A slightly strange grid with 20 across clues and only 16 down and hence quite a number of 4 letter words.
This puzzle appeared on 29th March which was Ximenes’ birthday and I have two queries arising from the application of his rules. The first is minor where at 25A my Chambers does not support the padding phrase “for the croft” – possibly it’s in the very latest edition. My second is at 6D where, if I’m reading the clue properly, I can’t make the wording work. All explanations welcome.
Across | |
1 | CARABID – RAC reversed – A-BID; a real beetle, not the car; |
7 | ILEA – hidden I(so)L(at)E(d-c)A(se); |
10 | OTAKU – (out)* surrounds A-K(eyboard); Japanese computer geeks; |
11 | NOONERS – NO-ONE-RS; lust at lunchtime (congess=sexual relations); |
12 | STEGODONT – STE(GO-DON)T; bet=GO; extinct mammal; |
13 | FRAB – FR-AB(out); worry; |
16 | PITIER – P(IT)IER; |
17 | PYONER – P(YON)ER; PER=person; that=YON; old word for pioneer; |
18 | PRIAL – P-RIAL; good hand in brag; |
19 | UGLI – UG-LI(ke); old word for loathe=UG; fruit producer; |
21 | NENE – NE-NE; old word for not=NE; rare bird; |
22 | CADIE – CA-DIE; about=CA; old porter in Perth; |
23 | OBERON – (borneo)*; moon of Uranus; |
25 | ICKERS – (p)ICKERS; my Chambers just gives “ear of corn” as definition – nothing about “for the croft”; |
27 | ISIS – (cr)ISIS; crown=cr; |
29 | HORS,LA,LOI – HORS(e)-LALO-I; heroin=horse; French composer=LALO; independent=I; outlawed in Ostend; |
30 | LYOMERI – LYO(n)-MERI; club=MERI; |
31 | UTTER – (b)UTTER; baron=b; |
32 | ESTS – EST-S; special=S; awareness programmes; |
33 | FOSTERS – two meanings cobber; |
Down | |
1 | COOF – C(O-O)F; centre-forward=CF; over=O; stupid in Stirling; |
2 | ATTRITE – A-TT-R-ITE(m); dry=TT; run=R (cricket); marmelize in Mildenhall; |
3 | RABATINES – RABAT-(l)INES; old collars; |
4 | BUTTER-COOLER – B-UTTER-COOLER; bravo=B (phonetic alphabet); can=prison=COOLER; |
5 | INEBRIANT – I(nquiry)-N(ot)-E(nough)-BR-I-AN-(Chilco)T; |
6 | BOOTYLICIOUS – I think this is (is absolutely cooing)* minus “gals” and “ne” from (o)ne; what is “such” doing?; how does the clue work? what is the definition – it means a girl with a nice arse; |
7 | INDY – (w)INDY: |
8 | ERNIE – ER(N)IE; nationalist=N; |
9 | ASTERIDS – (disaster)*; see Asterias in Chambers; |
14 | SPADILLIO – SPA-DILL-I-O; the ace of spades; |
16 | PINOCHLE – PIN(OC-HL)E; OC=Officer Commanding; HL=House of Lords; long=PINE; a card game; |
20 | L-DRIVER – L(DR)IVER; |
24 | BUOYS – sounds like “boys” who are traditionally dressed in blue when babies; |
26 | ISMS – I-SMS; |
28 | SARS – S(e)ARS; |
I thought 6 d was “just” a really complicated &lit (if I’ve got that right?). I mean that the clue is the cryptic AND the definition.
Maybe there’s something else – she’s got no top AND a nice arse!
Thank you as ever for the blogs.
I think you’re probably right about 6D but I still can’t make it work – must be missing something
Edited at 2015-04-05 11:15 am (UTC)
So far I’ve only been able to find I as an abbreviation for INDEED in phrases such as the above
Thank You Very Much Indeed. AFI for A Friend Indeed seems to be used quite commonly too.
I’m wondering where to look for I = INDEED as a separate abbreviation.
Oh, a ‘genuine’ slip … that Scottish city in 1 down!
Thanks for spotting the typo in 1D
All clear now!