1 Tablecloth expected to cover board for pontoon (8)
DUCHESSE – DUE [expected] to “cover” CHESS [board for pontoon]. What is a “board for pontoon”, you may ask? According to my app, a “chess” is “one of the parallel planks forming the deck of a pontoon-bridge”. Unwieldy perhaps but presumably there aren’t any kinder ways to clue the word CHESS 😛
9 Groan maybe, endlessly interrupted by band on the road and loutish toff (6-2)
TITYRE-TU – I was straight onto Groan as a definition for TITU{s}, it’s my favourite book after all, and when I saw that the last letter was a U, I knew I was right. I couldn’t think past TOUR for “band on the road”, but we were looking for TYRE, a more literal type of band yet. Never heard of a TITYRE-TU but apparently it’s a 17th century aristocratic hooligan, presumably a bit like a proto-Boris.
10 Partridge nestling, not the second caught by men (6)
CHIKOR – CHI{c}K is a nestling, minus not the first but the second C for caught. Plus the commonplace OR [men].
11 Briefly clash like Sharks and Jets, animatedly in music, over snitch’s spot (3,7)
RUM BLOSSOM – RUMBL{e} [“briefly” clash like Sharks & Jets] + reversed MOSSO [with movement, animatedly, in music]. There is a band called the Gin Blossoms whose name I believe refers to the facial rosacea of drinkers, but this is neither to do with that or the phrase “snitches get stitches” it seems, but just a pimple on one’s nose, or snitch.
12 Whale blubber from jerks in Saskatchewan … (4)
SPEK – PE [physical jerks] in SK [Saskatchewan]. Not to be confused with the nice kinds of cetacean-free spe(c)k you can get in Europe.
13 … there oil seal (storing one kilojoule) is getting dragged over snow (10)
SKIKJORING – SK O-RING storing 1KJ. I couldn’t work out why SK was a place you’d find oil during the solve itself, but now I see that it’s the SK from the previous clue and the O-RING is an “oil seal”. Skikjoring is what apparently passes for fun in Norway, the practice of being dragged along on your skis by a horse or motor vehicle.
16 With annoyance, earlier generation divided by new railway (7)
ANGERLY – AGE [generation] “divided” by N [new] + RLY [railway]. If you’re anything like me you spent a good while trying to understand why ANGRILY didn’t *quite* work. But of course we were looking for an archaic form.
17 Say landed gentry’s ultimate in social justice? (7)
EGALITY – E.G. ALIT {gentr}Y. Whew, a relatively straightforward one!
20 Hydraulic cement ingredient, phosphorus, unknown amount in very particular hard stuff made by Greeks from the east (10)
POZZUOLANA – P [phosphorus] + Z [unknown amount] in reversed ANAL OUZO [very particular | hard stuff made by Greeks]. Of course you will have known that pozz(u)olana is a volcanic dust from Pozzuoli near Naples, which forms with mortar a cement that will set in water (hence the “hydraulic” qualifier).
22 Letter returned by Post Office in operations centre (4)
QOPH – reversed PO in HQ. Beloved of Scrabble players everywhere.
23 Primate in gold coat desiring to cycle wearing fluttery boa (10)
ANGWANTIBO – WANTING [desiring], appropriately “cycled” inside (BOA*) [“fluttery”]. This is of course the tailless West African lemur which has a signature gold coat.
25 Rumoured Irish to be excluded from mockery in rebound (6)
NOISED – reverse DERISION [mockery], taking out IR [Irish] from the resultant NOIS{ir}ED. Another 15×15 candidate clue.
26 Scot’s stupid amount of money to send fraudulent email? (8)
SUMPHISH – SUM PHISH [amount of money | to send fraudulent email]. My FOI because although the word is strange and ghastly, “phish” sprang to mind almost immediately as a likely word-suffix.
27 French demanding protection of wild fruit by departure (8)
EXIGEANT – “protect” GEAN [wild cherry] with EXIT [departure]. Why is this French word, clearly marked as such, even in the dictionaries? Seems like a slippery slope…
2 Boston’s uncoordinated release includes hot record (8)
UNHEPPEN – UNPEN [release] “includes” H EP [hot | record]. I was thrown off by assuming that Boston was indicating an Americanism, but in fact we are talking about the picturesquely Brexity Boston, Lincs.
3 Two kings Europe brought into New Zealand to support fish as extreme authoritarian emblem (10)
HAKENKREUZ – K R EU [king | king | Europe] “brought into” NZ, supporting HAKE [fish]. I panicked when I couldn’t think of any extreme authoritarian emblems other than the clearly not 10-letters-long SWASTIKA, but this is just a synonym thereof.
4 Swimmers err, as almost having outer parts amputated by this piranha (10)
SERRASALMO – a well-concealed hidden in {swimmer}S ERR AS ALMO{st}. I assume “serrasalmo” just means “serrated salmon”, pretty much.
5 Forgetting answer, omit puzzling with head like a sieve (7)
ETHMOID – (OMIT + HE{a}D*) [“puzzling”]. I’d heard of the ethmoid bone but didn’t know ethmoid meant “like a sieve”. Quite exciting!
6 Natural Rastafarian food giving virtually regular eliminations? (4)
ITAL – {v}I{r}T{u}A{l}L{y}, regularly eliminated. A traditional Rasta stew.
7 Salaryman’s business card: one constitutes a greeting (6)
MEISHI – ME IS HI [one | constitutes | a greeting]. And now we all know the Japanese for “business card”!
8 Temperature within my gunge, spread like spiced custard? (8)
NUTMEGGY – T “within” (MY GUNGE*) [“spread”]. Another clue that could fit in the 15×15.
14 Blend of Dijon containing Tabasco water, right for wildcat (10)
JAGUARONDI – (DIJON*) [“blend”] containing AGUA R [water, in Tabasco | right]. I never saw this not spelled “jaguarundi” before, but the letter was even helpfully checked to prevent autopilot errors.
15 Shrine of Rome’s first priest as leading to wrath (10)
RELIQUAIRE – R{ome} + ELI [priest] + QUA [as] + IRE [wrath]. Quairest spelling of “reliquary” *I’ve* seen.
16 A round plate visible during an intermission (8)
APPLAUSE – PL [plate] “visible during” A PAUSE [an intermission]. 15x15ish.
18 Kind heart of Lysander guarding house of Greek monster (8)
TYPHOEAN – TYPE [kind] + {lys}AN{der} “guarding” HO [house]. Typhon is the monster whose adjectival form is Typhoean.
19 Overrun by infants mostly, check leather straps (7)
BABICHE – CH [check], “overrun by” BABIE{s}. A strange French-Canadian-Algonquian word, but easily findable from the wordplay.
21 Extremes of zoophysiology see red, short part of skull (6)
ZYGOMA – Z{oophysiolog}Y + GO MA{d} [see red, “short”]. Another pretty quick one to fall, as there is no way it doesn’t start with ZY.
24 Indian corporal related uprising across area (4)
NAIK – reversed KIN [related] “across” A for area. Bunged in quickly from wordplay.
The way my health’s been recently I should probably give it a read.
Not that you are that ill, i trust
Perhaps V didn’t realise he had 2 blogs to do! I will email him, more than my life is worth to do his blog for him 🙂
.. but happy to answer any questions
Edited at 2019-11-01 04:22 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2019-11-01 04:52 pm (UTC)