For those who may not have seen this posted in the Times Crossword Club Forum. The great news is that new puzzles now print in a decent size font with light grey squares. And this applies now to the Quick Cryptic too, for the first time EVER!
Might I suggest that discussion about the changes, particularly if there are problems with the release, be kept to this thread as far as possible for the moment?
New Update (22 Nov 2017)
I am pleased to report that we have just released a new update to the Crossword Club. This will address the following issues:
– Printing: all new puzzles (as of Thursday 23 November) will print with:
– a larger grid
– a larger font for clues
– a lighter shade of grey for the grid
– black lettering for the clues and grid numbers
Existing puzzles in the database will continue to display the old print format pending a future release.
– Archive printing: Next week, we will be making printing available for all archive puzzles that didn’t previously have a Print option. These puzzles will use the new print format.
– Forum ordering:
– On the Forum front page, all categories will now display the three threads that have been most recently commented upon. The two exceptions to this are: (a) when a new puzzle is published the thread for that puzzle will appear at the top of the list; (b) when a competition puzzle becomes available for commenting its thread will appear at the top of the list.
– The Forum pages for the individual categories (Cryptic, Concise, Specialist, General) will also adhere to the same logic as above.
I do hope these changes improve your experience of the site. Thank you for your patience in awaiting this work.
I’d also like to update you on the “spinning wheel” access issues that some of you have experienced. Our development team have been in contact with an affected user. A fix has been found and tested, and we should be rolling this out in a forthcoming release.
Best wishes,
David Parfitt
Puzzles Editor
The centre line down the middle of the clues is quite unnecessary (a throw back to the days of Fleet Street and ‘leading’) and the grid would feel better if it was centred over the clues.
My optician is delighted!
Personally I’m happy with the grid left-aligned, but that’s more to do with having a nice big margin for scrawling my workings-out on the right than any aesthetic sense!
Still I’m happy enough with what we have now, and overjoyed as far as the Quickie is concerned. I disagree with the nit-picking over the dividing line between Across and Down clues as I don’t care one way or the other, and the advantage of not having the grid in the centre is that it leaves a decent amount of blank space for making notes and working things out. None of the puzzles I ever print has the grid in the centre.
Edited at 2017-11-23 06:03 am (UTC)
It is not quite as good as my print under the old system; the clue text is still a little small in relation to the grid size. And I see no need for the vertical line either, not that it really matters. It used not to be there.
But better.
I will look at the forum some time, but have got used to not going there much how
What we desperately need now is the ability to see our submitted answers so we can check them against the solutions published the next week! You must have them, to be able to do marking!!
Thank you, especially for the info on the proportion of postal entries. That’s interesting about the subculture, too, and I can see how that would complicate things. Clearly it’s impossible to please everyone at the moment.
I suspect the Ed’s argument would be a hard sell to a post-millennial (or whatever we call them). It will change …. one day.
(I’m betting that Peter might deserve some thanks, too, so just on form: thank you, too, Peter)
Edited at 2017-11-28 06:14 am (UTC)