However, having said that, I made a rather silly mistake with 1D which I thought I had solved as my first one in and went on to work through the rest of the crossword steadily. I also have an unknown reference in 55A – any help gratefully received.
Across | |
1 COURTS MARTIAL – COURT = risk incuring, S.M = sergeant-major, (A TRIAL) | |
8 SASSENACH – SAS = special troops, (SHE CAN)* | |
13 RELIT – TILER = skilled worker, reversed | |
14 SELF-DESPAIR – S(mall), ELF = sprite, DESPAIR = Bunyan’s Giant | |
15 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
16 INTRIGUER – double definition | |
17 GOON – GO ON = I don’t believe it | |
18 SWANLIKE – SAN = hospital, around W(ife), LIKE = so to speak. A Trumpeter is a type of swan | |
20 EXHORT – EX = divorcee, RT = right, around HO(use) | |
21 THIRD-DEGREE BURNS – THIRD DEGREE = interrogation, BURNS = poet | |
24 SWEETSHOP – SWEET = tender, SHOP = grass (upon) | |
26 AERATOR – A, ERATO = Muse, R(oused) | |
27 GAFFE – sounds like GAFF = what informers blow | |
29 PARTISANSHIP – P(arty), ARTISANS = craftsmen, HIP = with it | |
31 GRUB STREET – cryptic definition | |
35 CAMP FOLLOWER – CAMP = affected, FLOWER = river, around O(i)L | |
38 ISTLE – ISLE = Man, around (defec)T | |
39 INTERNE – INTERNE(t) = source of information (and misinformation) | |
40 HYDROLYSE – HYDRO = hotel, S(econd) in ELY* | |
42 SNAKES AND LADDERS – SNAKES = anacondas (like 47), AND = with, LADDERS = runs | |
44 BELTED – double definition | |
47 ANACONDA – sounds like ANNA = girl, CONNED = skinned, A | |
49 IBIS – I’S = one’s, around B(lack) I(sle) | |
50 OVERTHROW – OVERT = open, ROW = dispute, around H(usband) | |
52 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
53 EXTERIORISE – EX = former, T(h)E, RIO = port, RISE = hill | |
54 INANE – NAN = old woman, in I.E. = that’s | |
55 GENTLEMEN – I am not sure of the Runners part of the clue. Possible a reference to what the starter of a race says? Anyway, this appears to be a double definition | |
56 STERNFOREMOST – STERN = serious, FOR, MOST = the majority, around E = drug | |
Down | |
1 CURLINESS – CURS = dogs, around LINES = cables. Not VINES as I put in my entry. Another solver and I both seemed to make this error, judging by the Crossword Club Forum | |
2 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
3 TUTTI-FRUTTI – TUTTI = all (musical direction), TURF IT)* | |
4 MASQUE – M(uch), AS = like, QUE = that (French, spoken in Versailles) | |
5 RULERSHIP – RULER = straight line, R(iver), SHIP = vessel | |
7 LAST ORDERS – LAST = endure, ORDERS = what clergy take | |
8 SCAN – S(ociety) CAN = is able to | |
9 STRAWBERRY BLONDE – cryptic definition. And in my opinion not a great one. | |
10 EDWIN – ED = journalist, W(ith), IN = fashionable | |
11 ATELIER – A TIER = a row, around EL = the (Spanish) | |
12 HELTER-SKELTER – (s)HELTER = retreat, KESTREL* | |
19 AGITPROP – A GIT = a nasty chap, PROP = support | |
22 BIGOT – BIG = large, O.T. = Old Testament = volume of religious writing | |
23 THE AMERICAN DREAM – cryptic definition – muych better. Gary and Orlando are US cities. | |
25 EARNEST – EAR = attention, NEST = machine-gun emplacement | |
28 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
29 PROFIT-SHARING – PRO = expert, FITS = adapts, HARING = moving fast | |
30 SOLITUDE – SOLID = firm, around T.U. = Trade Union = workers, E = drug | |
32 KALEIDOSCOPE – (PIECES LOOK, A(ttenuate)D)* | |
34 IRENE – I = single, RENE = Parisian man | |
36 LOOSESTRIFE – LOOSEST = most unconfined, RIFE = abundant | |
37 FRIARBIRDS – FRIAR = mendicant, BIDS= offers, around R(ook) | |
40 HARROVIAN – ARR(ives) in HO(use), VIAN = NAIV(e) reversed | |
41 ENDOWMENT – EN = in (French), DOW = Jones’s partner, MET = encounterd, around N(orth) | |
43 ALAMEIN – A(ce) LAME = disabled, IN | |
45 TORNADO – TO DO = fuss, around R.N. = Royal Navy = sailors A | |
46 HERETO – sounds like HEAR TWO = judge couple | |
48 ORIEL – O(ld), R(epton), I.E. = that’s, L(eft) | |
51 ETON – E(uropean), TON = fashion |
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