Mephisto 2495 – Tim Moorey

Posted on Categories Mephisto
I usually find that Tim Moorey pulls out obscure biological terminology, but this one just has a random assortment of obscure words. The right half was considerably easier than the left half, and there are a few words that remain tricky even with one unchecked letter.

1 A,CROSS: “this venue” meaning one across
5 FLY,SCH: easy enough to guess from wordplay – “A great Alpine mass of Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary sandstone with shales” according to Chambers
9 ROMNEYAS: Plants named after Thomas Romney Robinson, double meaning with the Romney Marshes
11 JERK,IN,HEAD: In the head being Navy talk for a W.C.
18 FORD,O: my last entry
20 GISMOS: SM(small) in GIOS (Northern creeks – found in Chambers under GEO)
21 SALOOP: (POOL,AS)<=. Hot sassafras drink? I’ll pass.
23 OU,RAR(e),I: If it’s ?URAR? it’s poison
25 THIRL: THIRD with L replacing D. Another word learned from wordplay – it means to subject or to enslave
27 EDDA: (ADDE(r))<=
30 MATE(=fit),LASSES: MATE as in to form a union from here
32 UN(d)ER,RING: I liked this clue a lot
33 NIRLIE: I think the wordplay is LIE after (RIN= Scots form of RUN)<=.
34 SABINE: I in (BEANS)*
1 (m)ARCO: one of the bow strokes of a stringed instrument in music
2 CO(pin)G: Took me longer than it should have, clever subtraction
3 ONE,ILL: A U.S. Dramatist featured in both Mephisto and Listener in recent weeks
6 YAHOOS: H,OO(balls) in (SAY)<=
7 SHE,ARM,A,N: nifty construction
8 HID,R(ome)O,SIS: RO is inside the HID and SIS
10 PAN,DO,RES: Not too sure about the PAN/DIAL connection. Got this from the definition
13 SUB,AHD,A.R.: AHD being (HAD)*. Defined helpfully in Chambers as “the governor of a subah”
16 RASTAMAN: (NAM(e),A,TSAR)<= – nice long reversal
17 SELICTAR: (ARTICLES)* – a Turkish sword-bearer
24 REVERB: EVER in R,B. I liked this clue
26 B,A,SRA: Ooooh, topical
29 (w)EDGE
31 AN(o)N: a starter clue to finish

One comment on “Mephisto 2495 – Tim Moorey”

  1. Can’t say I enjoyed this. There wasn’t very much for a beginner to get started with and I ended up only getting 16 answers, even with desperate word searches etc. Roll on next week (or yesterday!)

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