Herewith my first attempt at blogging the Quick crossword; please be gentle if there are anomalies in style or formatting! Nothing too troublesome, apart from the terror engendered by a blank grid and the expectation to fill it, something I felt at my first foray into the competition last Saturday. (D-definition)
Across |
1 |
MUSCLE – D:force; homophone (out of one’s mouth) of MUSSEL (seafood) |
4 |
AMELIA – D:girl; hidden word, cAMEL I Acquired |
8 |
STUN GUN – D:weapon; hurt = STUNG, a French = UN |
10 |
SET TO – D:scrap; collection = SET, homophone (it’s said) of TWO = TO |
11 |
ABHOR – D:unable to stand; actual bodily harm = ABH, soldiers = OR |
12 |
PICKLED – D:drunk; digging implement = PICK, was first = LED |
13 |
HONEYCOMB – D:a lot of cavities; dear = HONEY, search = COMB |
17 |
PANACEA – D:remedy; page = P, an expert = AN ACE, with A |
19 |
THYME – D:plant; once belonging to you = THY, and ME |
20 |
TASTE – D:savour; anagram (corruption) of STATE |
21 |
HOODLUM – D:ruffian; anagram (unruly) of LOUD inside HOM(e) |
22 |
NEATEN – D:tidy; nothing at first = N, put away = EATEN |
23 |
CEMENT – D:join; ME, after church = CE, with biblical books = NT |
Down |
1 |
MISHAP – D:accident; one’s = IS, had initially = H, interrupting plan = inside MAP |
2 |
SOUTH CHINA SEA – D:foreign water; anagram of CANOE THUS HAS I |
3 |
LEG IRON – D:shackle; prisoner finally = R, captured by Roman soldiers = inside LEGION |
5 |
MUSIC – D:notes; Greek letter = MU, thus = SIC |
6 |
LITTLE BOY BLUE – D:nursery rhyme; child = LITTLE BOY, risque = BLUE |
7 |
AT ODDS -D:disagreement; a demon barber = A TODD(‘)S |
9 |
NAPPY RASH – D:baby’s discomfort; anagram of ANY SHARP P |
14 |
OUTCOME – D:result; not in = OUT, advance = COME |
15 |
SPOT-ON – D:precise; time = T, inside SPOON |
16 |
HELMET – D:headgear; briefly assist = HEL(P), London police = MET |
18 |
CREPE – D:pancake; hidden word, medioCRE PErhaps |
I wasn’t aware of any problems with this except I lost time getting started and then things didn’t flow as smoothly as on some occasions so I ended up missing my 10-minute target by 2 minutes. Apart from Tracy’s offering on Tuesday this has been a slightly trickier week than average, at least in my view.
Edited at 2015-10-23 06:15 am (UTC)
I don’t remember much of this from this morning, other than trying to drag PICK out of memory. Didn’t know that ABH was an actual abbreviation, which slowed me down some. 7:25.
Apart from Tuesday’s offering I have struggled this week and would second jackkt’s comment. Last in MUSIC and favourite THYME.
Edited at 2015-10-23 10:20 am (UTC)
nice puzzle, which I found rather tricky-hints appreciated
having trouble accessing the site-perhaps Live Journal as a gremlin in the works