Across |
1 EZRA POUND – EZRA = book, POUND? = cheap | |
6 TIPSTER – TIP = tail, STER(n) = rear | |
10 SEPAL – SEAL = closer, around the second letter of (s)P(eak) | |
13 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
14 SURPASS – SURP(rise) = unexpected result, AS = when, S(on) | |
15 PAISLEY – PA(r)SLEY = herb, around I = one | |
16 THE WRITING ON THE WALL – double definition | |
17 VAT – VAT(ican) = city | |
18 DEPLOY – D(eceptiv)E, PLOY = stratagem | |
20 MENTOR – MEN = people, TOR = eminence (in a geographical sense) | |
23 FORTINBRAS – FORT – sounds light fought = went into battle, IN BRAS = in women’s clothing | |
25 ARTICULATED – double definition | |
29 ASTER – (f)ASTER = quicker | |
30 LETHARGY – (GREATLY)* around H(orse) | |
31 CLASS WAR – double definition, the first cryptic | |
34 CARTHAGE – CART = carry, HAG = witch, (stak)E | |
36 PEDANTIC – PIC = film, around DANTE = poet, with his last letter moved to the beginning | |
37 PHASE – sounds like FAYS = fairies | |
41 DOUBLE BIND – double definition, the second cryptic | |
43 GILT-EDGED – GILT = pig, EDGED = made slow progress | |
45 HEATHY – HEA(l)THY = blooming | |
47 DISTIL – LID = cover, around ITS, all reversed | |
49 TEE – TEE(s) = river | |
50 ALL FINGERS AND THUMBS – double definition, the second cryptic | |
52 STAMINA – ANIMAT(e)S = enlivens, reversed | |
54 GRUFFLY – G(rab), RUF = FUR = coat, reversed, FLY = hurry away | |
55 ALEPH – ALE = drink, P.H. = public house = pub | |
56 HANDS-ON – HANDSO(me) = attractive, N(ame) | |
57 DESPERATE – (fe)E, SPER = REPS = agents reversed all in DATE = meeting | |
Down |
1 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
2 ROUGE – ROUG(h) = boisterous, E(nergy) | |
3 PATERNOSTER – POSTER = bill, around A TERN = a bird | |
4 UPDATE – U(niversity), DATE = appointment, around P(age) | |
5 DISINTEGRATE – DISINTE(r) = expose, GRATE sounds like GREAT = major | |
6 TURNOUT – double definition, the first leading to TURN OUT | |
8 TESSELLATE – TES(t)ATE = willing, around SELL = shift merchandise | |
9 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
10 SCILLY ISLES – S.C. = that is, ILL = bad, YES = indeed, around IS = one’s, and L(eave) | |
11 POLE VAULT – POLE = perch, VAULT = series of arches | |
12 LAYETTE – double definition, the first cryptically suggesting the addition of “ETTE” to the end of an noun makes a little version | |
19 PLOTTER – P(awn), LOTTER(y) = chancy enterprise | |
22 ANALOGUE – ANA. = stories, LOGE = box, around U = for all to see (cinema rating) | |
26 COLD CALL – double definition, the second mildly cryptic | |
27 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
28 PARCEL – double definition, the second a cryptic reference to the phrase “part and parcel” | |
32 WHATNOT – NOW* T, arund HAT = bowler | |
33 STOUT-HEARTED – the heart of godFATher could be defined as STOUT | |
35 HORSERADISH – R.A. = artist, in HORSE DISH = mislabelled meat creation. Almost topical | |
37 PUBLIC HOUSE – PUBLIC = people, H(orrible), O USE = no use = totally unhelpful | |
38 HARD-BITTEN – double definition | |
42 OLD STYLE – LOTS* around D(aughter), YLE = ELY = See, reversed | |
43 GO TO SEA – GOT = understood, (h)OSEA = prophet | |
44 GOLIATH – HOG = pig, around TAIL = curly bit, all reversed | |
46 ARRAIGN – ARRAN = Scottish island, around G.I. = soldier, reversed/td> | |
48 ADAGES – AD = notice, (c)AGES = prisons | |
51 MAFIA – AIM = plan, around F.A. = footballers, all reversed |
6 comments on “Jumbo 1048”
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I am always happy to assist with the missing entries upon request, although the practice among my fellow bloggers seems to be inconsistent now and as I start by drafting explanations for all the answers and then removing some for posting I may just as well post them all – it would be less work.
As another suggestion, if you are desperate for answers to clues you could use The Times website or newspaper – the full solution is published today, although there is obviously a cost to this.