1 Lightly touch, holding palm before a sexy dance (4-4)
PATA-PATA – PAT “holding” ATAP, before A. Miriam Makeba did a version of this sexually suggestive South African dance, in which handsiness is encouraged
5 Tiny insect in lettuce with thick sauce dressing that’s sent back (6)
PSOCID – COS “dressed” in DIP, and reversed. Booklouse or barklouse
9 Exhausted again, chesty? Nothing short of bacterial disease (9)
11 Stoker possibly behind a disused copper (5)
ABRAM – BRAM Stoker the Dracula author, behind A. Shakespearean “auburn”
12 Cornish river skirts capitals and island area of upper Red Lane (7)
FAUCIAL – FAL “skirts” U(pper)C(ase) + I A. Pertaining to the upper part of the throat
13 Soldier only lightly armed: hide or bombard with a stone? (7)
PELTAST – PELT [hide/bombard, take your pick] + A ST. Greek soldier with a “pelta” or light shield
14 After letter, Moody Blues initially support backing tracks involving extremely heavy rock (13)
RHOMBPORPHYRY – after RHO, M{oody} B{lues}; plus reversed PROP [support] + RY [tracks], “involving” H{eav}Y
16 Characters that may be uniquely placed to reveal sinful bastard (6,7)
FILIUS NULLIUS – if you take only the unique characters of the answer, FILUSN, you can anagram those to SINFUL
20 Robespierre’s tied behind the neck to line up for execution (7)
ENQUEUE – EN QUEUE is basically French for “in a ponytail”; double def with the computer science use, enqueuing some tasks
21 Nothing to cover cost of travel to west: coin no longer used (7)
XERAFIN – NIX “covering” FARE, the whole reversed. Formerly currency in Goa
23 Greeting among Canadians, maybe Ontarians primarily? (5)
CHIMO – HI “among” C{anadians} M{aybe} O{ntarians}, &lit, as this is an Eskimo-Aleut greeting
24 Financial centre in period of activity for Brexit, say (9)
SECESSION – EC in SESSION. Most straightforward clue in the puzzle!
25 Wanting love, certain people take advantage of abandoned hole in wall (6)
SMEUSE – S{o}ME USE. Dialect form of meuse or mews
26 Monkey nut? We want to hear about it! (8)
ENTELLUS – EN [nut] + TELL US! The hanuman monkey of India, which apparently resembles Entellus the old Sicilian in Virgil’s Aeneid!
1 Passage in place where mix-up keeps Scots away (6)
PIAFFE – PIE keeps AFF. Dressage manoeuvre
2 Overlapping plates protect one serving of ratatouille (5)
TATOU – in {ra}TATOU{ille}. Some kind of large armadillo
3 Cordial individual almost finished eating chip (7)
PERSICO – PERSO{n} “eating” I(ntegrated)C(ircuit), for this peach cordial
4 Past upturns claimed by sources of finance with credit on thin ice (6-7)
TICKLY-BENDERS – reversed BY “claimed” by LENDERS, with TICK on. Who named thin ice this? I want to find them and shake them by the hand
6 Small boat store in which everything must go (7)
SHALLOP – SHOP, in which ALL
7 Something to drive apart from rise of insidious insecticides (9)
CARBARYLS – CAR [something to drive] BAR [apart from] reversed SLY [insidious]
8 Gas money in the US, superior to your old pounds (8)
DIMETHYL – DIME [10c in the US], above THY L. Ethane
10 Antibiotic agents to curb disease, checking how hysterical, cold and hot (13)
CIPROFLOXACIN – CIA “curbing” POX “checking” ROFL! [how hysterical] + C + IN. ROFL, if you’re too old to know, is Rolling On The Floor Laughing. See also “roflcopter”
14 Bloody fluid used as supplement, forgetting every day remains (9)
RELIQUIAE – RE{d} LIQUI{d} A{dd}E{d}, with all D(ay)s removed.
15 More than one slight burn in the end, covered with hot drinks when head is lowered (8)
OFFENCES – {bur}N, “covered with” COFFEES “lowering” its head to become OFFECES
17 Once abundant in America, robe set off uniform (7)
UBEROUS – in US, (ROBE*) + U
18 Aftersales service shows the reverse of such intemperance (7)
IVRESSE – hidden reversed in {aftersal}ES SERVI{ce}
19 Letter from scripture conveying female ancestor’s spiritual insights (6)
JNANAS – JAS. [the Letter of James, in the Bible] “conveying” NAN
22 Operetta composer, he was most productive around periphery (5)
FRIML – FL{oruit} “around” RIM. Rudolf FRIML, Czech composer, not to be confused with ROFL
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Can we persuade H to actually comment on the puzzle rather that on the perceived lack of responses?
The more the merrier!
This was the first time I had attempted TCMS! I really don’t have the time, the desire, or the vocabulary for this style of ‘cucifixation’.
Doubtless Verlaine is a one off (having seen his YouTube extravaganza). Why not simply call it ‘The Verlaine Monthly Extra-Special’and be done with it?