Mephisto 2863 – Tim Moorey

Posted on Categories Mephisto
Welcome to the blog that may go up at a random time, but is being written during a break between performances in a thunderstorm. Wheeee! I can seem to get internet on my phone here but not on my laptop, so I can check the cricket score (promising), the weather report (it’s raining) and muck around on faceybook, but my little phone doesn’t play so well with LiveJournal.

Not too difficult a puzzle here, though I have a few head-scratching moments with some wordplay.

Away we go…

10 AWNS: SAWN with the S moved to the back
11 GO(give way),DOT
13 L(uck),APSE
14 TEGMINA: anagram of the inner letters of lIGAMENTs
15 LAETARE: TEA reversed in LARE
17 PSEPHITES: P(Phosphorus) in (STEEPISH)*
18 NETTED: Put T and T in ONE BED missing O,B
20 OR ELSE: ORE(tangle of seaweed) surrounding (LES)*
24 BEDELL: DELL after B, E(cclesiastical)
25 CORNACRED: this was my last in – COR, N, AC, RED – this usage of RED is found under REDD in Chambers
29 RAPPING: sounds like WRAPPING
31 (t)ISSUE
32 BIELD: last letters of thE and walL in BID
33 AIRN: I think this is NAIRN as in Nairn Dunbar golf course missing one N
34 CALLIPYGEAN: liked this clue – anagram of NIGELLA and the first letters of Pout And You’re Captivated
1 CALLING-CRAB: CALLING(career) then BAR(baritone),C(contralto) reversed
2 DWAAL: DAAL(pulse) containing W
3 IN PETTO: INTO containing PET
5 OUTRED: anagram of DUE,TO,R(acism)
6 SHEEPO: SO containing a homophone of HEAP(Shakespearean company)
7 TOMMIED: O,M,M in TIED – you’ll find it in Chambers under “Truck system”
8 IDIST: ID(Idaho), IS, T(ranslate)
9 OONS: the GOONS missing the first letter, needle nardle noo
12 TASSELLGENT: TELL GENT surrounding ASS(gull)
16 THREEPING: PEER reversed in THING
21 LEWISIA: anagram of (LIAISE,W)
23 SCROOP: SCOOP(newspaper exclusive) surrounding R
26 REBEL: B(bastard) in REEL – interesting clue, I don’t think I’ve seen B alone meaning “bastard”. Maybe as part of SOB
27 INURN: IN TURN missing T
28 GLIA: got this from the definition, had to look it up to get the wordplay. Apparently ITV was originally ANGLIA Television, which loses A,N

One comment on “Mephisto 2863 – Tim Moorey”

  1. I had CORNACRES for 25. I didn’t understand the wordplay (unsurprisingly) but it seemed the only possible match for the definition. I still don’t understand how CORNACRED (an adjective) equates to ‘sublet farmland’ (a noun). What am I missing? And at the very instant of posting I realise they are both verbs – DOH!

    Edited at 2015-07-19 09:28 am (UTC)

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