No problems with this puzzle of medium level difficulty
Across | |
1 | LASCAR – fellow plafully = rascal then swap “r” and “l” to give LASCAR = camp-follower; |
5 | POMATO – PO-M(AT)O; PO-MO=post modern; AT=alternative technology; a hybrid of a tomato and a potato; |
10 | ANTECHAPEL – (each planet)*; |
12 | PLEROME – PL-(MORE reversed)-E; place=PL; energy=E; growth producing tissue; |
13 | TARTANA – TARTAN-A; accepted=A; a wagon; |
14 | PRAWN – P(RAW)N; wok=pan then change “a”=”one” to “raw”; |
15 | ONCOST – O(NCO)ST; general overheads such as rent that are not job specific; |
16 | EIGHT – (w)EIGHT; women=w; row=set in a row; |
17 | PEHLEVI – I’VE-L-HEP all reversed; lecturer=L; knowing=HEP; early Iranian; |
23 | UNTRUSS – (turns us)*; roll=anagrind; |
25 | ACUTE – AC-UTE; Uluru is Ayres Rock in Oz which you might visit in a UTE; |
26 | SPARKY – S-PARKY; nippy=slang for cold=PARKY; |
29 | PEACE – PE-ACE; |
30 | PLUNGER – P-LUNGE-R; rope for training=LUNGE; better=punter=PLUNGER; |
31 | INCHPIN – (l)INCHPIN; old sweetbread; |
32 | DEINOTHERE – (three d one I)*; |
33 | MENTEE – MEN-TEE; object of mentor’s attention; |
34 | LOORDS – LO(O)RDS; probably a refernce to MCC rather than Peer’s Paradise; idiots; |
Down | |
1 | LAPTOP – LAP-TO-P(hysique); |
2 | STARCHY – S(T-ARC)HY; it=’T; |
3 | CENTO – hidden reversed (ylirasse)CEN-TO(pkcarc); |
4 | ACT,AS – AC(T)AS; T from T(alks); |
6 | OPEPES – (d)O(PEP)ES; density=d; teak substitutes; |
7 | MERRIER – M-(t)ERRIER; Sherlock=detective=terrier; |
8 | TIM-WHISKEY – (tike whimsy)*; |
9 | OMENTA – (m)OMENT-A; folds; |
11 | CANESCENCE – CANES-C(ad)ENCE; something we all see every time we look in a mirror; |
18 | LATCHET – (athletics – is)*; old thong; |
19 | VULPINE – V(U-LP)INE; |
21 | PAPISM – PA(PI-S)M; googy=goody=PI; is=’S; pamphlet=PAM; |
22 | WEEPIE – WEE-PIE; reference chick-flick called Love Story; |
24 | SYRTES – ‘S-YR-TES(t); quicksand; |
27 | PUTTO – PUT-TO; |
28 | ANCHO – ANCHO(vy); |
I have heard the House of Lords called “a club” but that too is a bit loose. To me the wording suggests “Playboy” or “Chelsea” etc but hey, it didn’t delay me because I knew LOORDS!!