Club Monthly 20148 January 2014 – spot the error

Solving Time: 44 minutes and I was very pleased with that; it is quick for me, and by some quirk of chance I actually knew most of the answers, such as 2dn which has been used here before.. smugly, I press submit, but zut alors, what is this? One wrong!?! Ah, bah! It cannot be, not again.. but it is. Everyone else’s submissions seem to be correct, so it must be something stupid; perhaps as I do the blog, it will come to light… [it did, see 14 dn]

cd = cryptic definition, dd = double definition, rev = reversed, homophones are written in “quotes,” anagrams as *(—)

ODO = Oxford Dictionaries Online, OED = Oxford English Dictionary, etc.


1 dazzle painting – *(LEND GIANT PIZZA). OED: “The painting of large patches of colour on warships, etc., as camouflage in time of war”
9 avizefull – A, + U FEZ rev. in VI + LL, so A VI ZEF U LL
10 rehab – RE HAB(IT)
11 gugas – U(TTERIN)G rev., + GAS
12 in extenso – I + NEXT + *(NOSE)
13 alidades – I + DAD (= pop) in porters = ALES
15 Qatari – eQuAl To A gRaIn. Where my daughter & family live; a glorified sand dune sticking out into the Gulf
17 Hecate – HE CAT + (comper)E
19 jordeloo – command = ORDE(R) + LO(G) in JO(B), all truncated.. clever clue
22 shibuichi – SH + I + (LA)B, + C + H in U + II
23 trawl – RAW (ie red raw, or inexperienced) in T(RAVE)L
24 en ami – rev. in trIM AN Evergreen. As bud = as a friend
25 larkiness – *(RISKS + ELAN)
26 cadmean victory – CAD + MEAN + VIC(E) + TORY. Similar to a Pyrrhic victory, but easier to spell


1 drang nach osten – D + RANG + CAN (john = loo) rev., + HOST + EN, french for “in.” Lit. “push to the East,” something Germans have been prone to on numerous occasions. (“You started it, you invaded Poland..”)
2 Zwingli – Z + WIN + GLI(B). Sadly I knew this, only because it has come up here before. Good old Huldrych Zwingli, eh? You can’t help wondering who cared enough to write that great long Wiki article..
3 loess – O in LESS.
4 prusiked – PRU + SKIED with the K and I reversed. An unlikely word (mountain climbing is littered with them) which means the opposite of abseiling..
5 inlier – IN + LIE + R
6 tarot card – ACTOR in DRAT, all rev., so TA (ROTCA) RD
7 nihonga – AGIN rev., containing NOH
8 abdominoplasty – AB + DOMINO + P(leased) + LAST + Y(ear)
14 anthurium – A N(I)UM containing THUR.. and here, <sigh> is my error, because I now see I put anthunium. Simple typo..
16 pozidriv – *(PRIZ(E) + VOID). I cordially dislike all twee deliberate misspellings of that kind. (beanz meanz…) Give me a Phillips or a Frearson, every time..
18 chicana – CHIC + ANA
20 llanero – *(NO REAL (MEA)L). The llano comes up even in ordinary cryptics from time to time
21 scilla – SC(ilicet) + ILL + (vitamin) A
23 triac – T, + C(irc)A + IR, both rev. A triac is not in Chambers but it is in (eg) Collins online

Author: JerryW

I love The Times crosswords..

4 comments on “Club Monthly 20148 January 2014 – spot the error”

  1. Though I usually struggle with the Club Monthly and need copious use of Chambers, I was pleased to find that OMD’s 1983 album “Dazzle Ships” helped me get 1A without any recourse to aids. Any other OMD fans out there? Hello?

    Thanks for the blog, Jerry.

  2. thanks for the parsing Jerry. In 7 down- is the local’s referring to agin being colloquial?
    1. Yes, I think it is just indicating it as a dialect word, ie: agin = “local’s opposed to”

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