Quick Cryptic blogging

Posted on Categories Quick Cryptic
So far we have the following volunteers to blog the new Quick Cryptic:

ianb21, jackkt, mohn2, nick_the_novice, william_j_s, macavity123 and allan_sidcup.

From what I’ve heard it’s initially going to be only Mon-Fri, and may or may not be available on the Crossword Club site (conflicting info so far regarding that, so we’ll have to wait and see). To be on the safe side I’ve given the first one to jackkt, a regular blogger. Sorry to drop you in it John, but you did offer :).

Those of you new to blogging should look out for an invitation which you’ll need to accept in order to get write access to TftT. From what I remember, you just need to reply to the email and you’re in. It would be helpful if you could send me your personal email addresses so I can send you some additional advice, html templates etc.

Proposed schedule for next week:

Monday: jackkt
Tuesday: ianb21
Wednesday: nick_the_novice
Thursday: macavity123
Friday: william_j_s

The following week will involve mohn2 and allan_sidcup, and hopefully a few more volunteers come forward on Monday. If I’ve scheduled you in and you’ve changed your mind or that day’s inconvenient, please let me know a.s.a.p. The idea is for each day to be shared between two bloggers, so you get to do one every other week, but occasionally covering for the other blogger if they’re on holiday etc. That’s how it’s worked for us for the last few years anyway.

20 comments on “Quick Cryptic blogging”

  1. If you need extra hands for a short period I’m happy to help out for a few weeks if need be
  2. At midnight + 15 minutes there’s no sign of it online. I’ll try again later but otherwise my Monday blog will have to wait until the shops open. I shall get there eventually though.
    1. It looks like you can access it via the main Times site, though it’s presented in different software and with no timer.
      1. And this software doesn’t seem to break the enumeration out for multi-word answers.
      2. For printing, the puzzle can be found in the online newspaper (replicates printed newspaper), via the “Papers” tab, T2 Page 16. Use the “Snipping Tool” in Windows to produce a graphic in .jpg or other format for direct printing, or inserting in MS Word.
        1. Having got that far you can click on the crossword image and there is actually a print facility for the puzzle on its own. It’s fiddly though and and best done via Print Preview so you can check what you’re about to print.

          This is okay as a temporary work-around but no substitute for the Times getting their act together and providing full access and facilities in the Club area. The e-newspaper doesn’t come up until hours after midnight and the stated intention was to encourage new solvers, not put them off by making them jump over hurdles.

          Edited at 2014-03-10 07:21 am (UTC)

  3. What do you think the odds are that the two cake-walks last week were trial runs, albeit 15×15 instead of 13×13, for the new puzzle?
  4. It seems to be taken for granted that the easier cryptic needs blogging. I imagine that those who don’t see the “why” right away of their unsolved clues will tend to do so on reflection, and that the exercise will be part of their coming to grips with the more testing cryptic world. How about seeing if there’s a call for it?
    1. Well it’s not compulsory read it. I see it as an opportunity to get more people involved in TftT either as contributors or as keen visitors.
  5. Hi linxit

    Sent you a response but think it went to earlier thread (maybe Saturday blog?)

    Anyway, in case you did not receive, bottom line is happy to go for Wednesday blog. Pleaser email me anything I might need at nick.gifford@oriel.com.au (particularly how to actually get stuff onto the site in the standard format – I seem to now have write access, but unsure what happens from there…)

    Thanks for any / all support!


  6. So where is this new crossword in the printed edition? No sign of it in the Irish version at least. What a swizz.
  7. What is the expectation as to what time the blog appears? I’d be happy to help but fear that I might be unable to post early enough.
    1. “By lunchtime” is a kind of unwritten rule, but it obviously depends on circumstances on the day. Anyone scheduled to blog who can’t get it done by then would usually put up a placeholder post so people don’t think they’ve forgotten.

      Let me know if you’re still interested in helping – we have a few more places to fill.

      1. I’d be happy to blog as long as it doesn’t involve ‘post at midnight’ which seems to be the MO of the ‘professional’ bloggers. I’ve just found the quick cryptic on the iPad so happy to join in if before 10am would be acceptable.
        1. Hi Chris, the ‘post at midnight’ thing is generally from overseas solvers who get the next day’s puzzle at 7pm their time, so have all evening. UK based solvers aren’t expected to stay up late to solve and blog (although I think some do, but that’s their choice).

          The only rule I would want you to adhere to is “have something up by lunchtime”, even if it’s just a placeholder. Certainly getting it up by 10am would be perfectly acceptable. It’s not a race after all, it’s a public service run by unpaid volunteers.

          If you want to join the team, send me a personal message with your email address and I’ll give you posting access plus a blogging template and other details you’ll need.


      2. Sorry, I’m afraid that I can’t see how I can fit it round work.

        If circumstances change I’ll let you know. If ever you have a prize one available which allows more time then please consider me.

  8. Hi Nick,

    Sorry, it’s been a really busy day for me (unfortunately I do work for a living too and only really get time to do T4tT stuff at the weekend). However, I’ll email you with details, tips, instructions etc later on this evening (i.e. in about 4 hours or so).


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