Jumbo 998

Completed online in 30 minutes whilst on holiday in France

Nothing to quibble about, but I don’t feel there are any outstanding clues either, although 6D may be trickier for solvers outside the UK.


1 SYCOPHANTIC – sounds like SICKO, FAN, TICK = pervert, fiend, beat
7 SISKIN – SI = IS reversed, SKIN = hide
10 ACME – ACE = expert, around M(illions).
14 TROLLOP – TOP = upper part, around ROLL = bread
15 ACERBIC – ACE = card, R = king, B = bishop, I.C. = in charge
16 CAPE COD – C(atch), APE = parrot, COD = fish
17 HAILE SELASSIE – HAILS = greets, E(nglish), LASSIE = girl, around E(thiopian)
18 AXMINSTER – A(ssemble), X = by (times, as a mathematical symbol), MINSTER = church
19 LEGAL – LEG = on (cricket), A L(ake)
21 SECOND BEST – double definition, the second mildly cryptic referring to George Best
23 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
25 PROTRUDE – PRUDE = old maid, around ROT = rubbish
29 TENANTS – A, N = variable, in TENTS = camp
31 PARIS – PARIS(h) = local area
32 TABOO – TO around AB = sailor, O(ver)
34 UNDERCOAT – cryptic definition
37 EMERALD – (g)ERALD = boy, around ME
41 MONTAGUE – MONTAGE = picture, around U(niversity)
43 BEHELD – HE = male, L = fifty, in BED = bunk
44 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
45 DRAWN – DR = doctor, AWN = beard
48 TROUSSEAU – cryptic definition
49 PRECIPITATION – double definition
51 EMBRACE – double definition
52 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
53 DRAFTEE – RAFT = inflatable, in DEE = river
54 NORM – N OR M is the novel
55 AT ONCE – ATONE = pay the penalty, around C(old)
56 LOOSE CANNON – LOOSE = at large, CANNON = gun
1 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
2 CLOSING DOWN – C(aught), LOSING, DOWN = two synonyms for behind
3 PULSE – (PLUS)*, E(nergy)
4 AS PLEASED AS PUNCH – AS = like, ED(itor), around PLEAS = petitions, PUNCH = magazine
5 TEA DANCE – (DATE)*, ACE = one, around (autum)N
6 CHESSINGTON – CHESS = game, IN, G(rand), TON = fashion. For foreign readers Chessington is an animal park and theme park on the outskirts of London
7 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
8 SOCIAL SECURITY – SOCIAL = party, SECURITY = safeguards
9 INCOME – IN = popular, COME = show (as in show up)
11 COCKTAIL BAR – COCK = friend (slang), TAIL = back, BAR = cake. Loose clueing, but acceptable to me
12 ENDORSE – ENDOR = witch’s home, S(h)E
13 UP IN ARMS – UP = at university, IN = elected, ARMS = members
20 LORENZO – LORE = learning, O = nought, around NZ = New Zealand
22 BONUS – B = key, ONUS = responsibility
24 PLAY SECOND FIDDLE – PLAY = drama, SECOND FIDDLE = extra tricky task
25 PIT STOP – POP = attempt, around (TT IS)*
27 RESIDUE – (RISE)*, DUE = appropriate
28 RANDOLPH TURPIN – (PRINT RUN HAD)* around O(ld) LP = record
31 PLEATED – PLATED = covered with metal, around (pi)E(ce)
33 BEACHCOMBER – double definition
35 RHONE – R(as)H, ON, E(uropean)
36 OVER THE HILL – double definition, one cryptic
38 AFGHANISTAN – A FAN = a cooler, around (AS NIGHT)*
40 TALISMAN – sounds like TALLIES MAN = agrees servant
43 BITTERN – BITTER = cold, N(orth)
46 NANKEEN – NAN = gran, KEEN = cutting
47 REPEAT – RE = about, PEAT = fuel
49 PLATE – P = quietly, LATE = departed
50 ALANA – hidden in DonegAL AN Artiste

4 comments on “Jumbo 998”

  1. I was familiar with the Witch of Endor only through the book Captain Hornblower, RN. I was a bit surprised to find that she is actually a biblical figure, I hadn’t really thought of the bible as a repository of witchcraft.
  2. 30 minutes, Simon? That doesn’t even compare with my indifferent 18:14, let alone with Magoo’s 9:48. You must have had one helluva holiday ;-).

    A nice, straightforward puzzle, though I hadn’t come across the Agatha Christie novel before.

    1. It was a good holiday, and I’m sure that I did have a glass (or two) of red wine to hand whilst solving….
  3. Slowed down by, among other things, a printer running out of ink, which made the black squares look almost the same as the white. Never heard of CHESSINGTON, TURPIN, or ALANA, but they didn’t pose much of a problem. I’m grateful for the explanation of EMERALD, which was totally beyond me. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a faux homophone like 40d; and I can only hope it will be a longer time before the next.

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