Mephisto 3350 – Small Latin, but a heck of a lot of Greek!

Well, John Grimshaw is back, but in a tamed version.   I was able to solve this puzzle, and parse every answer, but it was not exactly a pushover.   I would say this is exactly the right level  of difficulty that most Mephisto solvers would find enjoyable.

I was fortunate to be able to get three out of the four long ones relatively early on.  A random guess that 1 across might start with xi- led to  an examination of the anagram letters for 1 down, where xylo- was a very likely  possibility.    A quick check in Chambers showed I was right, and I was off to the races.

It was actually the crossing of Niflheim and sallal that held me up, since I didn’t realize that ‘in’ was part of the anagram fodder for the misty place.    I liked sallal, but it doesn’t say it’s related to heather  in Chambers, so I had to look up lallan to confirm it – that’s lowland for you non-Scots speakers.

1 Greek characters back another one over process (12)
XIPHISTERNUM – XI + PHI + STERN  + MU backwards.   Yes, it’s a process, but the  literal is not very helpful.
10 Ground liver? Lots sent back unfinished remnant (6)
YNAMBU – MANY backwards + BU[tt], probably.  A ground liver in the sense of a bird that lives on the ground.
12 Gods with collection of gossip on goddess (5)
DIANA – DI + ANA, a starter clue.
13 Weapon — mother needs this on as domestic killer? (5)
LATHI – [ma]LATHI[on], which most solvers will just biff.
14 Germany had this historian overturn check about where former Axis ended (7)
NIEBUHR – R(HUB)EIN, all backwards.  Not Reinhold Niebuhr, but another guy I never heard of.
15 Work turning brass of coal-hole lids (8)
OPERCULA – OP + LUCRE backwards + ‘A.
17 King had left before assembly of elders (6)
KGOTLA – K + GOT + L + ‘A.    A biff for experienced Mephisto fans.
18 Fruits I stored in a box mostly (5)
19 Make clear English wine is used by church (6)
EVINCE – E + VIN + C.E., another starter clue.
22 Excellent concept, not one in which belief is obligatory (6, two words)
23 Amusing part introduced by director (5)
DROLE – D + ROLE, where the answer uses an alternate spelling.
24 Scots lacking name reflecting plant related to heather (6)
SALLAL – LALLA[n]S backwards.
28 What could be styling product hotel branch returned (8)
HYDROGEL – HYDRO + LEG backwards.
29 Gore coloured cloak worn by goddess (7)
MAGENTA – MA(GE)NTA.   Ge has also been seen as Gaia lately.
30 Rapidly rotating body shortened backbone (5)
SPINA – SPINA[r].   More alternate spelling.
31 Former operation in charge of human waste (5)
UREIC – URE + I.C.       Ure is obscure, but it’s there.
32 Flipping obscure new enzyme (6)
RENNIN – INNER backwards + N.
33 Studying ants I see on my jolly green tree trunk (12)
MYRMECOLOGIC – MY + R.M. + ECO + LOG + I.C.    Simple, right!   I was helped by remembering a certain Quickie commenter’s email address.
1 Not a word after all say box is treated wood that’s dried (12)
XYLOBALSAMUM – Anagram of ALL SAY BOX + MUM.   If you know Greek, you will realize this is likely to start with either XERO- or XYLO-, but the anagram letters leave XYLO- as the only possible choice.
2 Unfit girl getting personal trainer (5)
INAPT – INA + P.T., another starter clue.
3 Find out missing heroin turned up under old pie dishes (7)
PATERAE – PATE + [h]EAR upside-down.   A patera is an old Roman dish.
4 More than one climber in the same place freezes (6)
IBICES – IB. + ICES.   Ib. is an abbreviation of ibidem, and ibices is the third-declension plural of ibex.
5 Locally the same type is after half of this (5)
THILK – TH[is] + ILK.   Not a great clue, because  the answer is literally th’ ilk.
6 Possibly trim wife has good lines (8)
RIBBONRY – RIB + BON + RY, stock cryptic elemetns.
7 Old relative — ninety, thin, not good (5)
NAUNT – N + [g]AUNT, where N is a medieval Roman numeral, what else?   I think we just had this clue.
8 Formerly uncover one local goddess of old earth (6)
UNHELE – UN + HEL + E, a bit of Spenser for you.
9 Girl with German actor going topless. Grounds for divorce? (12, two words)
11 Remaining homeless after house is lost (6)
16 With male concealed, shot film in misty location (8)
NIFLHEIM – Anagram of FILM IN around HE.   Interestingly, ruled over by Hel from 8 down!
20 I’ve a darkening, showing result of embolism (6)
VEADAR – Hidden in [i]’VE A DAR[kening].
21 Joint company once led by cheat (7)
COGGING – COG + GING, an obsolete for of gang.   Yes, a cogging is a type of joint.
22 Your little lad is raised around adult bull handler (6)
DATARY – YR (A) TAD.   The chap who handles papal bulls, not a toreador.
23 Back of document left hanging (6)
DORSEL – DORSE + L.   A hanging in the back of an altar.
25 Cross old resident emitting eccentricity (5)
26 Capital perhaps raised in support of pound breaking down (5)
LYTIC – CITY + L upside down.
27 Low-down on two potentially evil spirits (5)
GENII – GEN + II, another easy one.

5 comments on “Mephisto 3350 – Small Latin, but a heck of a lot of Greek!”

  1. Indeed this was enjoyable with every clue understood. The only annoyance – my fault entirely – was a transcription error from paper to the online submission, yet again!

  2. DNF

    Dipped my toe into these waters again after a long absence. Jeepers! First thing to learn is that “a” seems to be an abbreviation for quite of stuff you don’t find in the dailies.

    About 3/5 done with aids.

    Thanks Vinyl – impressive blog

  3. I found this hard going, and needed a lot of help. I think I was put off by the vagueness of “Greek letters” (which ones?!) in 1a, and the girl and actor in 9d which gave an excess of choices for a phrase I didn’t know and an unfamiliar spelling of of MARIAGE. Just over the hour.


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