A pleasant middle of the road puzzle in which the setter eschewed the practice of showing off his French but the blogger succumbed when reminded of a bistro in Angers, Maine et Loire where pike quennelle were to die for
Across | |
1 | PARFAIT – PAR(FAI(r))T; creamy cold pud; |
6 | POLIS – POLIS(h); ancient Greek city state – better known as the fuzz in Falkirk; |
10 | EDULCORATES – (resolute cad)*; old word for add saccharin; |
12 | PARASOL – PARAS-(LO reversed): Lindbergh’s Spirit of St Louis was such an aeroplane; |
13 | LIGURE – L(I-G)URE; The seventh stone in Aaron’s Breastplate; |
14 | BOTT – BOTT(led); a maggot; |
15 | STYRE – hidden (ha)STY-RE(Treat); old word for stir; |
17 | TANTRA – TANT(a)RA; |
18 | PETERMAN – PE(TERM-A)N; Patrick Connelly Meehan perhaps; |
21 | ANTILOPE – ANTI-LOPE geddit?; |
22 | GLOIRE – G-LOIRE; quenelles de brochet avec Rosé D’Anjou; |
24 | DAVIT – hidden (stewar)D-A-VIT(al); device for lowering lifeboats; |
27 | GYRE – dull=grey then move “y=yen” to give GYRE; see Lewis Carroll for rotate and gimble; |
28 | SECESH – SEC-(he’s)*; a supporter of the Confederacy; |
30 | REPOSIT – REP-O-SIT; cloth=REP; |
31 | RECHABITISM – (I-C-this-amber)*; C from C(urse); associated with the Victorian temperance movement; |
32 | ESSAY – ES-SAY; ES=S; |
33 | CENACLE – CE-(clean)*; site of the Last Supper; |
Down | |
1 | PELLS – “spells” become PELLS – old word for pelts; |
2 | RUGGY – “rugby” becomes RUGGY – rough; |
4 | ACER – ACE-R(oots); |
5 | TRACTATE – (ETAT-CART all reversed); a treatise; |
6 | PARCA – P-ARC-A; The Fates; |
7 | LESOTHO – (hotel)* surrounds SO; |
8 | ISOTROPISM – (impostor is)*; |
9 | SALTATE – SALT-ATE; mutate; |
11 | KITE-FLYERS – (kits freely)*; Benjamin Franklin’s dangerous thunderstorm experiment perhaps; |
16 | AMNESIAC – (means)*-I-(b)AC(h); fugue=amnesia; |
18 | PUGGREE – PUG-GREE(d); a scarf used to shield from the sun; |
19 | THORPES – THOR-PES(t); old villages as in Thorpe Village ruined by M3-M25 junction; |
20 | PLACITA – (capital)*; court decisions; |
23 | RUSHY – R-U-SHY; “are”-“you”-SHY; |
25 | VEDIC – (device – e)*; ancient texts; |
26 | THYME – sounds like “time”; the innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time – William Butler Yeats; |
29 | ERIN – E-R(a)IN; Eire; |
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