Apologies for typos in this one – typed up after my leaving lunch. Time for a well earned retirement break.
Nothing particularly remarkable in this one
Across | |
1 FROSTBITTEN – (BONFIRES, T, T, T), where each T represents time | |
7 DYSFUNCTION – D(r)Y, S(tif)F, UNCTION = ointment | |
13 CREPE – CREE = Indian, around P(aneer) | |
14 LOWBROW – LOW = sound made by beast, BROW(n) = earthy | |
15 BOOKMAKER – BOOK = Job, maybe (biblical), MAKER = manufacturer | |
16 TASTELESS – TAS = SAT = posed, reversed, around STELES = memorial stones | |
17 OPTIMISTIC – OP = work, I MIST = sounds like I MISSED = I failed to see, in art(IC)les | |
20 ONE-STEP – (h)ONEST = square, E = note, P(ressure) | |
22 IMMORAL – I’M, M(arried), ORAL = in speech | |
24 RETINUE – RUE = regret, around ETIN = NITE = late time (informally), reversed | |
25 SKINCARE – S(ons), KIN = family, CARE = worry | |
26 UNDERSTATEMENT – UNDER = according with, STATEMENT = banking report (I think this is how it works) | |
28 BALTI – IT = the thing, LAB – laboratory, all reversed | |
29 DIADEM – DID = made, EM = them, around A | |
30 HISTORICAL – (THIS CAROL)* around I = one | |
33 ANSWERABLE – ARABLE = growing crops, around N,S,W,E = a full set of directions | |
35 TROUGH – TOUGH = hard, around R(iver) | |
37 FANCY – F(emale), ANY = even one, around C(lubs) | |
41 SPEAKING – SING = yodel, around PEAK = mountain | |
44 ISOLATE – I = single, SO = very, LATE = behind schedule | |
45 CONFINE – CON = prisoner, FINE = very well | |
46 TINTERN – TINT = shade, (f)ERN | |
47 HESITATION – H.E. = ambassador, STATION = social position, around I = one | |
49 SEED PEARL – DEALERS*, around PE(ridot) | |
53 CRINOLINE – CRI(b) = copy, NO, LINE = shape | |
54 ANIMISM – SIMIAN*, M(an) | |
55 AXIOM – A(ce), XI = team, O.M. = medal | |
56 NIGHTINGALE – NIGH = nearly, TIN = can GALE = strong wind. I have seen similar constructions for this one before | |
57 EVER AND ANON – E(astern), VERANDA, = porch, N(oon), ON = working | |
Down | |
1 FACETIOUS – FACTIOUS = inclined to dissent, around E(nglish) | |
3 THEME – THE = article, around EM = twelve points (printing space) | |
4 ILL-TEMPERED – I’LL = I will, TEMP = work as required, ERE = before, D(ay) | |
5 TOWNSHIP – OWNS = keeps, H(orse) in TIP = filthy place | |
6 NARROW-MINDED – N(ew), ARROW = quarrel, MINDED = inclined to think | |
7 DOWNTURNED – DOWN = feathers, TURNED = became | |
8 SEBUM – hidden in gooSE BUMps | |
9 UNOBSERVANT – U = upper-class, NOB = toff, SERVANT = home help. | |
10 COMMITTEE – COMMIT = pledge, TEE = support of (golf) course | |
11 INKY – (p)INKY = salmon-coloured | |
12 NORM – NORM(an(y) wisdom) = comic | |
19 MENTALLY – MEN = soldiers, TALLY = count | |
21 TACTILE – TAC = sounds like TACK = fix, TILE = roofing | |
23 LUSCIOUS – L(eft),US, COUSI(n)* | |
27 BALLETIC – BALTIC = northern sea, around LE = the (French) | |
28 BEARSKIN – BEAR = carry, SKI = winter sports item, N(orthern) | |
31 REFRAIN – REIN = check, around FRA = brother | |
32 BRILLIANTINE – BRILL = fish, IAN = man, TIN(g)E = tint | |
36 HYPOTHERMIA – H(ubb)Y, POT = shot, HERMIA = Athenian lover | |
40 SCAPEGOAT – S.C. = that is, APE = copy, GO AT = attack | |
42 GENTLEMAN – GENT(i)LE = non-Jewish, MA(i)N = chief | |
43 PERSPIRE – PER = each, SPIRE = architectural feature | |
48 ARENA – ARE, N.A. = not available | |
50 PLAID – PL(ace), AID = material assistance | |
51 SCAN – SAN = sanatorium, around C(onstant) | |
52 KING – KIN = family, G(ermany) |
Edited at 2017-07-15 06:02 pm (UTC)
David (Warwick)