Thank you for all the ideas and feedback you’ve been sending us for the new site – we’ll do what we can to incorporate them for launch, and keep on making improvements after launch.
Listening to your comments, we think you’ll particularly like the new features in the interactive puzzles, and the members’ discussion forum, which will be linked to individual puzzles. Quite a few of you have requested interactive Mephisto, which unfortunately we won’t have for launch, but hope to include in a later release.
We’d also love to hear from you about how you use the puzzles on the site – whether you access it once a day or over the course of the day, at home or at work, and whether you’d like to be able access the Club on smartphone devices
We’re looking forward to the new site going live at the end of September, and will be emailing you before it goes live to let you know how to access it. All customers who have live subscriptions at that time will receive a month’s free access added to their subscription to thank you for your loyalty and welcome you to the new Club site.
I’m still intrigued by the popularity of high-speed Mephisto, but maybe the key point is the ability to save a part-solved puzzle rather than have a clipboard on the lounge coffee table. More importantly, I’m very glad to see words like “keep on making improvements after launch”.
We have improved registration to Times Online and associated products. As part of the change, we’ll be asking you to log in using your e-mail address and password rather than your old username and password.”
and has been there nearly as long as I can remember!
The extra month’s membership is also welcome. Thanks to all who kept the pressure up.
The comments I’ve heard from the inside suggest that the new version will be much more reliable, but I guess the proof will have to be in the pudding.
hatmailsack.Maybe I’m too cynical, but an “ancillary” prize structure seems like a way of encouraging people to get overseas relatives or friends to purchase their club membership for them.
The previous (19 August) Bulletin Board entry said “We’ll be sharing some of our ideas with you between then [next month, as of 19 August] and now, and asking for your feedback”, but since the new entry is the first since that 19 August entry, I’m unclear where all the feedback has come from other than you passing on our comments on your earlier posting. Or, since no e-mail address is given other than (which is effectively dead as far as I can tell), where feedback was (and is) supposed to be sent.
I share at least some of your unease. Although I visited the Times offices in August and saw a test system which looked promising, I don’t know how close that test system is to what we’re going to get, how they implemented the parts that were not yet finished, or what they’ve done in response to suggestions I made after seeing the test system.
My memory of the introduction of the new Times and ST newspaper websites was that there was some period of parallel operation before the old sites were taken away, and I had the impression that this would happen with the club site too. I still hope they’ll do it this way, but I’m rather less sure that they will.
Regarding the launch: although the new site will replace the old one, we’ll keep the old one running behind the scenes until we’re happy that the new one is working as well in real life as well as it did in our own tests.
I don’t check this blog every day, so please do continue to contact me via the xcomments email address, but I did want to reply to this to let you know that we are doing everything we can to make the new Club as good as possible, and that we are listening to all comments from users.
Jo Cogan, Times Crossword Club Manager
Have tried emailing help, have tried “live chat”, no help.
Anyone else managed to connect?