I did this one pretty early since I was snowed in (thankfully mostly with power and internet) last weekend. I had a bunch of question marks around the outside, which usually means that I got them from wordplay and need to check the definition later.
I have a feeling there are fewer clues in this puzzle than in the more recent Mephistos, maybe due to the long answers around the perimeter.
Away we go
Across | |
1 | DISHABILLE: DISH(attractive girl) then ABE(Lincoln) with ILL(wicked) inside |
10 | ANNONA: ANNA(girl) with NO inside |
11 | LAAGER: LAGER(drink) around A |
13 |
PRODNOSE: anagram of |
14 | RECTORAL: RE(about), CT(court), ORAL(examination) – the superiors here being religious ones |
15 |
16 | ASKER: remove the top of TASKER – the newt is found in Chambers under ASK |
20 | STAPEDES: APE(mammal), and D(died), with SETS(groups) reversed surrounding |
21 | BARBERRY: sounds like BARBARY |
25 | FRERE: FR(father), then SERE(withered) missing S |
26 | NOUS: NOS(numbers) outside U((university) |
27 | LONG IRON: LONDON(capital) missing DON(fellow) then GIRON(charge in heraldry) |
29 | EXEQUIAL: EX(no longer), then EQUAL(uniform) containing I |
30 | SIMURG: G, RUM(strange), IS all reversed |
31 |
RELIEF: RELIE(assemble), F |
32 | SERRADELLA: anagram of AS,RARE containing DELL(valley) |
Down | |
2 | INGEST: sounds like IN JEST |
3 | SNICKERS: SS(saints), containing NICKER(thief) |
4 | HOLT: double definition |
5 | BARRATRY: RAT(scoundrel) in BARRY(which I now know is a seaside resort in Glamorgan) |
6 | LADLE: LAD(boy) then LEFT(departed) missing the FT(Financial Times) |
8 | SESAME: hidden in uSES A MEdicinal |
9 | FREMESCENT: M(maiden) inside FREE(indecent), then SCENT(set of clues) |
12 | CRABBINESS: C(about), over RABBI(teacher), NESS(head) |
17 | EMBUSQUE: anagram of QUIET,SLUMBERS minus LIST,R |
18 | MARINARA: MARINA(where sailors gather), RA(artist) |
19 | EDGE RAIL: anagram of AGREED, then I, L |
22 | ANOXIA: AN, OX, I, A |
23 | PROPEL: PROP(support), then even letters in dEaL |
24 |
FLURR: FLU(disease), R |
28 | ISLE: I’m not 100% sure on the wordplay here – can SOLE mean a sea area? If so then I think it is I, then SOLE missing O. I could be missing something. Of course I’m missing something – it is the name of a particular coastal area with a weather station. |
Otherwise, quite good. However, this week, I’m getting nowhere.