I found this quite difficult with some excellent wordplay, misdirections and a good deal of looking up in C
We have one rather obscure figure from mythology and one minor celeb who is well known in the UK for getting something very wrong. Other than that it just requires studied application!
Across | |
1 | WEM – MEW reversed; shed=MEW; protuberant part is definition; |
3 | TEMULENCE – (u+met+nce+le)*; U from U(nderperformance); NCE from once – (libid)0; LE from (a)LE(s); & lit for intoxication; |
10 | AVIZANDUMS – A(MUD-NAZI all reversed)S; when=AS; sheriff’s pre-judgement considerations; |
12 | CORPORA – C(ORPOR)A; ORPOR from (t)ORPOR; collection of writings; |
13 | KNURRS – S(RR)UNK all reversed; |
14 | DEARN – DEAR-N; my!=DEAR!; old word for secret; |
15 | YCLEEPE – E-C(PEELreversed)Y; Spain=E; old word for style; |
17 | ARGAL – hidden reversed (etn)ARGAL(f); Waggledagger’s bungled attempt to say ergo in Hamlet; |
19 | ROUCOU – ROU-COU; Uruguay=ROU; C(r)O(c)U(s); orange colouring; |
23 | EEL-SET – (n)E-(lees)*-T; |
24 | EIGNE – (feeling-fl)*; fluid=fl; first-born; |
25 | DROGUET – D(ROGUE)T; DT from D(istrain)T; |
27 | RECAL – RE-CAL; on=RE; unusal spelling of “recall”; |
28 | PROCNE – PRO(C)NE; minor mythological woman – never heard of her!; |
30 | INTWINE – I-(went in)*; |
31 | MESOSCAPHE – ME-SOS-CAP-HE; deep-sea chamber; |
32 | EAGLE-RAYS – (galeys)* surrounds ARE reversed; |
33 | TAD – T(r)AD; |
Down | |
1 | WALKYRIE – WAL-KYRIE; Sierra Leone=WAL; reference Wagner’s Ring – the Marmite of classical music; |
2 | MIMULUS – (Muslim+U)*; a plant; |
3 | TZAR – T(Z)AR; |
4 | EAGRE – keen=eager then “promote” R=Republican to give EAGRE; |
5 | UDOMETER – (meteor+du)*; DU from DU(e); reference Michael Fish, infamous weatherman; |
6 | LURDANE – LUR-DANE; old trumpet=LUR; a stupid person; |
7 | EMPERY – E(MP)ERY; see EMPEROR in C for definition; |
8 | CARRAGEENS – CAR-RAGE-ENS; being=ENS; tangle=seaweed=definition; |
9 | EVAN – (th)E-VAN; |
20 | OBELISE – OBE-(lies)*; |
21 | USUCAPT – USU-CA(P)T; usually=USU; chap=CAT; acquire is definition; |
22 | KNAWEL – LE(N)AN-K; Kelvin=K (physics); a weed; |
26 | ORACY – O-RACY; |
27 | RINE – (b)RINE; bass=B; old word for “rind”=outside; |
29 | OBAS – O(B)AS; on active service=OAS; B from B(enin); chiefs; |
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