Steady average Jumbo, with a couple of clues (11D and 31D) that were a bit trickier to solve/parse.
Not timed as solved on paper.
Across | |
1 HONEYCOMB – HONE = polish, (part)Y, COMB = search | |
6 ON TOP OF – O(ld), N.T. = books, O(ld), POF = FOP = dandy, reversed | |
10 PLIED – P(age), LIE = make it up, D(uke) | |
13 SAWDUST – cryptic definition | |
14 SHEEN – (polis)H in SEEN = visible | |
15 TRIBESMAN – (BANTER IS)* around M(ale) | |
16 YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE – double definition with the second made up as YOUR = the readers’, GUESS = divine, IS = lives, AS GOOD AS MINE = nearly as well | |
17 PAID-UP – PUP = to produce litter, around AID = charity | |
18 ALSO RANS – ALSO = too, S(mall), around RAN = fled | |
19 IMPERIL – IMPERI(a)L = out-dated measures | |
23 UPRIGHT PIANO – UPRIGHT = just, PI = too good to be true, AN, O(ld) | |
27 OREAD – ORE AD(vertisement) = promoting source of metal | |
29 INGRATE – GRATE = sound harsh. I am not sure how IN = pop? | |
30 TOM JONES – JO(i)N = put together, in TOMES = volumes | |
32 SPRAY CAN – S(now), PRAY CAN = please may | |
34 BELL JAR – BAR = lawyers, around ELL = length of old, J(udge) | |
36 GRIND – (bump and) GRIND = erotic dance | |
39 THE FAIRER SEX – TERSE = brief, X = kiss around HE = man, FAIR = just | |
44 NOSEBAG – NOBAG = GABON = E African country around S,E = directions | |
46 HEPTAGON – HE = fellow, P.T. = training, AGO = in the past, N(ot) | |
48 ZAGREB – hidden reversed in septemBER GAZette | |
53 STOCKPORT – STOCK = keep, PORT = left | |
54 UP FOR – UP = completed, FOR = pro | |
55 AIR SHOW – AIR = broadcast, SH = no sound, please, OW = it’s painful | |
56 NOT ON – NOT(i)ON = idea | |
57 ENNOBLE – alternate letters in mEaNiNg Of BeLiEf | |
58 WELL-AIMED – WE = our side, L(eft), (I MEDAL)* | |
Down | |
1 HASTY – H(enry), (p)ASTY = pale | |
2 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS – NEW = novel, MUSICAL = show, EXPRESS = fast | |
3 YOUNG TURK – Y = unknown, (UK TOUR*) around N.G. = no good | |
4 OUTLET – OUT = public, LET = service | |
5 BESTSELLING – BE’S = education graduate’s, TELLING = narrating, around S(ucceeded) | |
6 OPEN SHOP – OPENS = starts, HOP = skip | |
7 TUNISIA – TUN = barrel, IS, IA = A1 = cracking, reversed | |
8 PATRON SAINT – (ISN’T ON A PAR T(imes))* | |
9 FRIEDRICH – FRIE(n)D = associate, RICH = ironic response | |
10 PRESS-UP – PRE SUP = before drinking, around S(econds) | |
11 IAMBI – BAMBI = young deer. If you take the shape of 3 away from B it becomes I, for the first B = born in the word. I hope that is clear enough | |
17 PABLO – PAO = OAP = senior citizen, reversed, around LB = pounds | |
20 READER I MARRIED HIM – cryptic definition, referring to the quotation from Jane Eyre. See the anonymous second comment below for further analysis – my apologies for not spotting this | |
21 MANIOC – MA(i)N = prime, IO = ten, C = its square (not its square root!) | |
24 PAELLA – hidden reversed in canAL LEAPt | |
25 PRONG – (politicia)N in PROG = TV show | |
26 CABBIE – CADDIE = one who would carry, with the old sterling pennies (Ds) replaced by the decimal Ps | |
28 DHAKA – (bud)DH(ism) AKA = also called | |
31 MARKKA – sounds like MARKER = brightly coloured drawer. Markka were the old Finnish currency before they joined the Euro. My last one in as the checking letters were not particularly helpful, but I like the clue | |
33 NORTHAMPTON – R(epublican) THAT, around M.P. = politician, all in NOON = twelve | |
35 JAM TOMORROW – JAM = stick, TO M(ark), OR = gold, ROW = line | |
37 DEMOB – DEMO = trial, B(ishop) | |
38 STONEMASON – ONE = I, MA, SON = family members, after ST(reet) = way | |
42 ARAUCARIA – A RAUC(ous) ARIA = a harsh thing for diva | |
43 TARTUFFE – TART = pro, (s)UFFE(r) | |
45 BRACKEN – BEN = part of highlands, around RACK = something that would stretch | |
47 PERTURB – BRUT REP = champagne salesman, reversed | |
49 ASSAIL – AS = taking role of, SAIL = pilot | |
51 TROUT – TOUT = solicitor, around (solicito)R | |
52 YAWED – YA = AY = still, reversed, WED = in union |
I couldn’t parse IAMBI so thanks for that. I knew that MARKKA or “marrka” was going to be the answer for 31dn and plumped for the correct one. 20dn was my LOI.