Standard Jumbo fare – nothing that I think is contentious
Across | |
1 AT FULL BLAST – AT LAST = finally, around FULL = rich, B(achelor) | |
7 FICKLE – F(emale), (s)ICKLE = reaper | |
10 DRAB – DRAB = BARD = poet, reversed | |
14 PURITAN – RITA = girl to be educated, in PUN = wit, of a sort | |
15 LOBWORM – LO = see, BM = M.B = Doctor, reversed, around WOR = ROW = line, also reversed. Lobworms are big garden worms and excellent bait for most freshwater fish. | |
16 GLADDEN – GLADE = clearing, around D(emocrat), N | |
17 INTERIOR ANGLE – INTERIOR = domestic, ANGLE = invader (of England) | |
18 ROMAN NOSE – NO MAN ROSE = all us gents stayed in our seats, Spoonerised | |
19 TROOP – POOR = inadequate (analys)T, all reversed | |
21 COCONUT SHY – COCO(a) = bedtime drink, NUT = freak, SHY = retiring | |
23 GAUCHE – G(oals), ACHE = anguish, around U(nited) | |
29 NURTURE – NUR = RUN reversed, (R(o)UTE)* | |
30 CO-HOSTING – COSTING = estimate, around OK = surprised reaction | |
31 SPELL – double definition | |
32 MAJOR – MAJ = JAM = block, reversed, OR = gold | |
34 THIRD RAIL – TRAIL = lag, around HI = welcome and RD = way | |
37 TRUNDLE – TRUE = correct, around final letters in (chicke)N (an)D (vea)L | |
39 COLD-SHOULDERED – COLD SHOULDER = meat in salad, ED(itor) | |
41 DIPLOMAT – DI = I’D reversed, PLOT = plan, around M.A. = graduate | |
43 DRY RUN – double definition, the second cryptic with AA = Alcoholics Anonymous | |
45 RIGID – RIG = fake, ID = papers | |
48 PLAINTIVE – PLAIN TIE = obvious connection, around V = quintet (Roman numeral) | |
49 HORSESHOE BATS – HORSESHOE = good-luck token, BATS = touched (as in slightly mad) | |
51 NAIVELY – NAY = no, around LIVE* | |
52 DIURNAL – DIAL = LAID = put, reversed, around URN = tea dispenser | |
53 WHITHER – WHITER = paler, around H(orse) | |
54 OUST – (j)OUST = formal contest where J(udge) is removed | |
55 SPONGE – either the one in the bathroom, or the one that takes your money. My last one in when I could not justify anything else. | |
56 EXPERIENCED – double definition | |
Down | |
1 APPOINT – AINT = isn’t, around P(ressure and PO = OP = work, reversed (up) | |
2 FIRST FOOTER – FIRST = best, FOOTER = game (football). The tradition is that the first person to cross the threshold on Jan 1 each year should be dark, not fair. | |
3 LATER – ALTER = reform, with L(iberal) moved to the start of the word | |
4 BONE OF CONTENTION – cryptic definition, where boxers are dogs | |
5 ALLIANCE – (d)ALLIANCE = casual romance | |
6 TO BEGIN WITH – (WE BOTH)* including GIN and IT | |
7 FROZE – alternate letters in FaRmEr around OZ = Australia | |
9 LEGUME – LEG = GEL = posh girl, reversed, on UME = EMU = bird, reversed | |
11 RADIOACTIVE – RADIO = set, ACTIVE = working. The definition must be “in period of decay” | |
12 BENZENE – BEE = working party around N(orthern), ZEN = Buddhist type | |
13 GAINSAID – GAINS = gets, AID = handout | |
20 PURSUER – REP = traveller, reversed, around US R.U. = American sport, all reversed | |
22 TAMES – T(h)AMES = banker | |
25 DYNAMIC – MANY = a lot, in CID = police department, all reversed | |
27 GILBERT – (G(rand) LIBRET(ti))* | |
28 ACHILLES TENDON – ACHES = pains, around ILL = awfully an TEND = lean, followed by ON = leg | |
31 SQUALOR – S(un), (e)QUAL = peer, O.R. = men | |
33 JELLY BABIES – JELLY = explosive, BABIES = little ones | |
35 DREAR – D(uke), REAR = rise | |
36 AGENT ORANGE – AGENT = one with power to act, ORANGE = royal house | |
38 DEMOGRAPHIC – DEM)(b) = discharge, GRAPHIC = striking | |
40 SQUANDER – N2 = (N SQUARED)*. | |
42 SIDESLIP – SIDES’ LIP = backchat from players | |
43 DIP INTO – |
46 DESIRED – DEED = act, around R(esistance) IS reversed | |
47 TIDY UP – PUNDIT = guru with N(ote) replaced by Y(en), all reversed | |
49 HOUSE – HOE = work in garden, around US = American | |
50 EXILE EX = former, ILE = ELI = priest, reversed |
I thought squander would be “against the rules”, i.e. you shouldn’t have to think of a word (squander in this case) and then move its letters around; it should stay in the same order.
Or has that “rule” been abandoned?
I’m confused why you have “(t)” in your explanation. The T is not being added although the clue – cleverly? – suggests that the T is dropped. I think all of “Partake of, not finishing” is the synonym in this one?
Many thanks,
Adrian Cobb
I think your interpretation of DIP INTO is correct.
OK, the anagram is there – with no anagrind apart from the question mark – but how do you make “blue” from “squander”? If it had been “blew” I would have understood. Am I missing something? Can anyone enlighten me?
Even so the Compact OED (that’s the 8 volumes squeezed into 2) doesn’t have it in!
However purely out of interest I challenge anyone to cite a case of the actual use of BLUE in this sense.
Mind you, we’re not far away from the centenary of the death of Beerbohm Bleeding Tree, and some setters show no sign of letting that go, either.
I also slowed myself down by entering DIG INTO, which almost works.
Like anon I was very surprised by SQUANDER: I thought indirect anagrams were an absolute no-no in the Times. A change of editorial policy perhaps?
Edited at 2014-08-16 12:46 pm (UTC)
I did not make a note of the solving time – probably around 30-45 minutes for a regular puzzle – as I normally do the Jumbo in the paper and then submit online.