Straightforward puzzle of around average level of difficulty but with some stimulating references. I have a problem with one clue, 11A, where I think “Something to alter the best…” should perhaps read “Something to alter the current best…”.
Across | |
1 | CTENOID – (NOTICED)*; comb-shaped; “pitchfork” is the anagind; |
6 | SOFTA – SOF(T)A; tense=T; tete-a-tete=type of sofa – a handy precursor to 19A; theological student in ancient times; |
10 | LANA – LAN(d)-A; soli=land; depth=d; before=A; the genipap tree; |
11 | RHEOCORD – R(H)E(O)CORD; the best=RECORD; husband=H; ring=O; a rheostat; see the intro for comment on the definition; |
12 | ABRAIDING – A-B-R(AID)ING; second-rate=B; starting is definition; |
15 | EGER – EG-ER; note that “spud” also fits the clue; |
16 | PLOVER – P(UL)LOVER; socially acceptable=U; line=L; |
17 | ORGASM – OR-GAS-M; before=OR; natter=GAS (slang); master=M; I think I remember that….; |
19 | MALAXATING – M(A-LAX)ATING; I definitely remember that…; |
20 | PERIHELION – PERI-HE-LION; point in planetary orbit that is nearest the sun; |
23 | TEHSIL – (“holstein” without “no”)*; Indian administrative area; |
24 | EVEN,AS – hidden (s)EVEN-AS(sembled); |
26 | OMIT – (intr)OMIT; |
29 | GREENMAIL – (large mine)*; a form of blackmail related to share ownership; |
30 | EMERAUDE – EME-R(A)UDE; old uncle=EME; amateur=A; literary word for emerald; |
31 | PINK – multiple meanings; 1=peer; 2=sailing ship; 3=to decorate; 4=exquisite; 5=gay (homosexual) 6=minnow; |
32 | NOT,UP – PUT-ON reversed; call on squash court or barrier to 17A requiring 19A….; |
33 | RIDINGS – RID-(sign)*; tracks in woods or more bonking; |
Down | |
1 | CLAMP – CLAM-P; reserved chap=CLAM; |
2 | TABULATE – (alate but)*; |
3 | NAAM – NA(A)M; American=A; NAM=Vietnam; distraint; |
4 | ORIFEX – O-RIFE-X; on=O; current=RIFE; times=multiply by=X; Waggledagger’s orifice (awful thought); |
5 | DEINOTHER – DEI-NO-THERE; alibi=(I) NO THERE (Guv); dinosaur; |
6 | SONERI – SON-(th)E-(prope)R-(Emirat)I; native=SON; cloth of gold; |
7 | FOGGAGING – FOG-GAGING; confusion=FOG; grass that grows after the hay is cut; |
8 | TRUE – T-RUE; |
9 | ADERMIN – A-DER-MIN; German article=DER (die, das); a vitamin; |
13 | DERAILLEUR – (ideal ruler)*; Bradley Wiggins’ mechanism; |
14 | DOLPHINET – (hold inept)*; “police” is anagrind; |
18 | SHOALING – two obvious meanings; |
19 | MITOGEN – MIT-O-GEN; German “with”=MIT; dope=information=GEN; a substance that causes mitosis; |
21 | RIP-RAP – PAIR reversed contains PR=price; broken stones; |
22 | EVENED – EVE-NED; Scots gangster=NED; |
25 | SILKS – S-ILKS; |
27 | MEMO – M-EMO; marks=M; type of pop music=EMO; |
28 | IMPI – IMP-I; old word for a shoot=IMP; |
Peter Biddlecombe, Sunday Times Editor
In the clue “Something to alter the best about husband and ring separately” where is the definition of a rheostat?
Edited at 2012-09-09 05:05 pm (UTC)
We can’t complain too much. I’ve been trying for years to get setters to use more science based terms so have to forgive them the occassional lack of understanding.
I didn’t notice while solving, but “something to alter” does seem perhaps a little loose as a definition.
The thing that surprised me was “pitchfork” as an anagrind. Chambers has “to throw suddenly into a position or situation” but even in that there’s nothing about mixing up.