Jumbo 1088

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
24:19 on the Club Timer. I normally do the Jumbo on paper first and don’t time myself but when this one came out I was working in the US so did it online.

I have reservations about the clue for 26A as almost everyone commenting in the Club Forum seemed to agree that there was a word missing (write, perhaps?)

1 COHABIT – C(ostly), OH = well, A BIT = somewhat
5 CUP FINAL – cryptic definition
9 SINBAD – double definition, the second cryptically cluing SIN BAD
13 LOVE LIES BLEEDING – LOVELIES(t) = most beautiful, BLEEDING = of red appearance
14 PENNON – PENN = colonist, ON = forward
16 ACOUSTIC – A COUC(h) = bed, around TSI = IT’S reversed
17 BONG – BON = good (French = from abroad), G(ood). For foreign readers a nightly news programme, News at Ten, intersperses the news headlines with the chimes from Big Ben
20 OKLAHOMA – OK = fine, and also the abbreviation for Oklahoma
21 SITTING DUCK – SITTING = dinner arrangement, DUCK = avoid
24 THEOSOPHY – HE = chap, O.S. = huge, OP = work, all in THY = your
25 TAILSPIN – TAILS = possible call, PIN = secret number
26 JOLT – JOT = quickly? around L = line. I am not sure this clue is complete – seems to be missing a word
29 OVER THE HILL – double definition
31 NECK AND NECK – double definition
33 LEADING REIN – LEADING = best, REIN = sounds like reign = piece of kingship
36 ROCKEFELLER – ROCKER = chair, around E = drug, FELL = collapsed
38 DHOW – (capsize)D, HOW = in what way?
39 KOWTOWED – (TO, O(ld), W(ife), K(ing))*, WED = married
44 LIVINGSTONE – LIVINGSTON = Scottish town, E = energy
45 DRESSILY – DR = doctor, (m)ESSILY = untidily
48 CONSPIRED – CO-(i)NSPIRED = jointly had brainwave
49 ROCK – double definition
50 AFTER ALL – double definition
52 SLIGHT – S(mall), LIGHT = insignificant
54 SANITY = SAY = remark, around NIT = egg
55 EMBER DAY – EMBER = glower (something that glows), D(aughter), AY = always
56 OPPOSER, OP = work, POSER = problem. The opposer speaks second after the proposer in a formal debate
1 CELLAR – sounds like seller = E-bay user
2 HAVE ON – HAVEN = port, around O = nothing
3 BILL SIKES – BILLS = notices, IKE’S = President’s
4 THE BIG APPLE – double definition
5 CUBA – CUB = child, A
7 INDIGESTION – INGESTION = swallowing, around DI = girl
8 ABNEGATES – AB = muscle, NATES = buttocks, around E.G. = say
10 IDEOLOGY – ID = I’D = I had, E(u)OLOGY = funeral oration
11 BENVENUTO CELLINI – BEN = boy, VENU(s) = love personified, TO, CELL = small room, IN = home, I = one
12 DONETSK – DONE = ruined, TSK = sound disapproving
15 DOMINICA – DO = make, MINI = skirt, CA = about
19 BODYLINE – double definition, the second referring to the cricket controversy
22 STROLLED – ST(reet), ROLLED = skated
27 TAKE ROOT – double definition
28 EDGE – (h)EDGE = garden growth
30 TWIG – double definition
32 COCKEREL – OCKER = boorish Aussie, in CEL(l) = lock-up
34 GLOSSARY – GLORY = triumph, around SSA = ASS = one braying, reversed
35 NEW YEARS EVE – (WE YEARN)*, SEVE (Ballasteros) = sporting hero, sadly no longer with us
36 REDEDICATED – RATED = appreciated, around (DECIDE)*
37 EX POST FACTO – EX = partner earlier, POST FACT = add to forum, O = nothing
42 RELIEF MAP – RELIEF = aid, M.A. = scholar, P(ower)
43 SNAPSHOT – SNAPS = biscuits, HOT = straight from the oven
44 LOCUSTS – LOCUS = place, TS = ST(reet) reversed
46 CALAIS – C(rash), ALAS = unfortunately, around I = one
47 PLAYER, PAYER = one settling, around L = fifty
51 FRAY – FR(i’d)AY = last working day

5 comments on “Jumbo 1088”

  1. No time for this one as I did it over several sessions during the day. I had JOLT for 26ac but with a question mark, so I’m glad I wasn’t alone in not being satisfied with the clue.
    1. I didn’t do this and haven’t seen the clue but could it be based on “in a jot” meaning “quickly”?
  2. 48:41 for this, which makes it quite tough in my book. I did spend quite a lot of time agonising over JOLT, though. Even now I can’t work out what the clue is missing: ‘in shock, write quickly across line’ doesn’t really work, does it?
    I also spent a fair bit of time constructing BENVENUTO CELLINI – of whom I’ve never heard – from wordplay, but I like that kind of thing.
    I always think of the GENEVA CONVENTION in the plural, but I figured if there were several there must be one, and it seems that the last one incorporates the others.
  3. Donetsk is an interesting town.. it is not every day one comes across a Ukranian city founded by a Welshman and populated originally by people from Merthyr Tydfil…
    I have Cellini’s autobiography somewhere. He was an arrogant b*gger, but he did have quite a lot to be arrogant about
    I liked this crossword, which felt a bit easier than usual as I solved it in one session which I rarely bother to do
  4. Hello,SG,opted for GONG as DNK BONG,otherwise got the rest after an almighty 4 hour struggle.I am a Kenyan xword fan and admire the quick times posted here by experts.

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