Mephisto 2776 by old thingummyjig – Tim Moorey

Posted on Categories Mephisto
Another on the easy side with almost no need to consult Chambers. Mephisto 2777 is missing from the Club Site this morning.

10 AIZOON – (iona)* surrounds ZO; hybrid=ZO; a plant;
11 IMARI – hidden (pr)IMARI(ly); Japenese porcelain;
12 WANTHILL – WAN-TH(r)ILL: chez mole;
14 HOOTANANNY – HOOT-A-NANNY; show support for OAP picket line?;
18 TINY – TIN(n)Y; shed=get rid of;
19 CORNI – sounds like “corny”; brass musical instruments;
20 REN – (bar)REN; old word for hurry;
21 ART – A-RT; ART is an abbreviation for “article”;
23 CANON – two meanings;
24 MERI – MERI(t); a club;
26 JATOS – JA(TO)S; quick upward movements;
28 APTERYGOTA – A-(r type)*-GOT-A; rock=AA; insects;
31 FAIRINGS – F(AIR)INGS; things in Tooting=FINGS;
32 MY,EYE – MY-EYE; detective=(private) EYE;
33 STATIM – personnel=staff then change “ff” to “tim”;
34 ASTROPHYSICS – (cosy starship)*;
1 TAWS – two meanings;
2 HIANT – H(ole)-I(A)NT; gaping;
3 NOTORYCTES – (notes tory c)*; another mole;
5 MOLA – MO-LA; sunfish;
6 MILNE – MI(L)NE; author;
7 BANNERET – B(A-N-N)ERET; knight=N (chess);
8 ORANGE – O-RANGE; brand name of mobile phone network;
9 BIRYANIS – (is by rani)*; beginner’s curry;
13 GALIMATIAS – GAL(IT-AMI all reversed)AS; havers;
15 STALAGMA – STALAG-MA; product of dripping;
17 DROOGISH – (ba)D-(ogrish + o)*; term=end of; “o” from (y)O(b); nice clue;
22 REPAYS – REP-(say)*;
25 ORFEO – (goes for – g-s)*; opera character;
27 ORGIC – C-I-GRO(w) all reversed; become=grow (into);
29 YAWP – P-WAY all reversed;
30 ISMS – I-SMS;

13 comments on “Mephisto 2776 by old thingummyjig – Tim Moorey”

  1. The M is available on the ST, News Review, Brain Power (tab down a bit). I asked them why it’s not in the usual spot but no answer yet).
    1. Simple explanation: The ST Crossword Setter messed up the release date when putting it up, and failed to notice a missing puzzle when he looked at the club site. Now fixed.

      On a purely practical basis, an e-mail to is probably a quicker route than going through other channels, if there’s a problem like this.

  2. I’m not sure I understand 21ac. I can see “article, in short” gives ART, and “right” gives “RT”, but where does the A come from in the wordplay?
      1. Surely double duty like that would be a Ximenean no-no, and so off-limits for one of these puzzles?
        1. Well, I’m not really very knowledgeable about Ximenean rules, but does not the question mark after ARTICLE indicate some deviation from square-dealing? I can’t think of any other source for the A.
          1. Not sure. I can’t see where the A comes from either. I expect we’re both missing something.
            1. I read it as an &lit.
              Article=a + short right=rt and definition =whole sentence rather
              than just ‘article’. So not really double duty but certainly punching above its weight 🙂
            2. I didn’t solve 21A whilst doing the puzzle! Because I got the down clues the word just filled itself in and so I didn’t read the clue until I came to write the blog. I saw A=article and RT=right and thought no explanation needed here! Wrong!

              I think ART is an accepted abbreviation for “article” and that is what the “and lit” refers to

  3. Getting to this late – did this on a plane on the way back home and could solve it with everything I had on the plane, so no big problems. And now we have 12 comments, whee!
  4. i want to express how grateful i am cos i finally got what i have been looking for. My husband left me with two kids i have tried all my possible best to reach him but is like every time i tried i am making things worst for myself.but thank the spirit that leads me to Priest Dolakpo of DOLAKPO SPELL TEMPLE, he help me to restore the love my husband had for me back within 3days of me contacting him. he came back just as Priest Dolakpo told me he will make him come back. if you find yourself in situation like this kindly contact Priest Dolakpo on his email

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