A largely straightforward puzzle in which I was glad I didn’t need to know the name of any international tiddlywink players
Across | |
1 | FISTULA – (fault is)*; |
7 | SCANTY – S(CANT)Y; Seychelles=SY; |
12 | MIRTHLESS – (smithers + l=line)*; |
13 | ISLAM – IS(LA)M; look=LA; any doctrine=ISM |
14 | CATENA – CATE-NA; old word for dainty=CATE; chain is definition; |
15 | STOMACHS – two meanings 1=bears (accepts); 2=bibles for example=stomach (see bible in C); |
17 | KITSCH – KIT(SC)H; old word for ken=KITH; he sculpted=SC; |
19 | EDIBLE – (cr)EDIBLE; |
20 | ANYTHINGARIAN – (ny hating)*-ARIAN; |
23 | SCARAB – SC-ARAB; special constable=SC; old term of abuse; |
25 | CREASE – C(R)EASE; R from (p)R(essing); |
29 | WEEVIL – WE-EVIL; |
30 | FJORD – F(JO)R-D; beloved in Jedburgh=JO; |
31 | EFFECTIVE – (d)EF(F)ECTIVE; department=d; |
32 | RAYLET – RAY-LET; RAY=type of fish of which torpedo is one example; |
33 | CENTIME – (men cite)*; “ironically nice” is anagrind; |
Down | |
1 | FRISKA – FRISK-A; about=A; dance movement; |
3 | SILO – hidden reversed (radi)O-LIS(tener); |
4 | TRAMS – SMART reversed; silk yarns; |
5 | LINCH – L-INCH; a terrace; |
6 | ARCHANGELIC – ARCHA(N-GEL)IC; Raphael a real give away; |
8 | CHADDAR – CH-ADD-AR(e); Muslim body covering; |
9 | ALTAIR – (s)ALT-AIR; rating=sailor=salt; a star; |
10 | NEEMB – NEE-MB; mark of beast=MB; oil producing tree; |
11 | YSAME – E(M)ASY reversed; M from (criticis)M; stop rowing=EASY; old word for together; |
16 | ALASTRIM – ALAS-TRIM; complaint like smallpox; |
18 | CHALICE – CH-ALICE; reference Alice in Wonderland; |
21 | TRAVEL – T(R)AVEL: rose wine=TAVEL; |
22 | NEEDLE – N-(w)EEDLE; |
23 | SEWER – two meanings; |
24 | AREFY – ARE-F-Y; ARE=A; hostel=Y; |
25 | CARVE – CAR(V)E; truncheon=CARVE (an eel); |
26 | EEJIT – E-E-JIT; earl=E; “no income”=category E in scio-economic ratings; JIT=Just In Time system for restocking; |
28 | TOPI – TO-PI; |
I managed a lot off this without needing the dictionary. The only thing that puzzled me was CARVE. It had to be the answer, but I can’t find it in either OED or my Chambers 11th edition. Is it in the 12th edition? I have been putting off buying the new edition, but maybe the time has come!
I’ve a feeling a new C is due out this year so don’t rush into buying the present one
I am replying to you Jim but I am talking to them! But it is probably too late by now… I did write to them when the current edition came out
Edited at 2014-03-09 12:38 pm (UTC)