Mephisto 3159 – Paul McKenna

Posted on Categories Mephisto

Greetings barred-grid fans.

I had quite a few question marks around my grid, usually meaning wordplay or definition I had to look up. I didn’t start this until fairly late in the week so I was trying to rush through, but I think I have all the wordplay figured out.

There is not a chance I could have done this without Chambers.

Definitions (the most direct of which is underlined) can be confirmed in Chambers, so I will focus on wordplay here.

Away we go…

1 Whimsically Cain became one east of Eden escorting stranger (6)
NODDER – last letter in edeN with ODDER(stranger). LAND OF NOD is in Chambers as the place Cain went to after killing Abel
6 Songs about diminished county (6)
CHANTS – C(about), HANTS(county)
10 Tender name, possibly (10)
ENDEARMENT – anagram of TENDER,NAME, an all-in-one
11 Flipping fourth stock online message (5)
E-CARD – the fourth stock would be a D RACE, reverse it
12 In Tacitus by the way see developing porky (5)
OBESE – OB(obiter, by the way), then an anagram of SEE
14 Bear in mind dropping a penny could get you this dosh sorted (8)
RENMINBI – anagram of BEAR IN MIND, minus A, D(penny)
17 After docking lively rating’s rung (7)
RATTLIN – remove the last letter from RATTLING(lively)
18 Rab C’s abuse is unexpected and quiet without pressure (5)
SNASH – SNAP(unexpected) and SH(quiet) missing P(pressure)
19 Government barristers freeing Baron’s teens (6)
GRIEFS – G(government) then BRIEFS(barristers) minus B(Baron)
20 Jump to a conclusion about lieutenant needling suspect (6)
SALTUS – A(about), LT(lieutenant) inside SUS(suspect)
22 Bingo’s destiny — time together with love (5)
LOTTO – LOT(destiny), T(time) and O(love)
23 Looked for wonder-struck papist denying odd points within (7)
AWAITED – AWED(wonder-struck) containing alternating letters in pApIsT
25 Barking’s councillor beside the necessary beauties (8)
CRACKERS – CR(councillor) and ACKERS(money, the necessary), with a bonus definition of beauties
28 Old relation sinks back clutching what’s still to be found (5)
SYBBE – EBBS(sinks) reversed, containing Y(the dependent variable, what would need to be found)
29 Force in Arabia, one term for spirit (5)
AFRIT – F inside AR(Arabia), I and the last letter of spiriT
30 In offensive way during last month amiably dismissing leader (10)
INDECENTLY – IN(during), DEC(December, last month), then GENTLY(amiably) missing the first letter
31 Old hawks backing speech in Senate (6)
NYASES – SAY(speech) inside SEN(senate) all reversed
32 Number to call, say, written alongside a muzhik’s wagon (6)
TELEGA – TEL(phone number), EG(say) with A
1 When pigs fly? Sure enough about grasping it (4)
NEER – hidden reversed in suRE ENough
2 Rarely any woe with Cain involved (10, four words)
ONCE IN A WAY – anagram of ANY,WOE and CAIN
3 Doyens in court watchers wanting one date (5)
DEANS – DEDANS(watchers in real tennis) missing one D(date)
4 Right off ruddy fodder (6)
EDDISH – remove R(right) from REDDISH(ruddy)
5 Somerset’s channel blowing the lid on gullible — one looking up (4)
REEN – remove the first letter of GREEN(gullible), and as a bonus wordplay, one down is NEER, so NEER reversed
6 Shut up! Abbess invested in that stole from old Savile Row (8)
CABBAGED – CAGED(shut up) containing ABB(abbess)
7 Goal confines one playing (8)
AMBITION – AMBIT(confines), I(one), ON(playing)
8 Among Scots Mister Johnny Hallyday’s the pinnacle of rock (6)
NEEDLE – NEED(necessity, mister), then since Johnny Hallyday was French, his the would be LE
9 Back to boat due to native impounding schooners (8)
STERNSON – SON(native) containing TERNS(schooners, ships)
13 Breaking finger isn’t going to be the cause of whimpering (10)
15 He ices a couple of out-of-date cakes on the spot (8)
ASSASSIN – I am not sure of the wordplay here. I want to think that it is two ASSes(cakes) an IN(on the spot), but I might be mistaken
16 We cut fresh sweet basil flowers (8)
ASTILBES – anagram of SWEET,BASIL minus WE
17 To do with minister to special TA, say (8)
RESERVES – RE(to do with), SERVE(minister to), S(special)
21 Dear Father (as some have it) in a letter of Cavafy’s (6)
LAMBDA – LAMB(dear), DA(father)
22 Find only child coming in after the expected time (6)
LOCATE – OC(only child) inside LATE(after the expected time)
24 Hostel in present poet’s praise (5)
HERYE – Y(youth hostel) inside HERE(present)
26 Old gossip’s reach, no time in disappearing (4)
AUNT –  AMOUNT(reach) missing MO(no time)
27 Zeno’s lecture arena is beside Academy (4)
STOA – ‘S, TO(beside), A(academy)

9 comments on “Mephisto 3159 – Paul McKenna”

  1. ….and finished it in three sessions totalling a few seconds short of an hour.
  2. I found this really hard, for reasons I can’t now remember. This week’s is at the other end of the scale.

    Edited at 2021-03-21 10:50 am (UTC)

  3. I’m another who found it hard. I find some of Paul’s wordplay a little impenetrable and ended up with several unparsed, including DEANS, NEEDLE, STERNSON and ASSASSIN, so thanks for explaining those, George.
  4. Thanks for explaining the rest of 5d. Re. ASSASSIN. The only thing I can think of is (M)ASS, as per definition of cake, minus M = month. Pretty tenuous if that is the case.
  5. I didn’t know cake=ASS, only cakes=breasts. (Do the Mephisto setters get that crude?) And where does ‘out-of-date’ come in? I tried for some time to make sense of pASSé twice, haven’t succeeded yet.
  6. Chambers to the rescue as ever: cake is archaic (hence out-of-date) slang word for a ‘madcap or fool’.

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