Jumbo 1121 – November 30th

Mental note for new year resolution is to make more notes on these jumbos! Given that the weeks blend into each other it becomes fairly hard to remember the solving thoughts when revisiting two weeks later. I vaguely recall this taking a little longer than usual, perhaps from clue wording more than vocabulary as there were no unknown words in here. On rerunning today it seemed an above average grid with some nice twists and ideas.
1 FRANC – RAN=organised inside FC=football club
4 CLOBBER – COBBER = australian friend, with L=line inside, for clothes. I remember when I started doing xwds I would always focus on the wordplay in the same sense as the surface and spend ages looking for L inside the clothes word. It is always worth remembering to ignore all ordering and implied punctuation.
8 COMMITTEE – COMMIT=do, TEE=support
13 NO COMMENT – MME=madame, inside CON=conservative, all inside NOT=negative. The whole is “remark from politician?”
14 GASTRONOMICAL – G=good, ASTRONOMICAL=very substantial
15 ENTREAT – EN=space in newspaper (a priniting term), TREAT = deal with. Worth storing away the EM, EN printing spaces without knowing too much about them!
16 ORATORY – When LAB is written in full, ie extended, you add “ORATORY”
17 TENPINS – reverse of SNIP=bargain, NET=item for angler
18 PUBLISH AND BE DAMNED – reference to a Wellington phrase. Not sure how cryptic this is, unless I have missed something, seems to be a GK knowledge type clue???
21 MISS – TAKE removed from MIS(take)S = slips. MISS=fail to catch(more likely a film than a ball). Very nice cricket surface
23 INSIDIOUS – INVIDIOUS=base, S=soldier, for V=five
25 LANARK – LARK=play, around A, N=new
26 CORNEA – CORE=heart, receiving N=new, then A.
28 TUMBLER DRIER – TUMBLER=glass, DRI(v)ER = motorist, not very. Whole is “thing if wanting a spin”
30 ANTHROPOID – ANT=insect, HID=concealed, around (poor)*
33 PENMANSHIP – N=note, (his)* inside, PEN=prison, MAP=chart
34 HOUSE WARMING – HOMING=heading for base, around USE=deployment, WAR=battle
37 NICETY – ICE=distance (as in coldness of personality), T=time, inside NY=New York.
39 BODEGA – reverse AGED=old, OB=old boy
40 CIRCULATE – CIRCU(s)=”top show”(show in a big top!), curtailed. LATE=most recent
42 CAVE – CAVED IN=collapsed, less DIN=unpleasant noise. Whole is “warning”. Is it just me, or are these “subtraction” clues becoming more popular over time?
43 WHISPERING CAMPAIGN – cryptic-ish, tongue in cheek definition. you scarcely hear it as it is whispered, whereas in reality you hear a lot of it quantitively
46 TORPEDO – (amm)O, DEPOT=store, reversed, outside R=right
47 CHIANTI – CHI(t)=most of receipt, ANTI=not for
48 CHESTER – ST=street, inside CHEER=entertainment
50 A BIT ON THE SIDE – A BIT=some information (part of a byte), ON THE SIDE=about team. The whole (mistress) would likely endanger a marriage (union arrangement)
51 ISOMETRIC – I=one, SOME TRIC(k)=a remarkable knack (mostly)
52 KILOMETRE – K=king, I, MET=encountered, inside LORE=teachings. (kilometre has always been Km in my book, but I know many who would do eg a 10K run!)
53 LATENCY – LATE=departed, N(an)CY=French city, abandoning AN
54 TIMER – REMIT=transfer, backfiring

1 FINGERPRINT – FIN=hand (not sure on this, but they would be the same on say a mythical webbed-handed creature!!) GER=german, PRINT=reproduction of artwork.
2 ASCOT – the first two are scottish racecourses, so the natives would be SCOTs, and ASCOT a similar english location
3 COMMEDIA DELLARTE – (middle a latecomer)*
4 CHEETAH – CHE(w)=eat endlessly, then HATE=dislike, reversed.
5 OUTGOINGS – double def, the second part slightly tongue in cheek
6 BEGGAR BELIEF – mendicant friars practice begging
7 RESPONDENT – RESENT=grudge, around POND=water feature
9 MINSTREL – MINSTER=church, reverse last two letters, then L is the end of (recita)L
10 IMMUNE – I=one, (co)MMUNE = French area less CO=company
11 TACTICIAN – ACT=performance, by ICI=historic company, inside TAN=work with leather. Whole is “one planning”
12 ELLIS ISLAND – ELAND=antelope, around L,L=lakes, ISIS=river. The whole is no longer welcoming to immigrants, having ceased that role many years ago.
19 BUSHMAN – BUSMAN=driver, around H=hot
20 MARINES – MANES=shocks, around RI=rhode island
22 COLOUR SUPPLEMENT – LOUR=sullen view, SUPPLE=lithe, MEN=blokes, all in COT=bed
24 ONRUSH – ON=feasible, RUS(e)=ploy reduced, H=hospital.
27 SHOWER – double definition
29 RUINOUS – reverse engineered clue this. “OUR US” would be an answer to “RU in OUS”
31 ORIGAMI – AM I, after GIRO reversed
32 NON ALIGNMENT – (N,N,N a long time)*
33 PANIC ATTACK – PAN=criticise, TACK=course, around I CAT= one guy
35 GREEN GROCER – N=note, GRO(wth)=50% of growth, inside GREECE, R(esurgence).
36 BENEFICIAL – (in a belief)* around C=carbon
38 COVER GIRL – cryptic def, being on the cover means not between the sheets
40 COGNITION – COG=minor figure, NIT=fool, I=one, ON=working
41 RHEOSTAT – E=english, inside HOST=large group, all inside RAT=scoundrel
44 ANCHOVY – C=caught, HOV(e)=resort, mostly, inside ANY
45 REFORM – another reverse engineered one. to change MOM to MORE, you put “RE for M”
47 CREPE – CE=church, around REP=theatre
49 THRUM – THUM(p) = endless beat, about R=right

5 comments on “Jumbo 1121 – November 30th”

  1. Struggled briefly with 52ac until I remembered the usage you mention.. it would always be Km for me though. And unlike all of the rest of the world I even pronounce it correctly, to rhyme with centimetre and not with gasometer..

    Are we missing a jumbo blog? Can’t find 1120, 22 Nov anywhere..

    I also meant to say, don’t forget Marcos that you can do the blog any time and set it to appear on a certain date and time. This means you can do it straight after solving if you are somewhat more organised than I am..

    Edited at 2014-12-14 08:17 pm (UTC)

  2. I got RUINOUS but couldn’t understand it. Sorry, I still don’t! Please could you explain the explanation?
    1. Reverse engineered is one where the answer somehow suggests an instruction whose solution is part of the clue itself. I dont have the exact wording to hand, but in this case the instruction “RU in OUS” ie put the letters RU inside the letters OUS would give “OUR US”. That phrase would have been part of the clue.

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