I did not note down my time for this although there was nothing to hold me up particularly.
A couple of the wordplays took a little time to parse correctly, but the definition in each case made the solution reasonably clear.
Across | |
1 STOP-PRESS – ST(reet) OPPRESS = cow | |
6 TACHO – H(e)-CAT = tom, reversed, O(ver) | |
9 BIT PART – BIT = mouthpiece (in a bridle), PART = separate | |
13 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
14 CARAMBA – CA = about, RAM = stuff, BA = graduate. | |
15 SET FIRE TO – (TESTER OF, I)*, where I = current | |
16 BRAHMAPUTRA – BRAHM(s) = composer, PUT = placed,in A R.A. = a drawer (artist) | |
17 GALLOWGLASS – GALLOWS = means to hang, around G(uadalcana)L, AS | |
18 WHIMSY – WHY = reason, around IS, around M(onsieur) | |
19 REDDITCH – RED = Liverpool player, D(eparts), ITCH = impatience | |
21 SUMACS – SUMS = things for adders, around (pl)AC(ed) | |
25 NONSENSE – NO N(orth) S(outh) E(ast) = only the West, N,S,E = all but west | |
26 THE CATS PYJAMAS – double definition | |
28 ELVIS – (p)ELVIS = frame attached to legs | |
29 CURDLE – DL = LD = Lord reversed, in CURE = minister | |
30 CLARK GABLE – LARK = stunt, (lon)G, all in CABLE = thick rope | |
33 EARLS COURT – EARS = auditors agents, around L(eft), COURT = invite | |
35 SPITED – DE-TIPS = renders pointless, reversed | |
36 WALES – TALES = accounts, with T(ime) replaced by W(orking) | |
38 GOOD-FOR-NOTHING – GO = travel, OD = overdoese = gorge, FOR NOTHING = without paying | |
40 SYLLABUB – BUYS = swallows, around BALL = globule, all reversed | |
42 EDUCED – ED, ED = pressmen, around UC = upper case = capitals | |
43 FOOTSTEP – hidden reversed in carPETS TOO Fine | |
44 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
47 BUFFALO BILL – BUFF = expert, A = article, LOB = send up, ILL = bad | |
52 CHECKMATE – CHECK = stop, MATE = ship’s officer | |
53 PLEADER – PER = a (as in per person), around LEAD = metal | |
54 DUMBO – DUMB = silent, O = not a thing | |
55 SET FREE – (FESTER)*, (crat)E | |
56 THEFT – THE F.T. = the Financial Times = daily | |
57 CALEDONIA – (AID ONCE)* around AL(l) | |
Down | |
1 SQUIB – SQUI(d) = one producing ink, B(lack) | |
2 OPERATION OVERLORD – (h)OPE = Cockney’s aspiration, RATION = helping, OVERLORD = boss | |
3 POSTMASTERS – POST = following, MASTERS = golf tournament | |
4 EXCEPT – EX CE = Ex Church of England = convertĀ to Catholicism, PT = training | |
5 SPRITZER – (TRIPS)*, ZER(o) = love | |
6 TIME AND A HALF – (H(earts) INFLAMED AT A)* | |
7 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
8 OUSEL – LOUSE = parasite, with the first letter moved to the end | |
9 BOTTOMS UP – BOM = MOB = crowd reversed, arount OTT = too much, SUP = drink | |
10 THINGAMAJIG – THIN = slender, GAM = leg, A JIG = a lively dance | |
11 ARENA – alternate letters in rAiNwEaR hAd, all reversed | |
12 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
18 WIND ENERGY – cryptic definition | |
20 HOTPLATE – OT = Old Testament = good book inpart, in HP = hire purchase = method of purchasing, LATE = advanced | |
22 CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN – CAMP = over-theatrical, BELLMAN = town-crier, around BANNER = heading | |
23 PSYCHO – LIP SYNCH OK* with the letters from LINK removed | |
24 OSTENSIBLY – OS = SO reversed, (BY SILENT)* | |
27 BRER WOLF – FLOWER = pick, B(ook) all reversed around R(omulus). Brer Wolf appeared in the Uncle Remus stories | |
31 RED-EYE – RYE = grass, around EDE(n) = garden | |
32 UP ONES STREET – UP = hike, O = round NESS = loch, TREE, T = sort of junction | |
34 SAFE-CRACKER – SAFE = taking no risks, CRACKER = explosive device | |
36 WELL-ROUNDED – double definition | |
37 SHOOFLY PIE – SHOP = outlet, around O = duck and FLY = wing, IE = that is | |
39 RADIO WAVE – RAVE = storm, around D(eparts), IOWA = US state | |
41 HERALDIC – (CHILDRE(n))* around A | |
45 ABACUS – A, BAC(ch)US = god | |
46 ASTRAL – AS = like, TRA(i)L = to drag | |
48 FLEET – FLEE = run, T(ime), The Fleet is a river running under London | |
49 INERT – IN = popular, (c)ERT = banker | |
51 THORA – T, H, OR A is the choice of first letters from Trolley Have Approval |
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