Monthly Club Special 20,243: Strange Currencies

Very hard indeed, but very good indeed, and quite an education in obscure currencies from all around the globe. COD to the ingenious Italianate stylings of 4ac, but I also very much liked À LA GOY in 10ac even if YOGALATES sounds rather too much like hard work. Many thanks to the setter for seeing out my 2020 on a high, and here’s to twelve more amazing CMSes in 2021!

1 Conserve and start to grow short evergreen tree (5)
JAMBU – JAM [conserve] + BU{d} [start to grow, “short”]

4 A siciliana could include this, con potenza (ma non forte) (8)
SCAMORZA – SCAM [con] + {f}ORZA [potenza, minus F{orte}]

8 Opium fiend’s letter in early hours with Arab account (14)

10 It may make one fit regressive group, not in Jewish style? (9)
YOGALATES – SET À LA GOY, all reversed

11 Duke from Transcaucasia, mostly a shocking one? (5)

12 Joburg city has oddly banished African rhino (6)
OUGIYA – {j}O{b}U{r}G {c}I{t}Y {h}A{s}. The currency of Mauritania

14 Note a sporting partner aboard Boston trolley for service? (3,5)
TEA WAGON – TE A WAG ON [note | a | sporting partner | aboard]

17 Stop benefit withdrawn by two male relatives (8)
DIAPASON – reversed AID + PA and SON

18 Some carp about editorial my young men set in stone? (6)
KOUROI – KOI about OUR [editorial my]

20 See returns, by being hedged, briefly ineligible for bonus (2,3)
EX DIV – reversed VIDE “hedging” X [by]

22 Scottish shellfish company hosts testing site, near complete (6-3)
CLABBY-DOO – CO “hosts” LAB BY DO [testing site | near | complete]

24 Short story from Volume One that follows artist keeping duplicate of empty ink case (5-5-4)
RIKKI-TIKKI-TAVI – V1 that follows RA “keeping” I{n}K KIT twice

25 French food standard broken by plant’s abnormal growth with hard wood (8)
AGALLOCH – AOC “broken” by GALL + H(ard)

26 Holyrood’s somewhat revolutionary blackballer as an illustration (5)
GEYAN – reversed NAY E.G. [blackballer | as an illustration]

1 Suitor embracing daughter’s after wee supper alone in Perth (5,7)
JIMMY WOODSER – WOOER “embracing” D’S after JIMMY (Riddle). A solo drinker in Australian parts

2 How one works on garment for Lassie? (5)

3 Winter festival organised à la Yule around hostelry (2-5-2)
UP-HELLY-AA – (A LA YULE*) “around” PH

4 Points in Ascension Island necessary for southern islanders (6)
SENITI – reversed TINES [points “in ascension”] + I. Currency in Tonga

5 Groups influenced by media hoarded after promotion of last shop’s opening (8)
AD-MASSES – AMASSED with its last (letter) “promoted”, + S{hop}

6 Topsy-turvy Home Office drama continued (5)
ONNED – reversed DEN NO [home office | drama]

7 Take a new tack to stop decline in zirconium and silver coin (9)
ZWANZIGER – ZIG [take a new tack] “stopping” WANE [decline], in ZR. Former Austrian currency

9 Kind and polite male descendant entertaining current Scotsman (12)
GRANDISONIAN – GRANDSON “entertaining” I, + IAN. From a Samuel Richardson novel

13 Gum doctor now on top of gingiva: this keeps another band in place (5,4)
GUARD RING – GUAR DR IN [gum | doctor | now] on G{ingiva}

15 What person, objectively flash, is causing disorder in the country? (9)
WHOMBLING – WHOM BLING. Nothing to do with the Wombles of Wimbledon apparently

16 As soon as inside court, against brilliant turn of phrase (8)
CONCETTO – ONCE “inside” CT, + TO

19 Arabic city runs out of old money from Helsinki Hotel (6)
MAKKAH – MA{r}KKA + H(otel)

21 Indian ambassador related losing base in variant reading (5)
VAKIL – AKI{n} in VL [varia lectio]

23 Pet needs area for centre of attack (5)
DEARY – take DE{C}RY [attack] and replace its centre with A(rea)

4 comments on “Monthly Club Special 20,243: Strange Currencies”

  1. I enjoy these MCS challenges too. The left hand side went in first and I stopped after an hour with about 9 clues left, then took another 1/2 hour to finish, but I’m not complaining. It is satisfying to be able to finish. I found U knew UP HELLY AA and CLABBY DOO from recent puzzles (Mephistos perhaps?) FOI JAMBU, LOI ONNED (really?). I liked MORPHINOMANIAC as word, the reversed “a la goy” in 10A and JIMMY for wee at 1D. Looking forward to the first MCS of 2021 already. Thanks V and setter.

    Edited at 2021-01-01 10:04 am (UTC)

  2. With only one taker over the Christmas month so far, the CMS will become rather like the Holy Roman Empire.
  3. Yes looking at my solving time it was one of the hardest ones of 2020 (for me at least).
  4. 4a was my LOI but I couldn’t quite fully work out the clue as my Italian is not up to scratch. Lots of head scratching on this one. So many thanks for the explanation.

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