Nothing particularly noteworthy here, apart from more double definition type clues than usual.
I did not note my time for solving
Across | |
1 IN PASSING – double definition | |
6 HANDS-ON – double definition | |
10 BACON -BAN = embargo, around CO(mpany) = firm | |
13 GUINEAS – double definition | |
14 EGRET – hidden reversed in deTERGEnt | |
15 ABSORBENT – A.B. = sailor, SENT = asked to go, around ORB = world | |
16 THE TENANT OF WILDFELL HALL – THE TENANT OF WILD HALL = man renting chaotic meeting room, around FELL = collapsed | |
17 MANIOC – MANIAC = one not sensible, with the second A replaced by O = nothing | |
18 NITROGEN – (GET IRON)*, N(ew) | |
19 HURDLER – HURLER = one throwing, around D(esk) | |
22 LIP SERVICE – LIP = borderline, SERVICE = ace, perhaps | |
23 HOSPITAL PASS – double definition | |
27 CREAM – double definition | |
29 TREETOP – cryptic definition | |
30 TAPERING – (GREAT IN P(ower))* | |
32 PURPORTS – PURS(e) = bag, around PORT = wine | |
34 DIE AWAY – double definition | |
36 HADES – (s)HADES = sunglasses | |
39 RAISE THE ROOF – double definition | |
41 MALINGERER – MA = relative, LINGERER = one slow to die | |
44 BLESSED – LESS in BED = not resting so much | |
46 AUSTRIAN – ATRIA = halls, N(ame), around US = America | |
48 WAFFLE – double definition | |
53 ENGRAVING – double definition, the second cryptic suggesting that to place a body in a grave would be to engrave it | |
54 HEINE – H = aspiration, EINE = article in German | |
55 SASHIMI – (HAM IS IS)* | |
56 TESLA – AL(l) = everybody, SET = prepared, all reversed | |
57 DIE DOWN – DID OWN = used to have, around E(nergy) | |
58 ROAD SENSE – ROAD = sounds like rode = travelled, SENSE = hearing | |
Down | |
1 INGOT – GOT IN = entered, in the wrong order | |
2 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE – cryptic defnition | |
4 INSTAR – IN STAR = below sun’s surface | |
5 GREAT CIRCLE – GREAT = much appreciated, CIRCLE = group | |
6 HEREFORD – HERE FOR = emotional support, D(aughter) | |
7 NOTHING – NO THIN = reply to the question You’re not fat, are you?, G(ood) | |
8 STANDING PAT – STANDING = reputation, PAT = soft touch | |
9 NISSEN HUT – (IN THE S(outhern) SUN)* | |
10 BURGLAR – BURG = GRUB = food, reversed, LAR(d) = fat | |
11 CHELA – CH(urch), ELA = ALE = alcohol, reversed | |
12 NETTLE RASH – N(ew), (s)ETTLER = colonist, ASH = tree | |
17 MALIC – MALIC(e) = vindictive attitude | |
20 LEARNED PROFESSION – LEARNED = became aware of, PROFESSION = false claim | |
21 AVATAR – VAT = tax, A = article, in A (newspape)R | |
24 OSPREY – O = circle, SEY = YES = agreed, reversed, around PR = spin | |
25 LARCH – L(oat)H around ARC = bow | |
26 STUDIO – STUD = boss, IO = 1-0 = narrow success (win) | |
28 MAPLE – (Miss) MA(r)PLE = woman solver | |
31 PHYSIO – PHYSIC = old medicine, with the last letter changed | |
35 WEAR AND TEAR – double definition, the first cryptic | |
37 SERVE – SEVE (Ballasteros) = golfer, around (fai)R(way) | |
40 HAD IN MIND – (I HAND)*, MIND = object | |
42 GOALPOSTS – double definition | |
43 CREATION – CRE(m)ATION = burning | |
45 SULTANA – hidden in inSULT AN Arab | |
47 SATCHMO – S(n)ATCH = grab, MO = second | |
49 RUSSIA – sounds like RUSHER = one hastening | |
51 ANGUS – A, NUS = young persons’ organisation, arund G(rand) | |
52 SMITE – S(mall), MITE = child |
1069 and 1070 are there (see 11th January) but 1071 and 1072 appear to be missing..