Typed up quickly this morning as last week was busy and I forgot my responsibility. I don’t remember anything holding me up on this one.
Apologies for any typos – I’m not the best at speed
Across | |
1 FABLED – FLED = did run, around A B(ye) | |
4 WORRY BEADS – WORDS angry talk, around, RY = railway, and BEA(t) = strike | |
10 FORUM – FORM = shape, around U(niversity) | |
14 OUTERMOST – O.U. = Open University, TERM = session, O(ld), ST(reet) | |
15 BE AT A LOOSE END – BEAT = conquer, A LOO = a card game, SEEN = spotted, D(aughter) | |
16 EMERSON – (sch)EMERS = planners, ON = working | |
17 OVERFAR – (OF RAVER)* | |
18 ELASTIC – hidden in feEL A STICker | |
19 PRIVATE MEMBERS BILL- PRIVATES = soldiers, around MEMBER = representative, BILL = statement | |
21 IBIS – I = one, B(ritish), IS = Isles | |
24 TRIAC – TRAC = CART = carrier, reversed around I = current | |
26 TAU CROSS – (pries)T, AU = gold, CROSS = not happy | |
27 TREATISE – TRIES* around EAT = take in | |
29 HIGH-TENSION – H(e)IGHTEN = strengthen, SION = holy city | |
30 ABANDON SHIP – double definition, the first referring to A BAND ON SHIP | |
32 INCOHERENCE – ICE = diamonds, around N(euter), CO(mpany), HERE = present, N(itrogen). It does not make sense, but then that is the point | |
35 PENULTIMATE – PEN = sut up, U(niversity), LATE = after hours, around TIM = lad | |
37 CONCLUDE – CON = against, CLUDE sounds like CLUED = how these answers are indicated | |
39 TECTONIC – (NOTICE)*, around CT = court | |
40 GAPER – double definition | |
43 TROY – TRY = attempt, around O = round | |
47 ADDRESS – AD = notice, DRESS = type of uniform | |
48 BACK OFF – BACK = support, OFF = leaving | |
50 STEWARD – (w)ESTWARD* | |
51 ORNITHOLOGIST – cryptic definition referring to stilts as types of birds | |
52 OPERATION – OPTION = choice, around ERA = time | |
53 THEME – THE = article, ME = note | |
54 MANAGERIAL – MAN = provide crew for, AERIAL = antenna, around G(ood) | |
55 SHANTY – SHY = nervous, around ANT = insect | |
Down | |
1 FLOWERPOT – FLOWER = finest, POT = marijuana | |
2 BUTTER ICING – BUTT = cask, ERIC = man, GIN* | |
3 EURASIA – A(rea) IS A RUE= regret, all reversed | |
5 OUTDO – an OUT DO is presumably a garden party | |
6 ROBBER BARON – BORE* around B(illions), R(uns), BAR = ban, ON = over | |
9 SHOVELLER – SH = quiet, OVER = finished, around ELL = forty-five inches | |
10 FISCAL – hidden in relieF IS CALculated | |
11 RE-ESTABLISH – RELISH = pickle, around BEAST* | |
12 MEDOC – M = Bond’s boss, EDOC = CODE reversed | |
13 COUNTERTENOR – COUNTER = bar, TENOR = singer | |
20 ESURIENT – ESUR = RUSE = trick, reversed, I.E. = that is, N(ea)T | |
22 STEEPLE – ST(reet), EEPLE = EL-PEE = record, reversed | |
23 PAINTING – PANTING = gasping, around I(talian) | |
25 CATCH-ALL – CATCALL = cry of mockery, around H(usband) | |
28 EARNINGS – (y)EARNING = longing, S(mall) | |
29 HAIRCUT – H(ot), AIR = atmosphere, CUT(e) = pretty | |
31 DELICATESSEN – DELICATE = fragile, SSEN = NESS = head, reversed | |
33 CONCORDANCE – CONCORDE = grounded plane, around A N(ew) C(arbon) | |
34 EYE-CATCHING – EYE = part of needle, CATCHING = snagging | |
35 PATERNOSTER – POSTER = bill around A TERN = a bird | |
36 APPROBATION – A P(risoner), PROBATION = trial | |
38 DUST STORM – DUSTS = cleans, TOR = ROT = rubbish, reversed, M(otorway) | |
41 RESIDENCY – (p)RESIDENCY = top US job | |
42 DOUBLOON – DOUB(t) = uncertainty, LOON = diver (birds again) | |
45 EYEWASH – E(nglish), YEW, ASH = trees | |
46 SETTLE – double definition | |
47 ALOFT – double definition | |
49 FLORA – FLOR(id)A = Sunshine State |
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