New blogging vacancy, and a sub request

Posted on Categories Announcement
Dorsetjimbo was one of our earlier recruits in 2007 (not a founder member, but possibly the longest-serving now apart from myself?), and has decided to finally hang up his blogging boots (well, for the Daily puzzle at least – he’ll still carry on with the Mephisto). So, we need someone for the Daily every other Tuesday, starting from the 19th August.

Also, we need a sub for the Quick Cryptic tomorrow, as macavity’s on holiday this week and won’t be able to do it. Ah, hang on – I’ve just looked at the calendar and it’s already been arranged for jackkt to do it. Thanks guys, makes my life much easier 🙂

12 comments on “New blogging vacancy, and a sub request”

  1. Vale to the Doyen of Bloggers! Your April Fools blog will go down in the annals.
    1. Thank you ulaca. If you ask Andy nicely he may put it into the Memories section of the blog!
  2. I deleted a comment because I hadn’t read to the end of your message about tomorrow. It’s solved and ready to blog anyway.

    Jim and I started the same week so he’s been a blogger 3 days longer than me! I hope he will continue to contribute.

      1. I hope so. Sorry to hear you’re stopping the daily blogs: this place will miss its regular dose of no-nonsense.
      2. I hope so, too. Looking forward to plenty of lively backbench contributions from the Hon. member for Dorsetshire.
      3. Sorry, Jim, it was rude to speak in the 3rd person as if you weren’t likely to see my comment. I shall certainly miss your blogs but if you’re still chipping in with comments, especially when something really needs to be said, that will seem less of a break with the past.
  3. A sad day in blogland, but understandable after 7 years, Jim. The kick for me is still wondering if I can actually solve and parse the puzzle on a blog day, but for you this seems like log-falling-off, except no doubt for the Mephisto. Keep commenting please! And keep sinking those putts.
  4. Ah yes, the poisson d’avril – that was a keeper as the fishing fraternity would say. You had me completely hornswoggled for longer than I care to say. Sorry you’ve decided to take it a bit easier but still looking forward to your comments and your bulletins from the flood plain of the Stour.
  5. Since I’m not up to the Mephisto, I do hope that at least you’ll be commenting here, Jim. Thanks for all those years of blogging.

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