Reasonably straightforward Mephisto in which Alf Garnett meets Mahatma Gandhi – I wonder what Alf would have said? At 4D I’ve queried “full-time”, suggesting “permanent” as a better alternative whilst both 13A and 20D appear to contain padding to enhance surface reading.
Across | |
1 | TO,DATE – TOD-ATE; sly in Saltcoats=TOD; |
7 | GAEL – GA(v)EL; Highlander in Halkirk=GAEL; |
11 | ARBA – ARB-A; ARB=contraction of arbitrager; |
12 | BIRETTA – B-(attire)*; nice if rather old clue; |
13 | PTARMIGAN – (raping ATM)*; “living the high life” looks like padding; |
16 | ALOWE – AL(WO reversed)E; WO=without; on fire in Fairburn; |
17 | PENNINE – PENN(IN)E; Gennaro signals Italian=pasta; |
19 | CAMORRA – CAM-ORRA; CAM-3=slate in Sandhaven; worthless in Wamphrey=ORRA; naughty boys in Naples; |
24 | ELATION – (r)ELATION; |
25 | RUNFLAT – RUN-FLAT; average=RUN; a tyre that will function after a puncture; |
27 | HAOMA – HA(O)MA(l); porter from the east=hamal; a ritual drink; |
28 | CATHEDRA – CATH-(read)*: |
31 | PAINTABLE – PAIN-TABLE; advice charity=Parents Against Injustice=PAIN: move=TABLE; |
32 | ETRENNE – apple=rennet then move ‘t=it to give “trenne” after E=English; New Year gift in Giverny; |
33 | LAID – LA(I)D; lover in Laxay=LAD; |
34 | DIYA – DIY-A; |
35 | GALENA – GALE-NA; mining licence=GALE-3; |
Down | |
1 | TAPE – E(P)AT all reversed; mess=food=EAT; |
2 | ORTOLAN – hidden reversed (dep)OR-TOL-A-NO(bbir); |
3 | AARDWOLF – A-(word)* surrounded by ALF (eg Garnett); |
4 | TEMPERA – TEMP-ERA; I think “permanent work” would be better – temping can be “full-time”; |
5 | BIG,DEAL – (obligated – to)*; |
6 | BRAIN – BR-A(I)N; bedroom=BR; |
8 | ATTUITION – AT-TUITION; psycho babble of some sort; |
9 | ETEN – (f)ETE-N; |
10 | LADDER – L-ADDER; |
18 | NOT,AT,ALL – NOT-A-TALL; accepted=A; |
20 | READING – two meanings – not sure why we need “red brick”; |
21 | MAHATMA – MA-HAT-MA; bowler=HAT; an adept, a sage as in Gandhi; |
22 | COMPLIN – COMPL(a)IN; about=A; |
23 | ARCHED – ARCH-ED; |
26 | LEANT – LE-ANT; poorer area like Belleville in NE Paris might have been better; |
29 | ANTI – is not commonly=aint then move “i” to give ANTI; |
30 | VEDA – V-E(D)A; God=D; dialect for channel=EA; |
I had the same thought about 4dn.
My son is an arbitrage trader in London – next time I speak to him I have to remember to call him an ARB and see how he reacts.