A very enjoyable, reasonably tough, solve. Some interesting words and more unusal anagrinds and containment indicators with a couple of very good “lift and separate” clues. I didn’t know the literary society but luckily had come across its constituent parts before which helped with the anagram.
Across | |
1 | GIPS – GIPS(y); unconventional=gipsy; Churchill College Cambridge is a relatively new College largely focused on sciences; |
4 | IMPASTOD – (moist pad)*; |
9 | EMBUSQUE – (queues)* surrounds MB; crowd=mob then “no stomach” gives “MB”; old draft dodger; |
15 | SOLDI – ID-LOS all reversed; old word for praise=LOS; old Italian coins=brass; |
16 | STREGA – ST(RE-G)A; on=RE; German=G; railway station=STA; an Italian liquer you can’t buy with soldi; |
17 | LIPOID – LI(POI)D; Hawaiian dish=POI; |
18 | T-CELLS – T(C)ELLS; |
20 | OPEPES – O(PEP-E)S; very large=OS; |
23 | OHMIC – OH-MIC; Military Intelligence Corps=MIC; electrical resistance is measured on ohms; |
25 | BANGSTER – BAN(GS)TER; gracious heartless=GS; |
26 | BASKET,CASE – B(ASK-ETC)ASE; stopped=surrounds indicator; |
28 | DUNNOCKS – DUN-NOCKS sounds like “ox”; |
29 | TOST – stagger in St Andrews=tost then move “s”=shilling=bob to give TOST; |
Down | |
1 | GENOAS – GEN-O(A)S; at half=A; reduce=adapt, adjust; |
2 | I’M,A,DUTCHMAN – (admit a n=new chum)*; must=frenzy=anagrind; “If that was offside I’m a Dutchman”; phrase from 1500s when all northern Europeans were “Dutchmen” and thus not to be trusted; |
3 | SUINT – SUI(N)T; hearts perhaps=(playing card) SUIT; |
4 | ISLING – IS-(NIL reversed)-G; key=isle and “to isle” is to set in an isle (see C); |
5 | PUFTALOON – sounds like “puffed”-A-LOON; tart=prostitute=LOON; this time Perth is in Oz for a fried cake; |
6 | SCROOP – POOR-CS all reversed; |
7 | TROLLOPE – T(ROLL)OP-E; start=ROLL; |
8 | DESMID – DIM-SED all reversed; old word for “said”=SED; |
10 | DUDDIE,WEANS – (added unwise)*; translation – children in ragged clothes from one of Burns’ poems; |
13 | SPASMATIC – (as impacts)*; “controlled” is angrind; |
14 | CREMOSIN – CR-SOME reversed-IN; old form of crimson; |
18 | TOO,BAD – DA-BOOT revesed; “the boot=advantage is on the other foot”; |
19 | LIBKEN – LI(BK)EN; old word for home; |
21 | PAGANS – PA(GA)NS; |
22 | SOREST – SO-REST; |
24 | ASSOT – A-S(S)OT; S from S(kirt); |
Thank you for your explanations. I enjoy – no, love, really – doing the Times’ crosswords, it’s just that they take me so much longer than you guys!
Re 29 ac, I think you’ve got a typo in your analysis? Tost written twice. The only tost I could find in Ch 12th edition was as the pp of toss. Grateful for further enlightenment.
RAdrian Cobb