Mephisto 2983 – Don Manley

I remember solving this in a single session last Sunday, and my grid only had a few question marks and one scribble out so I didn’t find it too difficult.

I rather liked the grid for this one, with 90-degree symmetry, it looks a little like a windmill with the seven letter answers meeting in the fully-checked 2×2 block in the middle, and the grid lines running straight for three cells.

Away we go…

1 MICROPUMPS: I(one), CROP(way of cutting) in MUMPS(disease)
11 BLOUSON: B(black), LOON(bird) surrounding US(American)
12 UVAE: E(energy) next to UV A radation
14 TRENDIER: TRIER(German city) surrounding END(outer district)
15 ASDIC: anagram of ACID’S
16 TOURE: TOURE(d) – there appears to be a number of them; Yaya,
Kolo, Ibrahim and Thomas all show up on a search
17 NEW AGER: remove O from ONE(individual) then WAGER(hazard)
19 TEAR PIT: T and then an anagram of IRATE surrounding P(president)
23 NEELE: old spelling for NEEDLE. Had to look up the wordplay, I believe it sounds like Andrew NEIL, former editor of the Sunday Times and a BBC broadcaster
24 UNIDO: I(island) inside UNDO(ruin)
25 CHESSEL: CHESS(game), E(english), L(league)
27 HEAL-ALL: ALA(s) inside HELL(very hot location)
30 EMMET: MET after E(l)M
31 SILVA: sounds like SILVER(like birch)
33 ROMANISE: O(old), MAN(fellow) inside RISE(revolt)
34 GUAR: GUITAR(instrument) missing IT
35 TEA BALL: anagram of BEAT, then ALL(everything)
36 IN TERROREM: ERROR(mistake) inside an anagram of MEN,IT
2 ILLS: SILL(ledge) with the first letter at the end
3 CORDWAIN: anagram of IN,A,CROWD
4 RUBIA: RUB(difficulty), A1(trunk road)
5 PORGE: PORE(small passage) containing G(rime)
6 UNEARTH: anagram of NEAR,HUT
7 MONTANE: anagram of TOM and ANNE
8 PUDOR: reversal of DUP(NI party) then OR(men)
9 CAERULE: C(conservative), AE(one), RULE(government)
10 CEREBELLAR: anagram of BEER in CELLAR(space below bar)
18 RESALGAR: anagram of SLAG,RARE
20 ENAMOUR: ENA(woman), then MORUN(keen) missing N(name)
21 POUT NET: anagram of ONE,PUT surrounding (boa)T
22 ICHNITE: anagram of THIN inside ICE(glacier)
26 DEARN: (lette)R inside DEAN(cleric)
28 EASER: TEASER(puzzle) missing T(time)
29 LIMBO: double definition
32 VOLE: L inside VOE(creek)

2 comments on “Mephisto 2983 – Don Manley”

  1. Likewise George, straightforward solve

    You’re correct about Andrew Neil – better known as Brillo

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