an example for woman, but the checkers give you little choice. |
Down | |
1 | SISTER – Hidden word, WARD(S IS TER)RIFYING, def. nurse. |
2 | CHARTER FLIGHT – CHAR = daily, then FRET (worry) reversed = TREF, then LIGHT = land, def. specially-organised air trip. |
3 | RALLY – REALLY = definitely, lacking E = energy, def. long-distance race. Not what I think a rally, is, but I suppose it involves long distances and time trials. |
5 | TRUSTEE – RUST = decline (does it?) inside TEE = support (for golf ball), def. administrator. |
6 | PANIC-STRICKEN – (NICKS IN CARPET)*, def. alarmed. |
7 | EARNER – LEARNER = pupil loses its L = head, def. someone who’ll make money. |
9 | TRANSIENT – TENT = shelter for camper, around (RAINS)*, indicated by ‘unexceptedly’, def. temporary. |
13 | AMATEUR – MATE = colleague, stuck inside A UR (city of old, a chestnut as I mentioned 2 weeks ago), def. unprofessional. |
14 | AVENUE – A VENUE = place to meet, def. boulevard. |
15 | JERSEY – Double def., ‘top’ and the island; and GUERNSEY has too many letters. |
17 | USHER – US = American, HER = female, def. court official. |
“Specially-organised air trip gives daily worry, going over land”.
I can’t buy the print version paper here so have to print-screen to get my hard copy to solve then enter online to check for correct.
There is no ‘a’ in 10ac, it was the query mark I was querying.
I too join the chorus of those who dislike TRUSTEE. All perfectly legit I’m sure, but odd usage of RUST and also agree with faceofboe that the definition is significantly out of whack with the trustees I’ve worked with in various roles.
I thought it is that a mapmaker is a charter and f=abbrev for fine and then land=light as in alight from something.
Found it hard going with not much wit or sparkle – but relieved by a lovely blog from Pip.
COD ATTACHE, LOI BROADSHEETS just couldn’t see it…
Sorry, Flamande, you did not set my world on fire..