Mephisto Word-Cross 2834 by Paul McKenna

Posted on Categories Mephisto
I found this the hardest puzzle for some time, perhaps fitting as it appeared on the anniversary in 1913 of the publication of Arthur Wynn’s “word-cross” in the New York World.

I had three quries. At 14A I think “last of trio” should be “first of trio”; at 17A I think “end of climate change” should be “effect of climate change”; at 23D I think “large” is an unnecessary and possibly misleading inclusion.

1 CASABA – C-AS-ABA; cape=C; for instance=AS; covering (garment)=ABA; melons;
5 DA,CAPO – DA(CAP)O; huntsman’s whip-round=CAP; musical instruction to start again;
11 RAIMENT – R(AIM)ENT; poetic word for clothing;
13 EARN – sounds like “urn”; ballot box=urn;
14 STATUE – STATU(t)E; hiring-fair=statute then remove “t” which is the first of “trio”; figure is definition;
15 ANKER – (h)ANKER; old measure of wine and spirits;
16 ONEFOLD – joke=ONE; congregation=FOLD; simple is definition (origami perhaps?);
17 SEASON,CREEP – (ace response)*; “effect” rather than “end” of climate change?;
22 EMPYEMA – (pee may m)*; m from m(ay); build up of body fluid;
25 BONNET-ROUGE – BONNE(T)ROUGE; it=T; solved from definition;
27 TAPETUM – TAPE-TUM; cells associated with vision;
29 NACAB – NA(CA)B; National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux;
30 ARIARY – A-(f)RIARY; moolah in Madagascar;
31 DUMA – DUM(b)-A;
32 RAREBIT – RARE-BIT; posh name for cheese on toast which may or may not be lightly cooked;
33 LO-TECH – LOT-ECH(t); set=LOT (film studio); genuine=echt;
34 LANATE – LANA-T-(som)E I guess; much-married Lana Turner was “the sweater girl”; woolly is definition;
2 SIRKAR – KRIS reversed – AR=Arab; Indian factotum;
3 AMNESTY – AM(NEST)Y; reference AMY Johnson CBE 1903-1941 = pilot;
6 AFTERBURNER – (turbine – i + far + e + r)*;
7 CHAFE – CHA(t)-FE;
8 AS,TO – hidden (gorill)AS-TO(rment);
9 PAUL,PRY – PAUL-PR-Y; catch=pawl=PAUL; nosy character in a play by John Poole (who he?);
10 ONE,DAY – (doyen a)*; the puzzle appeared on the shortest/longest day;
12 EUROCENTRIC – EURO-CENT-RIC(h); bounder=kangaroo=EURO; laughable=(that’s) rich; reverse engineered from giveaway definition;
18 EMBARGO – EMB(lem)-ARGO; device=emblem; an Admiralty order;
20 OATMEAL – O-A-T(M)EAL; of=O; America=A; money=M; greeny-blue=TEAL; colour is definition;
22 ENTAIL – two meanings 1=involve 2=passe fashion;
23 AUCUBA – AU-CUBA; why “large” – “island” is surely enough? (as to fact, CUBA is 17th largest island by area ignoring continents);
24 DEBATE – DEB(A)T-E; duty=DEBT; before=ante=A; base (natural logs)=E;
26 NEAFE – FAN=kindle reversed contains E=English – E=tablet (of Ecstacy); fist=nieve=NEAFE for Will;
28 PICT – PI(C)T; bed=PIT; Steele’s term for a painted woman;

4 comments on “Mephisto Word-Cross 2834 by Paul McKenna”

  1. Chambers has ‘consequence’. There can be several consequences of climate change and as there is no article before ‘end’ maybe we’re expected to read it as ‘an end’ and not ‘the end’. ‘Effect’ would have been better.
  2. Hi All,

    “last of trio” is quite correct. There is a trio in the statute, remove the last member of that trio and…

    “effect of climate change” is a perfectly acceptable def except that it is hardly very cryptic

    Paul McK

  3. I’ve only just finished this. A very busy Christmas mostly to blame, although I agree it was harder than usual in the bottom half. The top half went in quite quickly.
    Anyway, thanks for clearing up a few I couldn’t parse. I always seem to struggle with clues like 20dn or 24dn where there are lots of one-letter abbreviations.
    1. I know what you mean – every single word has an impact on the cryptic picture by introducing one or two letters and it takes a while to condition yourself to think in that way

      That’s why I object to “large” in 23D – “lg” is a standard abbreviation for “large” and I immediately factored it into my thinking

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