This was not too difficult, although there are a few clues that may be more difficult for overseas solvers. The US terms are more commonly found over here although I had not come across 39A before.
Across |
1 KIDSGROVE – KIDS = children, ROVE = are wandering, around the middle letter of larGish. Probably easier for UK solvers | |
6 ARAMAIC – CIA = spies, M.A. = graduate, R.A. = artist, all reversed | |
10 QATAR – Q(uestion), A, TAR = pitch | |
13 BUSHELS – BUSHES = scrub, around L = fifty | |
14 TRA-LA – TR = RT = retweet, reversed, ALA = in the style of | |
16 BURN THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS – double definition, the second slightly cryptic | |
17 DEIFIC – hidden in lemonaDE IF I Contribute | |
18 KIRIBATI – KIR = win with blackcurrant, I,I = two, around BAT = club | |
19 TO SPARE – TORE = rent, around SPA = well | |
22 WILD GARLIC – (RIGID CLAW)* around L(arge) | |
27 OWN UP – OWN = private, UP = quite happy | |
29 FINE LEG – F(ollowing), IN = popular, ELEG(y) = lament | |
30 NEUROSIS – N(ew), EUROS = currency, IS | |
32 ADRIATIC – AIR = show, D.A. = attorney, all reversed, TIC = sharp movement. The definition is “arm, in Med” | |
34 DELIBES – DELIBE(rate)S = ponders | |
36 FETID – FED = US investigator, around TI = note | |
39 BASKET MAKERS – BET MAKERS = gamblers, around ASK = demand. Not a term I am familiar with | |
41 WINDSHIELD – WINDS = turns, HI = greeting, E(nglish), LD = lord | |
44 INSURER – (IS RERUN)* | |
46 SCAVENGE – S.C. = that is, AVENGE = make someone pay | |
48 STRIPY – S(econd), TRIP = tour, Y(ear) | |
53 ESOTERICA – alternate letters in sEa ScOuTs, ERICA = miss (= a girl’s name) | |
54 COPSE – sounds like COPS = police = bluebottles | |
55 PIGFEED – cryptic reference to the phrase “pigs might fly” as some thing most unlikely. My LOI | |
56 TWILL – (a)T WILL = as one wants | |
57 ONE-STOP – ONE = I, STOP = cease | |
58 LAST RITES – LASS = female, around TRITE = worn | |
Down |
1 KEBAB – BK = book, around ABE = president, all reversed | |
2 DESERT ISLAND DISCS – DESERT = waste, IS = one’s, LAND = left with, DIS = criticise, C.S. = civil service. Well constructed – possibly more UK-centric? | |
3 GEE-STRING – GEE = my, ST(reet), RING = band | |
4 OUSTED – OFSTED = school inspectorate, with U(niversity) replacing F = loudly. Again, OFSTED is a UK agency | |
5 EXTRADITION – EX = no longer, TRADITION = habit | |
6 ALASDAIR – AIR = appearance, around L(arge) and ASDA = supermarket. Not sure how well this will go down with overseas solvers as ASDA is a UK brand (from Associated Dairies originally), although now owned by Walmart | |
7 ALAMEDA – ALA(r)MED = anxious, A | |
9 COMFORTER – hidden in interCOM FOR TERraced | |
10 QUASHES – QUA = as, HES = stag party, around S(mall) | |
11 TITAN – sounds like TIGHTEN = attend to screws | |
12 ROCK-STEADY – ROCKS = is distressing, (AD YET)* | |
17 DR WHO – alternate letters in tHe WoRlD reversed, O = round | |
21 PROFIT – PRO(fessional) = one paid, FIT = well | |
24 ARGYLE – outside letters of A(mbe)R, G(re)Y, and L(im)E. The diamond pattern on knitwear, in my recollection often worn by golfers | |
25 SPOOF – F.O. = foreign office, OPS = actions, all reversed | |
26 GLIDER – R(ight), E.G. = for one, all reversed, around LID = top. Took some time to parse this one, although the solution was clear | |
28 PRIZE – sounds like PRIES = meddles | |
31 UPSIDE – (IS DUE, P(laying))* | |
33 CAKES AND ALE – CAKE = fancy, SAN = medical establishment, DALE = valley | |
35 BRING TO HEEL – (BLETHERING)*, around O = nothing | |
37 DADDY – DAY = light, around D,D = daughters | |
38 ABRIDGMENT – A.B. = sailor, RID = shot, G MEN = FBI agents, (exi)T | |
40 MARACAIBO – MAR = ruin, A, C(old), AI = fine, BO = O.B. = old boy, revered | |
42 HOTDOGGER – HOT = very close to, DOGGER = sandbank. I thought this was a snowboarding term, but obviously not | |
43 SELL A PUP – SEL = LES, the, French, reversed, LAP UP = readily accept | |
45 RENDELL – REND = rip off, ELL = length of old material. The author is Ruth Rendell, again probably more familiar to UK solvers | |
47 APRICOT – APR I = spring date, CO = firm, (succulen)T | |
49 PAMPAS – PAM = woman, PA’S = of 37 (= daddy) | |
51 OBOLI – IO = satellite, around LOB = sky, all reversed | |
52 MIDAS – MID = mean (mathematically), AS = top grades |
Edited at 2017-10-21 05:50 am (UTC)
Great blog, though!
Paul G
Hardest jumbo in a while