Nothing particularly to note about this one. There are a couple of definitions that might be a bit loose, but not enough to prevent solving.
No solving time noted
Across | |
1 HAWFINCH – HALF INCH = appropriate (Cockney Rhyming slang – half inch = pinch), with W(ater) replacing L(arge) | |
5 MASSIF – MASS = service, IF = provided | |
9 RAT-TRAP – PART = role, TAR = sailor, all reversed | |
14 MAINTOPMAST – MAMA’S = mother’s, T(ime), around IN and TOP = POT = vessel, reversed | |
15 ANNIVERSARY – ADVERSARY = opponent with INN reversed replacing D(aughter) | |
16 ISTLE – ISLE = man, around (carpe)T | |
17 BAY TREE – BAY = sea inlet, TREE = one with branches | |
18 EGLANTINE – E.G. = for example, LANE = way, around TIN = money | |
19 EYEBALL – EYE = detective, BALL = dance | |
20 SLEEPING DRAUGHT – SLEEP = PEEL’S = PM’s, reversed, IN, G(ood), DRAUGHT = cool air current | |
22 INTONATION – INTO = knowledgeable about, NATION = people | |
23 VANISH – VAN-ISH = like a van = like a commercial vehicle? | |
25 PROW – P.O.W. = prisoner, around R = resistance | |
28 COPPER-BOTTOMED – COPPER = penny, BOTTOM = weaver, ED = journalist | |
30 EVERYMAN – EMAN = NAME = celebrity, reversed (from East), around VERY = genuine | |
32 RELIGION – REGION = area, around initial letters of L(iberal) I(ntellectual) | |
37 ANTI – initial letters of A(ll) N(ational) T(raining) I(nstitutions) | |
38 NOTING – NOT(h)ING = cipher | |
43 FEATHER ONES NEST – double definition, the second mildly cryptic as a chat is a type of bird | |
45 EARFLAP – E(uropean), A FLAP = a panic, around R(adio) | |
47 TALKING-TO – T(enor), ALTO = singer, around KING = royal | |
49 OREGANO – ORGAN = possibly stomach, around E(ast), O(ld) | |
51 NOISE – NO = number, I = one, SE(ed), where the removed ED = little boy | |
52 MATHEMATICS – MA, MA = graduates, around THE = article, TIS = it’s, around C(antor) | |
54 STERLET – ST(reet) = way, ET = film, around E(a)RL = peer | |
55 NESTLE – hidden reversed in cELTS ENjoy | |
Down | |
1 HEMLINE – HEM = hesitate, LINE = policy | |
2 WHISTLE-STOP – WHIST = game, LEST = for fear that, OP = surgery. Without checking the dictionary I am not sure whether “pause to speak”, which appears to be the definition, is fair | |
3 IN THE MAIN – double definition | |
4 CAPABILITY BROWN – CAPABILITY = potential, BROWN = tan | |
6 ATTORNEY – ATE = worried, (landlad)Y, around TORN = rent | |
7 SHAKESPEAREANA – SHAKE SPEAR = show hostility, E(nglish) – see 29D, ANA = stories | |
8 FINGERNAIL – cryptic definition | |
9 REVILED – DELIVER = free, reversed | |
10 TURIN – TURN = short walk, around I(talian) | |
11 READING-ROOM – REG = chap, ROOM = MOOR = fell, reversed, around A DIN = a row | |
13 LAZY – LAY = narrative poem, around Z = unknown | |
20 SMOOTH – hidden in keswickS MOOT Hall | |
21 APPARAT – APT = liable, around PARA = airborne soldier (not soldiers?) | |
22 INCURS – IN = fashionable, CURS = dogs | |
24 HAVE A BONE TO PICK – cryptic definition using different meanings of “setter” | |
26 HOLD ONES HORSES – double definition | |
27 ENOSIS – ENO = ONE reversed, S(mall), IS(land) | |
29 ENGLISH – ELI’S = priest’s, H(omily), around N(igglin)G | |
31 BILLET – BET = what racegoers may do, around ILL = unhealthy | |
33 LANDAULETTE – LAND = light, AU = gold, LETTE(r) = character | |
35 INTELLIGENT – IN = popular, TELL = archer, I = one, GENT = bloke | |
36 STENTORIAN – SIAN = Welshwoman, around TENT = red wine, and OR = alternative | |
41 OFT-TIMES – O(ld), F.T., TIMES = newspapers | |
42 CEREBRAL – CEREAL = cornflakes, around alternate letters in BaRd | |
44 REGNANT – (p)REGNANT = in the club | |
46 PLEURAL – sounds like PLURAL = more than one | |
48 IDEAL – I(rish), DAL = LAD = boy, reversed, around E(nglish) | |
50 ARCH – double definition |
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