It’s 2:30PM UK time so I’m guessing that today’s scheduled blogger is indisposed – hopefully nothing serious. Here’s a quick blog for what wasn’t a difficult puzzle with only maybe 18A not common vocabulary. The usual smooth surfaces from this setter.
Please ask in the comments for any further explanation.
Definitions are underlined.
Across |
7 |
Nick cannot change, not entirely (5) |
NOTCH – hidden (not entirely) in canNOT CHange |
8 |
Express dislike of things worn – children’s footwear (7) |
BOOTIES – BOO (Express dislike of) + TIES (things worn) |
10 |
Book posing question of doctor’s identity? (4,3) |
WHOS WHO – the question being “Who’s Who?”, in reference to Dr Who. |
11 |
Like some unsugared drink in pub (5) |
LOCAL – LO-CAL (Like some unsugared drink, i.e. lo-calorie) |
12 |
Maybe star’s most memorable moment (9) |
HIGHLIGHT – a star could be described as a HIGH LIGHT
14 |
Friend knocking drink back (3) |
PAL – reversal (knocking … back) of LAP (drink) |
15 |
Throw lacking confidence? (3) |
SHY – double definition |
16 |
Uninformed as one suffering power cut? (2,3,4) |
IN THE DARK – the definition is figurative, the wordplay literal |
18 |
Love to cast an eye over nymph (5) |
OREAD – O (Love) + READ (to cast an eye over). An oread is a mountain nymph – worth remembering along with dryad (tree nymph) and naiad (river nymph). |
20 |
Unreliable man, bad type at heart (7) |
ERRATIC – RAT (bad type) inside (at heart) ERIC (man) |
22 |
Paid for the last thing, then was in debt (7) |
ENDOWED – END (the last thing) + OWED (was in debt) |
23 |
Put a coat on? (5) |
PAINT – cryptic definition |
Down |
1 |
People following match will understand the situation (4,3,5) |
KNOW THE SCORE – the definition is figurative, the wordplay literal
2 |
Violent sort, no good, starts to lambast you in forceful manner (8) |
STRONGLY – anagram (Violent) of SORT, + NG (no good) + LY (starts to lambast you, i.e. initial letters of Lambast You) |
3 |
Reveal house in South West (4) |
SHOW – HO (house) in SW (South West) |
4 |
Shape of old boy, not short (6) |
OBLONG – OB (old boy) + LONG (not short) |
5 |
Our disturbed character not finishing gambling game (8) |
ROULETTE – anagram (disturbed) of OUR, + LETTEr (character not finishing, i.e. letter without its last, er, letter) |
6 |
Record made by some band is covered (4) |
DISC – hidden (some) in banD IS Covered |
9 |
Likely acts at unconventional US location (4,4,4) |
SALT LAKE CITY – anagram (unconventional) of LIKELY ACTS AT, for the state capital of Utah. |
13 |
Prescribed in odd law needing reform (4,4) |
LAID DOWN – anagram (needing reform) of IN ODD LAW
14 |
Maybe banana worker in flat territory (8) |
PLANTAIN – ANT (worker) in PLAIN (flat territory) |
17 |
Type of clothes that would be quaint on daughter and son (6) |
TWEEDS – TWEE (quaint) + D (daughter) + S (son) |
19 |
You once reflected about Doctor of Divinity: a twister (4) |
EDDY – YE backwards (You once reflected) around DD (Doctor of Divinity) |
21 |
About to grab work to become secure (4) |
ROPE – RE (About) around (to grab) OP (work) |
LOCAL also my favourite.