A steady solve, with a couple of unfamiliar words and a couple of bits of General Knowledge required. I did not time this one.
Across | |
1 FLIP ONES LID – FLIP = pert, ONE = individual, SLID = went smoothly | |
7 SWALLOW HOLE – SO = like this, around WALL = rock face, then WHOLE = complete | |
13 SNAFFLING – SNAF = fans reversed, FLING = cast | |
14 POUSSIN – double definition | |
15 INEPT – I, NEPT(une) | |
16 ELISHA – (b)ELISHA. I am not sure whether overseas (or younger) solvers would pick up the beacon reference. | |
17 MANNERLY – MAN = fellow, NE(a)RLY = more or less | |
18 OUTWORN – TWO = twain, in O, URN=vessel | |
23 TREFOIL – REF = supervisor, in TOIL = work | |
24 AMBIENT – TAMB(our)INE* | |
26 DRACHMA – C(orint)H in DRAMA = play | |
28 ROMP – PROM = concert, with the first letter (=inro) moved to the end (deferred) | |
29 deliberately omitted, please ask if necessary | |
32 NO-BRAINER – NOB = head, (t)RAINER = coach | |
35 TRUMPETER – (ou)T, RUM = odd, PETER = man | |
37 HERD – sounds like HEARD = on the radio | |
39 INHALER – ((t)HIR(d) LANE)* | |
41 MACADAM – MADAM = precocious girl, around A, C = hundred | |
44 FLATTER – FR = father, around LATTE = drink | |
45 LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI – LABELLED = identified, (AMERICANS, M(ilton’s), E(nglish) S(onnets))* | |
49 SIMENON – ME = setter, in SI, NON being French yes and no | |
50 GLEE CLUB – GLEE = great delight, CLUB = beat | |
51 MODENA – MODE = fashion, NA = AN = article, reversed | |
53 ALIBI – I = one, in ALBI = French town | |
53 OIL WELL – double definition | |
55 EYES RIGHT – E(conomy), YES right = I agree | |
56 DRAUGHTSMAN – DRAUGHTS = game, MA = old lady, (ope)N | |
57 REPLACEMENT – REP = material, L(eft), A(dmiralty), CEMENT = material for building | |
Down | |
1 FOSTER – cryptic reference to the nursery rhyme where Doctor Foster went to Gloucester, in a shower of rain | |
3 deliberately omitted, please ask if necessary | |
4 ERIN – alternate letters in gEoRgIaN | |
5 LA GUARDIA – LA = US City, GUARDIA(n) = newspaper | |
6 DIP INTO – DI = I’D reversed, PINTO = horse | |
7 SOUBRETTE – SOU = money, but not much, (BETTER)*. A clever way to clue the first three letters | |
8 ASSAY – (g)AS = fuel, SAY = for example | |
9 LAD OF NOD – double definition – biblical and nursery | |
10 WHITTLED AWAY – WHITTLE = Aeronautical engineer, DAY = time, around WA = Washington | |
11 OCELOTS – alternate letters in pOaChEr, LOTS = many | |
12 EXTENT – EX = old, TENT = Spanish wine | |
19 PSALMIST – PALMIST = fortune teller, around S = saint. The definition is David, author of psalms | |
21 deliberately omitted, please ask if necessary | |
22 LABRADOR – LABOR = work in USA, around initial letters of R(epublicans) A(nd) D(emocrats) | |
23 TURN TAIL – TURN = shock, TAIL = follower | |
25 BLIMP – initial letters of B(engal) L(ancers) I(n) M(ess) P(oppadums) | |
27 HANSEATIC LEAGUE – (AS ACUTE HEGELIAN)*. An old trading group. | |
30 LARAMIE – LIE = cock and bull story, around A RAM = a beast | |
31 GUYED – sounds like GUIDE = conductor | |
33 BRIEFEST – a cheesy event might be a BRIE FEST (groan) | |
34 SPELLBINDING – SPELL = term, BINDING = book cover | |
38 RACECOURSE – RACE = people, COURSE = lectures | |
40 RULING OUT – L = learner driver, in RUIN = smash, GOUT = complaint | |
42 CHAMELEON – CHA = tea, MELON = fruit, around E(nergy). A chameleon changes colour to blend in so must be a blender, mustn’t it? | |
43 MEASURE UP – double definition | |
45 LEMPIRA – (PEARL IM)*. Currency (or ready) in Honduras | |
46 ESCOLAR – (CORAL SE(a))* | |
47 ASGARD – AS = like, GARD = French department | |
48 PAST IT – PA(use) = useless pause, STIT = TITS = birds reversed | |
50 GOLEM – GEM = stone, around O = round, L(arge) | |
52 deliberately omitted, please ask if necessary |
I didn’t time this one as I did it while in Qatar, sitting on a beach in 30degC sun 🙂