Mephisto 2852 by Paul McKenna

Posted on Categories Mephisto
No problems with this puzzle of medium level difficulty

1 LASCAR – fellow plafully = rascal then swap “r” and “l” to give LASCAR = camp-follower;
5 POMATO – PO-M(AT)O; PO-MO=post modern; AT=alternative technology; a hybrid of a tomato and a potato;
10 ANTECHAPEL – (each planet)*;
12 PLEROME – PL-(MORE reversed)-E; place=PL; energy=E; growth producing tissue;
13 TARTANA – TARTAN-A; accepted=A; a wagon;
14 PRAWN – P(RAW)N; wok=pan then change “a”=”one” to “raw”;
15 ONCOST – O(NCO)ST; general overheads such as rent that are not job specific;
16 EIGHT – (w)EIGHT; women=w; row=set in a row;
17 PEHLEVI – I’VE-L-HEP all reversed; lecturer=L; knowing=HEP; early Iranian;
23 UNTRUSS – (turns us)*; roll=anagrind;
25 ACUTE – AC-UTE; Uluru is Ayres Rock in Oz which you might visit in a UTE;
26 SPARKY – S-PARKY; nippy=slang for cold=PARKY;
30 PLUNGER – P-LUNGE-R; rope for training=LUNGE; better=punter=PLUNGER;
31 INCHPIN – (l)INCHPIN; old sweetbread;
32 DEINOTHERE – (three d one I)*;
33 MENTEE – MEN-TEE; object of mentor’s attention;
34 LOORDS – LO(O)RDS; probably a refernce to MCC rather than Peer’s Paradise; idiots;
1 LAPTOP – LAP-TO-P(hysique);
2 STARCHY – S(T-ARC)HY; it=’T;
3 CENTO – hidden reversed (ylirasse)CEN-TO(pkcarc);
4 ACT,AS – AC(T)AS; T from T(alks);
6 OPEPES – (d)O(PEP)ES; density=d; teak substitutes;
7 MERRIER – M-(t)ERRIER; Sherlock=detective=terrier;
8 TIM-WHISKEY – (tike whimsy)*;
9 OMENTA – (m)OMENT-A; folds;
11 CANESCENCE – CANES-C(ad)ENCE; something we all see every time we look in a mirror;
18 LATCHET – (athletics – is)*; old thong;
21 PAPISM – PA(PI-S)M; googy=goody=PI; is=’S; pamphlet=PAM;
22 WEEPIE – WEE-PIE; reference chick-flick called Love Story;
24 SYRTES – ‘S-YR-TES(t); quicksand;
28 ANCHO – ANCHO(vy);

3 comments on “Mephisto 2852 by Paul McKenna”

  1. Much appreciated, Jim, for parsings of the second half after I’d got a start in the doctor’s surgery. I didn’t know LOORDS, and ‘London club’ seems a bit loose both for the one I am a member of (the Marylebone Cricket Club is its name) and the one I am not.
    1. I have some sympathy with you over Lords clued as “London Club”. Isn’t Lords the home of the club, which is the MCC as you say, just as The Oval is home to Surrey Cricket Club?

      I have heard the House of Lords called “a club” but that too is a bit loose. To me the wording suggests “Playboy” or “Chelsea” etc but hey, it didn’t delay me because I knew LOORDS!!

  2. I did pretty well at this one without access to the dictionaries, so was pleased to find most of my guesses based on wordplay (including SYRTES and LOORDS) were correct.

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