I found this a little on the difficult side and particularly the SW corner where I took a while to see how SAICS worked and to remember that ACRE was a port, something I verified via Google. No queries or quibbles, another good value Mephisto.
Across | |
1 | GREBO – (O-BERG reversed); oxygen=O; mountain=BERG; West Midlands slang for rockers, greasers, etc; |
5 | TAPIOCA – TAP-I-O-CA; get money from=TAP; one=I; old=O; accountant=CA; school dinners remembered with a shudder; |
10 | ARGO – AR-GO; Arkansas=AR; say=GO; large constellation Argo Navis spotted by Ptolemy and now split into three constellations; |
11 | PAVILION – two meanings 1=building by cricket square behind which…. 2=hospital block; |
12 | BOANERGES – BO(ANE)RGES; Argentian poet=Jorge BORGES 1899-1986; an (old)=ANE; Jesus’ Aramaic name for James and John, sons of Zebedee and friends to Dougal and Ermantrude; |
15 | PIPI – PIP-I; imagined illness=PIP-5; shellfish from NZ found on the beach at low tide; |
16 | EATAGE – (n)EAT-(p)AGE; |
17 | EISELL – E-I-SELL: old word for vinegar; |
18 | DINANDERIE – DINAN-D(one)-ERIE; Walled Breton town=DINAN; brassware from Dinant, Walloon city in Belgium; |
20 | TREMOLANDI – (an old timer)*; musical term for a trembling effect favoured by Franz Liszt; |
24 | SANCAI – (see=C + Asian)*; must=frenzied state=anagrind; colourful Chinese ceramic glaze; |
25 | DOONAS – SAN-OO-D all reversed; pair=two scores of zero (cricket); had=D; a duvet in Darwin (from a trademark); |
26 | ACRE – hidden reversed (m)ERCA(ntile); ancient northern Israeli port; |
29 | PIGNORATE – P-I-G(N)O-RATE; quietly=P; I=I; try=GO; knight=N (chess); value=RATE; to visit uncle; |
30 | CABOSHED – C(AB)O-SHED; seaman=AB; company=CO; full face (heraldry); |
31 | ANTI – hidden twice (Byz)ANTI(um) and (Const)ANTI(nople); |
32 | SEETHES – SEE-THE-S; sun=S; |
33 | OSCAN – O-SCAN; ordinary=O; old word for judge=SCAN; ancient people of Southern Italy and their language; |
Down | |
1 | GABFEST – G(A-BF)EST; fool=BF; hoary tale=GEST; WI meeting; |
2 | EGAL – (r)EGAL; Waggledagger (=Will) for equal; |
3 | BONSAI – (bosnia)*; |
4 | OP-ED – (c)OPED; article OP-posite the ED-itorial; |
5 | TAR-SEALING – TAR’S-EALING; laying the surface of the road; |
6 | PIERID – (cli)P-IE-RID; |
7 | OILIER – (b)OIL(I)ER; |
8 | COMPLICANT – COMPLI(C)ANT; colt=C (horse racing); |
9 | ANVIL – A-N(V)IL; duck=zero (cricket)=NIL; it’s that ear bone again; |
13 | ONAGRACEAE – ON(A-GRACE-A)E; about=A; a certain type=ONE; the evening primrose family; |
14 | GRENADINES – (serenading)*; with St Vincent in the southern Windward Islands; |
19 | EPSTEIN – (step)*-EIN; Jacob Epstein 1880-1959 controversial sculptor as with his offering called Night and Day at 55 Broadway, St James, London; |
21 | ENROBE – (no beer)*; |
22 | OAFISH – OA-FISH; on account=OA; person=(queer) FISH; |
23 | DOBRAS – (SAR-BOD all reversed); fish=SAR; money (tin) on Sao Tome in Gulf of Guinea; |
24 | SAICS – projects=sails then double l=50 to c=100 gives SAI-C-S; Mediterranean ships; |
27 | DODO – DOD-O; clip=DOD; of=O; |
28 | BANC – B-AN-C; characters next to A=B AN(d) C; a judge’s bench; |
has either the grid or the clues wrong.please send the correct version
1A is “identify one abbreviated US state