As I’ve said before, I always like a Don Manley puzzle. The clues are fair, and if you follow the rules you will be rewarded. In the case of this puzzle, I was able to do most of it without cracking my Chambers, and I had enough letters to press through to nearly the finish. It was only a complete brain freeze over the rather obvious lame/lamé, that bought me to a halt. But the next day, I looked at _A _ E and immediately saw what the answer must be, which enabled me to parse and look up beteeme. I will have to check a few words as I blog, but there should be nothing very difficult for the experienced Mephisto solver here.
Across | |
1 | Street split in old-fashioned struggle (6) |
STRIFT – ST + RIFT. Might have been strive, but wasn’t. | |
5 | Devilish type, individual set up by authority? (6) |
10 | Curse action hatched up by intimate friend no longer (11) |
11 | Possibly slam old F1 driver losing power? (4) |
ROST – [p]ROST – Alain Prost. | |
13 | Oil wheels that have got dry inside (4) |
OTTO – O(TT)O, an answer well-know to most Mephisto solvers, a variant of attar. | |
14 | Insects troubled a mother going about work (9) |
HOMOPTERA – Anagram of A MOTHER around OP. | |
15 | The one for me could be a ragman! (7) |
ANAGRAM – Anagram of A RAGMAN. | |
17 | Tiresome person presented with gold dish (6) |
PILLAU – PILL + AU. The tiresome person is a pill because she’s hard to swallow. | |
19 | Move nimbly around on wooden support (6) |
PINLEG – NIP backwards + LEG. | |
20 | Roman official wants a food item with no hint of burning (6) |
AEDILE – A + EDI[b]LE. | |
23 | Component of building — a terrific entrance (6) |
27 | Thinner mister, bore for entertainment (7) |
MEAGRER – M(EAGRE)R. Every cryptic solver knows an eagre is a tidal bore. | |
28 | University for one clever and innocent (9) |
INGENUOUS – INGEN(-i,+U)OUS, a simple letter- substitution. | |
30 | Sign of appreciation for bananas? (4) |
HAND – Double definition, which I found strangely elusve. | |
31 | Thin plate is weak (4) |
LAME – Double definition, without the acute accent to help. | |
32 | I recited Bible. not the first or last sadly to be destroyer of freedom (11) |
LIBERTICIDE – Anagram of I RECITED [b]IBL[e]. | |
33 | A son of Jacob in charge of Jewish tradition (6) |
AGADIC – A GAD + I.C. | |
34 | Stop that conflict knocking out America (6) |
THWART – TH(-a,+WAR)T, substituting a whole word for a letter. |
Down | |
1 | Onset of rime, as in April alas, bad for plant (12) |
SARSAPARILLA – Anagram of R[ime] + AS IN APRIL ALAS, where alas is NOT an anagram indicator – bad is. | |
2 | Bad guy with nasty scar, US gangster (6) |
RASCAL – Anagram of SCAR following the only US gangster, AL. | |
3 | Hat for dame going out, not maiden (6) |
FEDORA – Anagram of FOR DA[m]E. | |
4 | Vehicle trade on the upturn (4) |
TRAM – MART upside-down in a down clue. | |
6 | Nibbles for Scots politicians — two eggs consumed (5) |
MOOPS – M(OO)PS. | |
7 | Locating green activity (7) |
PUTTING – Double definition, in entirely different senses. | |
8 | Bony couple of ducks eating grubs finally (6) |
OSTEAL – O ([grub}S) + TEAL. Two very different sorts of ducks. | |
9 | Stop put to bad feeling — intended to eliminate a threat to safety (12) |
10 | More old-fashioned India in trouble (7) |
12 | Call to politician to make progress in tricky conditions? (4) |
YOMP – YO MP. | |
16 | Allow ancient worker maybe to hold gathering up (7) |
BETEEME – BE(MEET upside-down)E. Ancient goes with allow, not worker. | |
18 | In song archdeacon becomes animated (7) |
21 | Shrine with a bulge, notice, being erected (6) |
DAGABA – A BAG + AD, all upside down. | |
22 | Not all love musical birds (4) |
EMUS – Hidden in [lov]E MUS[ical]. | |
24 | Led by eccentric aunt, children dance (6) |
NAUTCH – Anagram of AUNT + CH. An Indian dance performed by professional dancing girls. | |
25 | What would be crazy entering zone with English coming out? (6) |
ARMADA – AR[e](MAD)A, a neat &lit. | |
26 | Animal god of Hinduism losing tail, gaining one (5) |
INDRI – INDR(-a,+I). I didn’t know the animal, it’s a monkey. | |
29 | Neglect of old university in America (4) |
OMIT – O + MIT. |
I thought of STRIVE at first it isn’t old-fashioned so I didn’t put it in.
SARSAPARILLA is familiar to me from having watched The Big Lebowski at least a dozen times, and DAGABA seemed familiar from Star Wars.
Edited at 2021-09-12 08:26 am (UTC)