Jumbo 1138

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
Quite straightforward. A couple of definitions that were more cryptic and a couple of unfamiliar words, including a slang word, but everything was clear from the wordplay and confirmed by crossing letters.

1 CHATTERBOX – C(onservative), HATTER = party attendant (Alice in Wonderland), BOX = fight
6 UNATTRACTIVE – double definition, the second cryptic and referring to poles of a magnet
14 BUG-HUNTER – UGH = that’s nasty, in BUNTER = fat schoolboy
15 LONER – hidden in hoveL ON ERebus
16 LOLLARD – L(eft), (b)OLLARD = post
17 ASSAULT AND BATTERY – ASSAULT sounds like A SALT = a sailor, AND = with, BATTERY = one that’s charged
18 NAIVE – NA(t)IVE = local resident
19 EXPRESS – EX = divorcee, PRESS = crowd
21 OILMEN – cryptic definition
22 SNEAKERS – SNEAK = tell-tale, S(ymbols), around E.R. = the Queen
24 ROOFTOP – RO = O.R. = men, reversed, OFT = frequently, OP. = work
26 TURMERIC – TURM sounds like TERM = designation, ERIC = fellow
27 EMPIRE – EIRE = republic, around M.P. = politician
30 ELECTRICITY – ELECT = chosen, R.I. CITY = Providence (capital of Rhode Island)
33 DOUBLE-CROSS – DOUBLE = twin, CROSS = trial
35 SYMPATHISER – SPA = spring, around YM = MY = this writer’s, reversed, THIS, E.R. = monarch
37 AWEIGH – sounds like AWAY = not at home
38 LAYABOUT – LOUT = yob, around A, YAB = BAY = horse, reversed
39 LEFTISM – LE = the, French, F.T. = paper, IS, M(emorable)
42 INFRARED – IN F(iel)D, around RARE = uncommon
44 BEREFT – F(emale) in BERET = brimless cap
48 GARTH – (Ho)GARTH = English engraver
49 UPSET THE APPLE-CART – double definition. I am not familiar with the play
51 ORINOCO – O.R. = soldiers, IN, O(ld), C.O. = commander
52 ROUGE – ROGUE = scoundrel, with G and U, from GrUb, exchanging places
53 PYROMANIA – PI = Greek character, around Y = unknown and ROMAN = Italian, A
55 GREAT-NIECE – GREECE = Balkan state, around ANTI = IN T.A. = in army reserve, reversed
1 CABBAGE TREE – CABBAGE = steal (slang), TREE = famous actor
2 AEGIS – A(libis), E.G. = for example, IS
3 TRUCULENT – TRUC sounds like TRUCK = dealings, LENT = fast, around U(niversity)
4 ROTATES – SET = prescribed, TOR = peak, all reversed around A(rea)
5 OTRANTO – initial letters in Only Tycoons, RAN TO = had sufficient resources
7 NONETHELESS – NONE sounds like NUN = woman who’s taken vows, (SHE’S LET)*
8 TARGET – T.A. = part-time soldiers, GET = make it, around R(iver)
9 RALLYING – double definition
11 IMAGINE – I’M AGIN = this writer’s opposed (commonly), E = MDMA (ecstasy)
12 ENDLESSNESS – double definition, the second cryptic (and dependent on one’s own point of view)
20 PROSECUTE – PROSE = non-poetic writing, CUTE = quaintly pleasing
23 DIPLOMAT – DIPLOMA = certificate, T(ime)
25 PRINCE – PR = pair, IN = belonging to, C.E. = church
26 TRIPODAL – TRIAL = test, around POD = school (of dolphins for example)
28 INTESTINE – INTE(r.e.)ST = stake, IN, E = key
29 THRALL – TALL = unlikely, around H = Henry and R = king
31 TELEGRAPH POLE – TELEGRAPH = newspaper, POLE sounds like POLL = ballot
33 DRAWING-ROOM – DRAW = sketch, GROOM = newly-wed, around IN = fashionable
35 SCORE-SHEET – SCORE = twenty, SET = part of match, around HE
36 REMONSTRATE – DEMONSTRATE = show, with (directo)R replacing D(aughter)
40 FISHERMAN – IS = lives, HERM = Channel Island, surrounded by FAN = cooler
41 NEBULOUS – NEB = BEN = chap, reversed, U(niversity), SOUL*
43 FORTIES – FORT = keep, IS = one’s, around E = key
45 TRAPPER – PART = role, REP = agent, both reversed individually
46 EMPORIA – A.1. = fab, ROPE = guy, all reversed, around M(ass)
47 USURER – USUR(p)ER = architect of coup
50 ANNIE – A, E(uropean) INN = roadhouse, reversed

4 comments on “Jumbo 1138”

  1. Rather more DNKs in this one than usual: CABBAGE=steal, BUNTER (knew the name, didn’t know from where, or that he was fat), SULPHONATES (finally decided that looked better than ‘sulphanotes’), MDMA, HGV. Still, managed to finish.
  2. Completed it,the unknown UK slang getable from wordplay and checkers,please explain garth=courtyard.(ONG’ARA,NRB).
  3. Thanks,Simon,the free online dic has the same after adding ‘courtyard’ to ‘garth’.

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