24:19 on the Club Timer. I normally do the Jumbo on paper first and don’t time myself but when this one came out I was working in the US so did it online.
I have reservations about the clue for 26A as almost everyone commenting in the Club Forum seemed to agree that there was a word missing (write, perhaps?)
Across | |
1 COHABIT – C(ostly), OH = well, A BIT = somewhat | |
5 CUP FINAL – cryptic definition | |
9 SINBAD – double definition, the second cryptically cluing SIN BAD | |
13 LOVE LIES BLEEDING – LOVELIES(t) = most beautiful, BLEEDING = of red appearance | |
14 PENNON – PENN = colonist, ON = forward | |
16 ACOUSTIC – A COUC(h) = bed, around TSI = IT’S reversed | |
17 BONG – BON = good (French = from abroad), G(ood). For foreign readers a nightly news programme, News at Ten, intersperses the news headlines with the chimes from Big Ben | |
20 OKLAHOMA – OK = fine, and also the abbreviation for Oklahoma | |
21 SITTING DUCK – SITTING = dinner arrangement, DUCK = avoid | |
24 THEOSOPHY – HE = chap, O.S. = huge, OP = work, all in THY = your | |
25 TAILSPIN – TAILS = possible call, PIN = secret number | |
26 JOLT – JOT = quickly? around L = line. I am not sure this clue is complete – seems to be missing a word | |
29 OVER THE HILL – double definition | |
31 NECK AND NECK – double definition | |
33 LEADING REIN – LEADING = best, REIN = sounds like reign = piece of kingship | |
36 ROCKEFELLER – ROCKER = chair, around E = drug, FELL = collapsed | |
38 DHOW – (capsize)D, HOW = in what way? | |
39 KOWTOWED – (TO, O(ld), W(ife), K(ing))*, WED = married | |
44 LIVINGSTONE – LIVINGSTON = Scottish town, E = energy | |
45 DRESSILY – DR = doctor, (m)ESSILY = untidily | |
48 CONSPIRED – CO-(i)NSPIRED = jointly had brainwave | |
49 ROCK – double definition | |
50 AFTER ALL – double definition | |
52 SLIGHT – S(mall), LIGHT = insignificant | |
54 SANITY = SAY = remark, around NIT = egg | |
55 EMBER DAY – EMBER = glower (something that glows), D(aughter), AY = always | |
56 OPPOSER, OP = work, POSER = problem. The opposer speaks second after the proposer in a formal debate | |
Down | |
1 CELLAR – sounds like seller = E-bay user | |
2 HAVE ON – HAVEN = port, around O = nothing | |
3 BILL SIKES – BILLS = notices, IKE’S = President’s | |
4 THE BIG APPLE – double definition | |
5 CUBA – CUB = child, A | |
7 INDIGESTION – INGESTION = swallowing, around DI = girl | |
8 ABNEGATES – AB = muscle, NATES = buttocks, around E.G. = say | |
10 IDEOLOGY – ID = I’D = I had, E(u)OLOGY = funeral oration | |
11 BENVENUTO CELLINI – BEN = boy, VENU(s) = love personified, TO, CELL = small room, IN = home, I = one | |
12 DONETSK – DONE = ruined, TSK = sound disapproving | |
15 DOMINICA – DO = make, MINI = skirt, CA = about | |
19 BODYLINE – double definition, the second referring to the cricket controversy | |
22 STROLLED – ST(reet), ROLLED = skated | |
27 TAKE ROOT – double definition | |
28 EDGE – (h)EDGE = garden growth | |
30 TWIG – double definition | |
32 COCKEREL – OCKER = boorish Aussie, in CEL(l) = lock-up | |
34 GLOSSARY – GLORY = triumph, around SSA = ASS = one braying, reversed | |
35 NEW YEARS EVE – (WE YEARN)*, SEVE (Ballasteros) = sporting hero, sadly no longer with us | |
36 REDEDICATED – RATED = appreciated, around (DECIDE)* | |
37 EX POST FACTO – EX = partner earlier, POST FACT = add to forum, O = nothing | |
40 TRONDHEIM – (N(ew), HOME, DIRT)* | |
42 RELIEF MAP – RELIEF = aid, M.A. = scholar, P(ower) | |
43 SNAPSHOT – SNAPS = biscuits, HOT = straight from the oven | |
44 LOCUSTS – LOCUS = place, TS = ST(reet) reversed | |
46 CALAIS – C(rash), ALAS = unfortunately, around I = one | |
47 PLAYER, PAYER = one settling, around L = fifty | |
51 FRAY – FR(i’d)AY = last working day |
I also spent a fair bit of time constructing BENVENUTO CELLINI – of whom I’ve never heard – from wordplay, but I like that kind of thing.
I always think of the GENEVA CONVENTION in the plural, but I figured if there were several there must be one, and it seems that the last one incorporates the others.
I have Cellini’s autobiography somewhere. He was an arrogant b*gger, but he did have quite a lot to be arrogant about
I liked this crossword, which felt a bit easier than usual as I solved it in one session which I rarely bother to do