1 Bracketed father, say, with man having time in charge (11)
PARENTHETIC – PARENT = father, say, HE = man, T = time, I.C. = in charge
7 Go in with five by two strengthening strip (6)
BATTEN – BAT = go in, TEN = five by two
10 Port city with area for university student residence (4)
HALL – HULL = port city, with A = area replacing U = university
14 Note aunt’s unfortunate disease (7)
15 Quash right boxing ace in a ring (7)
ANNULAR – ANNUL = quash, A = ace, R = right
16 Certainly bachelor interrupts ruse for ladies’ man (7)
PLAYBOY – PLAY = ruse, around AY = certainly, and B = bachelor
17 Famous maestro, not English, getting cue wrong after Lohengrin’s wife is dressing (8,5)
BECHAMEL SAUCE – BE(e)CHAM = famous maestro, ELSA = Lohengrin’s wife, CUE*
18 City with terrible secret about gold (9)
WORCESTER – W = with, OR = gold, SECRET*
19 One living abroad has European vote, very conveniently (5)
EXPAT – E = European, X = vote, PAT = very conveniently
21 Heavy work I have outside printing house (10)
OPPRESSIVE – OP = work, PRESS = printing house, I’VE = I have
23 Charge involving one Zulu witch doctor? (6)
WIZARD – WARD = charge, around I = one and Z = Zulu
25 Confused pie chart and inscription (8)
26 What may result in prince’s military manoeuvre (6,8)
PINCER MOVEMENT – double definition, the first cryptic suggesting an anagram
29 Large cactus so full of water of Mexican river (7)
SAGUARO – SO around AGUA = water of Mexican, and R = river
30 Anaesthetic unit is the best (6,3)
NUMBER ONE – NUMBER = anaesthetic, ONE = unit
31 Royal Society’s in misery with lower standards (5)
WORSE – WOE = misery, around R.S. = Royal Society
32 Speak at length with old judge (5)
ORATE – O = old, RATE = judge
34 Queen trapped by duty? Right, this may give her strength (9)
EXERCISER – EXCISE = duty, around E.R. = queen, R = right
37 Golf provides for a place to swing (7)
GALLOWS – G = golf, ALLOWS = provides for
39 Key mineral fat for pastry producing artistic effect (14)
FORESHORTENING – F = key, ORE = mineral, SHORTENING = fat for pastry
41 Established working name for language (8)
ESTONIAN – EST = established, ON = working, IAN = name
43 Familiarly, wheels stick and make a harsh noise (6)
JAMJAR – JAM = stick, JAR = make a harsh noise. Cockney rhyming slang for car = wheels
44 Absolute commander-in-chief chasing car holding traitor (10)
AUTOCRATIC – AUTO = car, C.I.C. = commander-in-chief, around RAT = traitor
45 Fine inventions, jets? (5)
FLIES – F = fine, LIES = inventions
48 Like flowers when meeting to study illness with hospital department (9)
CONFLUENT – CON = to study, FLU = illness, E.N.T. = hospital department
49 See beer in guilty sense without one getting better (13)
CONVALESCENCE – CONSC(i)ENCE = guilty sense, around V = see and ALE = beer
51 Doctor exposed about operation as one who failed to qualify (7)
DROPOUT – DR = doctor, OP = operation, OUT = exposed
52 Seller of pills made from tips of acacia blossom on tree (7)
BEECHAM – BEECH = tree, and final letters of (acaci)A and (blossom)M
53 Took on suitable editor without visit to see (7)
ADOPTED – APT = suitable, ED = editor, around DO = visit to see
54 Smart suppressing singular desire (4)
WISH – (s)WISH = smart
55 Failing to cross over desert (6)
DEFECT – triple definition
56 Web crawler that predicts where the wealth is going? (5,6)
MONEY SPIDER – double definition, the second slightly cryptic
1 Pill introduced by east European is fit to drink down (7)
POTABLE – POLE = east European, around TAB = pill
2 Informer about in Epping restraining local authority (4-7)
RATE-CAPPING – RAT = informer, EPPING around CA = about
3 Girl trapping judge’s assassin (5)
NINJA – NINA = girl, around J = judge
4 What’s inverted horny porno tester suffering? (8,8)
HYSTERON PROTERON – (HORNY PORNO TESTER)*. Never hear this phrase so had to look it up given the anagram and the checking letters
5 Managed a month in teetotal wing of church (8)
TRANSEPT – T.T. = teetotal, around RAN = managed and SEPT = a month
6 Mum’s core sin unfortunately is a love of shopping (11)
7 Bulk large on the outside? (5)
BULGE – external letters of BUL(k lar)GE
8 Jettison bedcover on top of antique table (5,9)
THROW OVERBOARD – THROW = bedcover, OVER = on top of, BOARD = antique table
9 Sandwich spread? (6)
EXPORT – double definition, the first mildly cryptic as Sandwich is one of the Cinque Ports but is now 2 miles from the sea so is an EX PORT (ha ha)
11 Market exploiter using a rand drop to bait Europe (11)
ARBITRAGEUR – A, R = rand, BIT = drop, RAG = bait, EUR = Europe
12 Stratified lake certainly a warning of something dangerous (7)
LAYERED – L = lake, AYE = certainly, RED = a warning of something dangerous
13 British petroleum jelly, not very standard for comparison (8)
BASELINE – B = British, (v)ASELINE = petroleum jelly
20 Convert home to church in stretch of land for row of houses (7)
TERRACE – TERRAIN = stretch of land, with IN = home converted to C.E. = church
22 Certain about Chile’s capital being somewhere in the Andes (5)
SUCRE – SURE = certain, around C(hile)
24 Strange being on underground with a railway minister (7,9)
FOREIGN SECRETARY – FOREIGN = strange, SECRET = underground, A, RY = railway
25 Moderate teases toffs endlessly (4,3)
EASE OFF – (t)EASE(s) (t)OFF(s)
27 No tears about disloyalty (7)
28 Includes bitter brewed to be very strong (14)
31 Rich, fit and not working (4-3)
WELL-OFF – WELL = fit, OFF = not working
33 A blush digesting record of debt leaving son to the very end bitter (11)
ACRIMONIOUS – A, CRIMSON with S = son moved to the end, around I.O.U. = record of debt
35 Section of poem to preserve — Tasso’s no fool (5)
CANTO – CAN = preserve, T(ass)O
36 HM’s in a grand construction — here? (11)
38 Dogmatic idea, no point shifting (11)
40 Delay one riding horse (8)
STALLION – STALL = delay, I = one, ON = riding
42 Sham opponent’s name a million nasty people sent up (5,3)
STRAW MAN – N = name, A, M = million, WARTS = nasty people, all reversed
43 Bird’s to raise hatch, reportedly (7)
JACKDAW – JACK = raise, DAW sounds like DOOR = hatch
46 Mailer accepting Pound is rather fine (7)
SLENDER – SENDER = mailer, around L = pound
47 Get annoyed with what might appear on waste land (6)
NETTLE – double definition
49 Socialists pursuing Conservative split (5)
CLEFT – C = Conservative, LEFT = socialists
50 Mike’s stuffing piece of meat to munch with gusto (5)
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