Google custom search

I’ve tried using another of those free gizmos the chaps at Google keep tempting people with. (A Google calendar is in use behind the scenes here to try to make sure we keep track of who’s supposed to be posting about what.)

The custom search page I’ve set up lets you search the content of the two cryptic crossword solving blogs (including the old single-handed version of this one). See what you think – the only limitation I can think of is that if you want to find the puzzle that had the answer PLUMBAGO, the notation like
“PLUM(BAG=gab<=),O” prevents you from getting a hit. The content searched does include comments, which seems to mean you get a better service than from Google’s Blog Search page.

2 comments on “Google custom search”

  1. A very useful facility for those of us with declining powers of memory – thanks for setting it up.

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