Jumbo 1158

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
Really nothing too testing in this one – one of the speedier Jumbos

Just one American plant that was quite straightforward from the wordplay and checking letters.

1 A BIT THICK – double definition
6 SAMBA – initial letters of Sweaty After Much Bopping Around
9 QUARTER – double definition
13 PODIA – P(iano), ODA = ADO = trouble, reversed, around I = current
14 CHIANTI – CHI = Greek character, ANTI = opposed to
15 BLACKBALL – BLAK = threatening, ALL = everybody, around B(ritish)
17 OUTSIDE LEFT – OUT = abroad, SIDE = TV channel, LEFT = abandoned
18 DENIER – double definition
19 FAINTEST – FAN = supporter, around I = one, TEST = cricket match.
21 ORIENT – hidden in visitOR I ENTertained
25 CATARACT – double definition
28 INAPT – IT = the thing, around NAP = sleep
29 AT ONCE – AT ONE = united, around C(lubs)
30 ROTISSERIE – RE = about, around (STORIES, I)*
33 NOTABILITY – NOT = TON = fashion, reversed, ABILITY = talent
35 COIN-OP – COIN = mint, initial letters of Old Pastille
36 TINGE – TIN = NIT = fool, reversed, alternate letters in GeEk
38 RECORD-BREAKING – BREAK = opportunity, in RECORDING = video
40 ALL AT SEA – double definition
42 GEMINI – GE = E.G = say, reversed, MINI(m) = note
43 POSITION – S(ulphur), and I(odine) in POTION = possibly toxic brew
44 TSETSE – outside letters of T(hi)S, E(astern), all repeated
47 BLAZING STAR – BLAZING = mad. STAR = RATS = creeps, reversed
50 PREDOMINATE – EDOM = MODE = way, reversed, I N(eed) in PRATE = talk foolishly
52 ELECTRODE – ELECT = chosen, R(ight), ODE = poem to be sung
53 PRIMACY – PACY = quick, around RIM = side
54 USHER – U.S. = American, HER = a woman
55 TEHERAN – TE = note, H.E. = ambassador, RAN = fled
56 STRUT – STUT = TUTS = sounds disapproving, reversed, around (hooke)R
57 EASTENDER – E = note, A, S(mall), TENDER = present
1 AMPLE – ALE = beer, around M.P. = politician
2 INDEFINITE ARTICLE – IN = home, DEFINITE = black and white, ARTICLE = item. A very small definition – “eg a”
3 TRADE SECRET – (STREET CRED)* around A(nswer)
4 INCITE – sounds like IN = popular, SIGHT = view
5 KNITWEAR – (K(ecks), WET, RAIN)*
6 SAN FRANCISCO – A N(ew) FRANC = unit of currency, IS, C = about, all in SO = very
7 MAISONETTE – (ESTIMATE)* around ON = possible
8 AMBIT – g(AMBIT)s = openings
9 QUASIMODO – QUASI = seemingly, MOO = low, around D(ifficult)
10 ANKLE BITERS – (BRATS LIKE N(orth) E(astern))*
11 TRACE – T(ime), RACE = people
12 RELATE – R(ud)E, LATE = former
18 DICTIONARY – DIARY = journal, around (a)CTION = deed
20 TANGOING – TAN GOING = what sunbather dreads
23 SCRAWL – S(mall), CRAWL = stroke
24 INVETERATE – IN = during, VET = check, E = drug, RATE = charge
27 BOTTLE UP – BOTTLE = nerve, UP = winning
31 IMPALA – I = one, M(ile), PAL = LAP = circuit, reversed, A
32 POINT-TO-POINT – E TO N could be clued as point to point
34 BAR SINISTER – BARTER = trading, around SIN = crime
36 TRANSFIGURE – TRA(i)NS = coaches, FIGURE = price
39 BRING DOWN – B(ook), RING = group, DOWN = far from happy
41 COVERAGE – COVE = fellow, RAGE = obsession
45 OBJECT – double definition
46 POLYPS – P(ropagated) in POLYS = old places of learning. For any overseas solvers many current UK Universities were formerly Polytechnics
48 ALEPH – hidden in femALE PHilanthropist
49 TREWS – alternate letters in TuRkEy WaS
51 ERROR – (t)ERROR = panic

6 comments on “Jumbo 1158”

  1. I had FLAMING STAR which seemed correct except it’s from Peru apparently! 45 dn , EFFECT , which also could fit.

    Edited at 2015-07-25 07:10 pm (UTC)

    1. Luckily that did not cross my mind as I actually submitted without checking the solution beforehand
  2. I also didn’t check on BLAZING STAR, but then I think I had OBJECT in first. I took a long time dithering at 15ac between BLACKBALL and ‘blackmail’ until I finally parsed the clue properly. Nice to see my home town in a puzzle (no, not Teheran).
  3. Gentle like last week’s.Had COIN-UP but changed it when I read clue anew.Please explain creeps=rats,an interjection,perhaps?(ONG’ARA,KENYA)
    1. I think the setter was using the fact that creep and rat are both words for unpleasant people.

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