… who realised the other day that he was getting ready for his 25th appearance at the Times Crossword Championship. I put together some text and photos about memories on a Facebook page. You should not need Facebook membership to read it at https://www.facebook.com/peter.biddlecombe.1/posts/10156876890166473
Best of luck to those competing today – may see you at the George later.
I am still in the early stages of my crossword journey but improving quickly. I once asked you how to improve and your answer was “Do lots of puzzles”. Good advice.
I will be at The George later. Will we get a new winner this year I wonder?
Naturally, I am rooting for our bloggers. Verlaine and Mohn2 probably have the best chance to score an upset.
I was well chuffed with coming 61/84 on my first time out. It was great to meet several of you for the first time and I shall be a regular at meet ups in London from now on.