Solving time: 33:37
Nice puzzle. Excellent surface readings in a number of clues, some convoluted wordplay, and a couple of tricky clues to fathom out at the end. I enjoyed this one.
Across |
1 |
14 |
IMPLANT (M +PLAN in IT) – I am not happy with “computers” equals IT, but I suppose it’s |
15 |
AQUILEGIA (I + Arrange alongside A + QUILt + EG) – this was the first of a number of clues with quite convoluted wordplay. |
16 |
SHEEPSKIN – not sure how to classify this clue! “Half-twisted arms” gives the required SHEEP – rams. |
20 |
ORIGAMI (A + M in ORIGIn) – “beginning to drop back” was very natural phrasing to indicate ORIGIn. |
24 |
25 |
DELUSIVE (crossword + ELUSIVE) |
26 |
SEND TO COVENTRY (NOT CONVERTED SAY* minus A) – nice natural wording and the definition (blank) was well-disguised. |
28 |
SEWER (SEVER with W for V) |
29 |
REAPER (PE in REAR) – I am struggling to interpret “backbreaking exercises as PE in REAR. |
30 |
NEGLIGENCE (N + C in NEGLIGEE) – nice surface, but COKEHEAD = C will have its disapprovers! |
37 |
USAGE (saUSAGE) – “silly little thing” = SAUSAGE made me chuckle. |
39 |
45 |
ALCOHOL (COHO in ALL) – the Pacific salmon is a stock fish for crossword fans. |
53 |
EN PASSANT (A SS in PAN all in NET*) – the board being a chess one – another good surface. |
56 |
TOMMY COOPER – the usage of “gun” and “barrel” went together well her – nice to see the late, great Tommy make an appearance! |
57 |
WEIGHBRIDGE (W + EIGHt + BRIDGE) – I presume the reference is (the game of) bridge involving the making of tricks so being “tricky”. |
Down |
1 |
THRESHOLD (THRESH + OLD) – I don’t know why but I always want to put double H in the middle of this word! |
8 |
FRAIL (F + RAIL) – strange clue as FRAIL = not strong and is also and old slang word for woman – double semi & lit!!?? |
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11 |
12 |
KHAN (K + HAN & lit) – tricky one to spot – would have been easy to plump for KSAR even though it has no justification in the wordplay. |
19 |
ETHYLENE (THE* + L in YEN + homE) – one of the convoluted wordplay clues! |
31 |
GLUTTON (GLUe + raT [twice] + ON) |
36 |
43 |
GLADIOLI (LAD + I + O in GLI) – I have never come across “gli” = “the” in Italian before and I had to research from a BBC page. |
52 |
SPAM (2 defs) – reference to SPAM mail. |
Reaper is PE (for the exercise) inserted (i.e. breaking) into rear (back). Apologies if that was obvious to one and all but the explanations don’t seem to put it that way.