Here’s my reasoning
1 OBLITERATED The word LITERATE for learned puts on an overcoat of the even letters of rObBeD as instructed. Dons is a
verb here.
7 JUG Adding to your collection of slang words for choky, or in this case cooler, to my surprise not derived from the milk
container of the clue but allegedly from the Scots word jougs, metalwork designed to pin you to the wall
9 TAP DANCER an entertainer who needs the solid floor and who also happens to be an anagram of “and carpet”
10 NICHE Do as you’re told: set back IN, then add your CH(urch( and E(astern) for your hole-in-the-wall which will hold a saint’s
effigy or nothing depending on whether you approve of such things.
11 DUSTPAN a nice clear anagram of STAND UP. I’m afraid we had to let our downstairs housemaid go last week. Staff are so
hard to get these days.
12 BREAK IN “Domesticate” (cats, dogs, horses, housemaids) formed by KIN for family following short BREA(d) for “money”
13 UPEND A substitution clue. Start with SPEND (pay) change the S to a U(nion) to deliver “make stand”
15 EGLANTINE, apparently a wild rose of sort; “like” gives EG, then our paradigm Stakhanovite six footer, the humble ANT,
enclosed in a LINE (“rank”).
17 LIGHTNESS “Delicacy” defines. LIGHT for “set fire to”, NESS derived from nests (“homes”) without the comforting T.
19 SWELL The biographer is BOSWELL an authentic Laird who wrote down everything he knew about Samuel Johnson. Remove
the B(ook) and O (nothing) and your are left with our answer, which means first class in an American sort of accent
20 FLEAPIT Ancient cinemas were affectionately know as fleapits. Just a CD, but a smooth one
22 DURABLE Hardy, not this time Thomas. Here comes your AB(le seaman) again contained in a confection of RULED
24 RETRO, contained within aRE TROusers
25 PETIT FOUR one of those deeply unsatisfying mini cakes given a French name so that they can be served by the parlourmaid
without embarrassment. OF TIT (small bird) reversed into a new version of PURE.
27 TOR Just when you’re trying to work out synonyms for fell the verb, it turns out to be a rocky outcrop from (say) Dartmoor
and it’s the definition. TOR(n) completes the wordplay.
28 NORTHAMPTON “county town”. Frederick North is “the Prime Minister who lost America”, a member gives you A MP, “Not”
turning round unsurprisingly gives TON.
1 OFT A poetic “oft” from often derives from (s)OFT = gentle with its initial Saint awol.
2 LAPPS, who wander around the upper fringes of the northern continents, sounding like lapse and doing a lot of huntin’
shootin’ and fishin’
3 TRAMPED I tried to get hitched in here for no good reason, just something a hiker might do. DEPART for “go” reverses
around M(otorway)
4 RECONVENE My first in, a letter mix of “once, never” for “get together again”
5 THROB Definition pound, THRO a poetic version (and other versions too) of through, “from start to finish”
6 DUNGEON Dung for “waste” plus EON for a long time.
7 JACKKNIFE defined as “fold” with flag providing the (Union) JACK and KNIFE given by “badly cut”.
8 GREEN WELLIE giving its name to the huntin’ etc kind because they tend to wear them. (Graham) GREENE, Brighton Rock
novelist, surrounds WELL for “bore” plus 1
11 DOUBLE FIRST A top performing student’s achievement, FIRS (“pines”) observed withing the Elizabethan DOUBLET.
Somewhere around a 4.5 in US speak, I believe: my daughter in law achieved that level.
14 EGG BEATER Something a chef might indeed use on a frequent basis, whimsically applied to a helicopter or “chopper”
16 LAST DITCH, where the final stand takes place if you’re not inclined simply to run away. LAST = “carry on” and abandon =
18 TOP DOWN The “nanny knows best” theory of government. OP (work) plus (complete)D finally, both placed inside TOWN for a
generic, thankfully not specific, borough.
19 STRATUM TRAT is TART or “cutting” up, SUM the problem blocked, as in filled in, for some level of society.
21 TOPER I think this is REPO(r)T, the sound of a shot, reversed, to mean someone who drinks a lot. only one R(esistance)
23 BOOST Welington as in BOOT surounds S(oldier’s) first for advance (the cause of, etc)
26 RAN What someone who was a candidate did. (fo)R (diplom)A (beate)N
By the way, thanks to Olivia’s direction I found the qualifying puzzle today and did it this morning. Is it original? I certainly remember a puzzle with 14ac in the same place and clued (as far as I recall) the same, and there were other clues which gave me a feeling of deja vu.
Edited at 2014-06-12 06:35 am (UTC)
Edited at 2014-06-12 08:12 am (UTC)
A typo at 19, where the good doctor needs an aitch.
Edited at 2014-06-12 03:45 am (UTC)
Edited at 2014-06-12 06:18 am (UTC)
Finished all correct in under an hour, but needed the blog to fully understand OBLITERATED, SWELL, TOPER (where I had TOP as the ‘shot back’ and was looking for a four letter word for resistance…). Thanks for clear explanations, Z. Felt it was a puzzle that took a little while to get into, but progressed steadily thereafter.
Helped that we had FLEAPIT a couple of days ago. I too toyed with the Narnian momble…
Me, I’ll be cheering England on in the cricket. Well, to be fair, I’ll be cheering on England’s new opener Sam Robson, the son of one of my closest friends.
Just an annoying colleague? I had to take a conference call and read and respond to half a dozen emails during my 44 minutes…
But I don’t accuse England of poaching. Ultimately they handled Sam’s development and future planning better than Australia did, and he’s a more than willing recruit.
Last Tuesday I told you that old cinemas were fleapits so no excuses for not getting that one! Overall about average level of difficulty I guess with GREEN WELLIE causing some headscratching for a while. 25 minutes to solve.
Edited at 2014-06-12 08:54 am (UTC)
All these people saying how easy the crossword was. I thought it was rather tricky. But not helped by trying to combine it with listening to the test match; and also writing in CAN as the answer to 7ac, quite early on, thus getting stuck until I sorted it out.
the text does this.
This doesn’t happen with the HTML template I got from Andy, presumably because of the way the tables are set up (HTML is a bit of a mystery to me).
the text does this!
Not quite as irritating as yesterday’s, though, which (almost) seemed to be Monday morning-ish write-ins all the way.